Dah sebulan lebih baru nak tulis Reception sendiri.
owh sorry saya bukan honeymoon mood
too many things to settle.
kerja like non-stop and mr hubby *OMG hubby dah sekarang weiiiii* pun busy gile
ada one time he came back at 11pm !!! yes .. 11pm ..
dia selalunye keluar rumah at 6.30am :( of coz la saya cuma say bye bye dari atas katil kannnnn :D :D :D *x senonohnye bini*
Anyway .. lets start with my reception now .. before merewang ke lain and x cakap pasal reception lagi
DATE: 14 May 2011
Venue : SACC Convec Shah Alam
Time : 8pm
Theme : Classical Modern COntemporary *kottt*
Dress Code: Formal, Traditional, Songket
Dress: By Lynda Rahim Kuala Lumpur
Songket : Custom made from Haji Idris Songket Kelantan
Photo's: G.I Photoshoot
Doorgift : Fatimah Satar (my mum) + Che Rohim (my dad)
Accessories : Fatimah Satar
Video : G.I Photoshoot
Make up : E'Sham
Bridesmaid : Julia
Bestman: Shah
Dayang2 : Alia+Aiman, Aina+Kidei, Nicol+Kam, Fadh+Fikri, Farah+Butt, Farah Z+Pesot, Yusz+Irwan, Zatil+ Azzeri, Azie+Sarip, Ain+Syamir

So kiteorg rehearsal around 12pm mcm tu. then terus semua balik tinggal me and mr hubby je kat hall.
i halau my mum balik coz i xnak serabut. so i leh buat kerja semua setel. and i did the MMU,SMSU, ABAH FREN's nye tagged
Owhs before the rehearsal kiteorg pergi amik backdrop for photo booth ;)
Then start rehearsal. i was so pissed ngan the PA System. kiteorg amik PA system lain sebab nak lagi best. but the the PA mcm x datang on time and boleh instead of SACC they go to KLCC .. tskkkkk
So bila the PA system dah sampai. terus pasang lagu. then try rehearsal naik pentas and all. but we all lupe nak rehearsal pergi ke hi-table.
after dah rehearsal. i halau semua orang balik. so tinggal la kami berdua. around 3pm me and comet pergi lunch. then i lepak kat dalam hall balik till 545pm.
E'sham cakap nak datang make up around 6-630pm. naik atas baru ingat nak tido macam 10mins i call e'sham ask him where about semua. he say dah nak sampai. terus mengelabah mandi and tunggu die datang
owhs.time nie comet dah pergi amik parent die and family die kat MSN bawak datang. *gila tak semua benda kiteorg buat sendiri* -____________-
then dah siap2 mandi.. e'sham sampai. my photographer dah kat bawah dah. so i just told them i dah nak start make up
time e'sham make up tu. siap boleh tertido. sedar2 e'sham cakap "ok wanie pandang atas" i macam "huhs???o_O " then cam "owhs.i tertido!!" e'sham gelak cakap "letih sangat u nie"
then around 730-745 i dah siap make up. nak pakai baju. tetiba mengelabah sebab tak reti pakai corset. sebab kak lynda buat corset tu ikat. hahahahh .. sib baik around 750 mcm tu kak lynda sampai and pakaikan corset tu. kalau tak. nangis wooo
so time i pakai baju. comet tgh kene make up ngan e'sham. hahahahaha. die cam "erkkkk -___- asal kene make up jugak?"
sampai balik start pakai lipstick. eyeshadow and tudung. e'sham memang terrer pakaikan tudung. kejap je die pusing2 je. hahaha. dah setel :D :D
Kak Lynda lepak dalam bilik with us .. kul 830 die turun. then around 850 i turun. so start
Masuk je.. i was a nerve rack! dah la mengantuk. then letih. tapi abang idzwan (G.I Photoshoot) dah cakap "wanie.. abang tau wanie letih.. abang tau wanie dah x larat .. tapi macam mana tak larat pun.. SENYUM"
i cam "hahs? okok "
then time nak masuk dalam hall die cakap "aku nak korang pandang depan and tetamu jer. jangan tengok projector .. korang tengok projector siap korang " pastu die lari gelak2 ..
coz dia cakap nak gambar lawa.. and then bila dia amik picture die sedar i tak senyum .. he will come next to me and say "wanie .. senyum "
sebab kekadang kita tak sedar kan. rasa dah senyum abis. padahal muka masam sebab penat nak mampos!!
then ada mcm some glitch waktu entrance. die lari pergi kat MC. hahahah .. i tell u abang idzwan and G.I Photoshoot team is the best la!! seriously.
time akad nikah pun team derang marveles. datang awal coz my akad nikah is after sembahyang jumaat.they came to snap apa yang patot and adjust mana patut :D
best part abang wan cakap "Wanie tau x. abang wan kene sound .. "
i was like "kene sound ape abang wan? "
he say "ada makcik belakang nie sound cakap asal la cameraman nie duk depan aku. dah la besar. aku nak amik gambar pun xle"
i laugh like hell .. seriously .. that just make my day .. letih2 bile die cakap mcm tu. mmg rasa lawak ..
die cakap lagi "abang wan sabar je k.. dalam hati fine fine. aku buat nie utk client. bukan utk aku .. ikut hati nak emo dah"
hahahahahhahah .. comel gile .. haihs haihs
so ok .. back to my reception :p
merenjis only 2 partner. my mum and dad and comet mum n dad jer
then we go for dinner ..
around 9.45pm my dad kene bagi speech and sang :p
after that around 10pm dah cake cutting .. then comet kene nyanyi (impromptu)
then head to the door. by 10.30pm dah habis
sekejap kan?
Anyway.. enjoy the picture la :D :D

With SMSU Friends

My Usherer and Usherette

Comet singing

My dad singing

Our BAckdrop

The earrings

The bracelet

The gelang kaki (^_^)