Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
went shopping with afie at mid valey ..
bangun kul 930 .. pegi breakfast then straight to MV .. awal2 masuk MNG .. then afie x berkenan ape2 .. so we all pegi ZARA .. and she spent RM 300 !!! for 3 T's .. after ZARA pegi kat kedai atas which macam kedai baju biasa .. and die beli 3 baju lagi ..
then aku pulak masuk MNG .. coz afie insist i bought sumtin for myself .. so gwe abis RM 400 for 3 baju .. haishhh ..
cari2 kasut utk afie pulak .. xde gax .. so end up balik and straight to anith n yana open house ..
thats my raya :p
bangun kul 930 .. pegi breakfast then straight to MV .. awal2 masuk MNG .. then afie x berkenan ape2 .. so we all pegi ZARA .. and she spent RM 300 !!! for 3 T's .. after ZARA pegi kat kedai atas which macam kedai baju biasa .. and die beli 3 baju lagi ..
then aku pulak masuk MNG .. coz afie insist i bought sumtin for myself .. so gwe abis RM 400 for 3 baju .. haishhh ..
cari2 kasut utk afie pulak .. xde gax .. so end up balik and straight to anith n yana open house ..
thats my raya :p
Saturday, October 20, 2007
wedding of ahmad zuraidi b abd rahman
its abang eddy wedding .. comet big brother .. held at rawang ..
bertolak dari subang pukul 8.30pagi .. bangun kul 7.45 am .. cari baju utk pakai and siap2 .. jumpe comet kat shell .. terus gerak pegi rawang .. pegi bandar rawang n jumpe parent n his family then straight to masjid nurul iman for akad nikah .. the akad nikah start at 10.30 am .. but kiteorg sampai masjid kul 9.30 .. coz ingat jauh sangat .. hahahah .. so end up melepak and take picca ..
then abang eddy sampai .. x lame lepas tuhs kak nurul pun sampai .. and the akad nikah start .. i can say .. when come to kawin .. lelaki rasa beban .. time nak akad nikah tuhs .. macam mane bersedia pun akan mengelabah and rase beban .. heheheh .. the same goes to abang eddy :)
after akad nikah . kiteorg semua pegi ke dewan tat the persandingan will be held .. lepak jap .. amik2 gambar .. parent comet nak balik hotel dulu untuk siap2 .. coz after the ceremony derang terus rush balik terengganu as there some kids had exam .. so kiteorg balik jap .. but me n comet pegi mcd .. lepak minum n makan lite ..
then around 1pm .. mak comet call .. cakap jumpe kat dewan ..so we all terus gerak and tunggu for pegantin .. abang eddy n wife sampai around 1.20pm .. and kiteorg berarak masuk .. so ade la sesi merenjis n potong kek ..
makan beradat pun ada .. siap ada udang galah lagi .. hehe ..
its a fun thing .. ape lagi when bleh click ngan adik2 comet .. as aku tak reti nak bercakap .. so we all banyakkan gelak .. kire paham2 sendiri .. hehehehe ..
balik dalam kul 3 pm .. and exhausted !!

bertolak dari subang pukul 8.30pagi .. bangun kul 7.45 am .. cari baju utk pakai and siap2 .. jumpe comet kat shell .. terus gerak pegi rawang .. pegi bandar rawang n jumpe parent n his family then straight to masjid nurul iman for akad nikah .. the akad nikah start at 10.30 am .. but kiteorg sampai masjid kul 9.30 .. coz ingat jauh sangat .. hahahah .. so end up melepak and take picca ..
then abang eddy sampai .. x lame lepas tuhs kak nurul pun sampai .. and the akad nikah start .. i can say .. when come to kawin .. lelaki rasa beban .. time nak akad nikah tuhs .. macam mane bersedia pun akan mengelabah and rase beban .. heheheh .. the same goes to abang eddy :)
after akad nikah . kiteorg semua pegi ke dewan tat the persandingan will be held .. lepak jap .. amik2 gambar .. parent comet nak balik hotel dulu untuk siap2 .. coz after the ceremony derang terus rush balik terengganu as there some kids had exam .. so kiteorg balik jap .. but me n comet pegi mcd .. lepak minum n makan lite ..
then around 1pm .. mak comet call .. cakap jumpe kat dewan ..so we all terus gerak and tunggu for pegantin .. abang eddy n wife sampai around 1.20pm .. and kiteorg berarak masuk .. so ade la sesi merenjis n potong kek ..
makan beradat pun ada .. siap ada udang galah lagi .. hehe ..
its a fun thing .. ape lagi when bleh click ngan adik2 comet .. as aku tak reti nak bercakap .. so we all banyakkan gelak .. kire paham2 sendiri .. hehehehe ..
balik dalam kul 3 pm .. and exhausted !!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
two shoes
huhuhuh .. pegi klcc ngan ma .. the main purpose is that ma nak bagi aku birthday prezzie .. so i already told her that i want that designer shoes .. actually spot yang lain .. sampai2 minat yang lain .. hahahahha .. first kiteorg masuk LV and tgk the one yang aku nak sangat .. and the other one yang lawa gilek .. tapi both takde size as kaki aku memang not a malaysian size so susah skit ..
this is the picture of LV sneakers

then gi gucci .. tengok2 kasut gax .. yang approached is that chinese guys yang selalu entertained us .. hehehe .. so dia amikkan size tapi 2 size smaller .. memang xleh la .. hahahah .. :p this is the shoes .. tapi yg nie simple .. i want with monogram and coklat in colour ..

tapi ade satu LV nie die kaler putih cam gucci nie n gold .. yg tuhs lawa gilek .. but then xde size gax :(
this is the picture of LV sneakers
then gi gucci .. tengok2 kasut gax .. yang approached is that chinese guys yang selalu entertained us .. hehehe .. so dia amikkan size tapi 2 size smaller .. memang xleh la .. hahahah .. :p this is the shoes .. tapi yg nie simple .. i want with monogram and coklat in colour ..
tapi ade satu LV nie die kaler putih cam gucci nie n gold .. yg tuhs lawa gilek .. but then xde size gax :(
Sunday, October 14, 2007
double album
bought diddy's and anuar's album today :)
already heard all of diddy song ..
and i can say its great ..
really nice ..
and its only rm 29.90 ..
with the casing and kulit album .. u should expect it to be much much more expensive
i love bebas .. meaningful .. and saat and also sana ..

this picture is courtesy of badrulaftersix.blogspot.com
already heard all of diddy song ..
and i can say its great ..
really nice ..
and its only rm 29.90 ..
with the casing and kulit album .. u should expect it to be much much more expensive
i love bebas .. meaningful .. and saat and also sana ..

this picture is courtesy of badrulaftersix.blogspot.com
Saturday, October 13, 2007
double celebration
yeahs .. celebrating my birthday and the first day of hari raya aidilfitri ..
ramai gak kawan-kawan yang message and sending both wishes to me ..
my feeling ??
ok .. not that sad thought .. so-so only ..
my mum booked a cake for me .. and for hari raya we make nasi dagang, kari ayam, rendang daging and gulai ikan tongkol ..
and we booked satay from Haji Samuri
this is the picture of hari raya and my cake :)
Sunday, October 07, 2007
i am bored
hmm .. i am bored .. just finish baking cookies .. and now i dont know what to do .. comet went for a movie at OU with iky,selin n ayil plus nana .. im stuck at home doing nothing now .. :(
i want my life back ...
i want my life back ...
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