Haihs .. now i do missed Miss Alia .. Why ? tiada peneman for shopping and threading sudah .. takkan nak ajak comet and ask him to wait for me time aku duk mengeluarkan segala2 rambut dimuke :p wahahahahha .. and juga dibetis .. haihs .. mahu die buhsan .. i need to do the threading ASAP .. :(
owhs yeahs .. Ridza @ Kecik is going to get married .. gosh .. my old skool fren .. kalu kire time zaman2 sekola .. die paling lambat couple .. sekali dapat .. terus lekat till jadi bini .. bagusnyeee .. and dah nak kawin pun .. haihs .. now im stress .. No Money + No Job .. how to get married ?? wahahaha :p *gatal pula*
hari tuhs Azam dah kawin .. tup tup .. Kecik pulak ~~ *i will called him kecik no matter what .. walaupun now ko dah tinggi and i dont know what did u do to get the height !!* ..
Hmm .. anyhoo ~~ Congratulation to Khaizul Azam .. although dah agak Belated yang amat .. and Future Congrats to Mohd Ridza ;)
Gosh i do missed those school days :(
Monday, June 30, 2008
Shopping Eh ?
Ma ajak pegi shopping today .. dari sabtu lagi die ajak ke Sogo .. mau beli Bohemia Crystal katenye .. kononnya kat Sogo lagi banyak choices dari Subang Parade .. so ok la .. Ikut je la memandangkan aku sekarang memang driver sepenuh masa ..
so kul 9.55 pagi dah kene kejut .. dah la tido pun dh kul 430 .. semua sebab tgk coffee prince punye pasal .. hahahaha .. so as usual tido la dulu 5min then bangun balik and terus mandi .. pick her up and straight to Sogo .. sampai jer around 1145 and terus ke Top Floor nak tgk crystal .. but then the first thing i saw is Royal Albert nye tempat ..
Haihs .. nasib baik dah beli all the royal albert stuff thru internet .. kalu tak .. mahu mahafus .. satu pinggan sini dah RM 2k .. where we buy through online baru RM 800 .. hahahha .. but still RM 800 la kannnn .. :p
So MA dengan excited gi usha2 crystal .. tapi FRUST .. coz SOGO belum start SALES !! hahahahahah .. kesian sungguh .. FRUST mama ku .. so die end up beli bunga crystal harge rm 11.90 .. rupernye Sogo start sales sabtu nie .. hahahah .. lagi la die bengang .. hahahahaha
So dah kate kat Jalan TAR .. ape lagi .. Usha2 tudung la .. ingat nak beli tudung .. end up sme pun nampak tudung style Hendon .. malas la nak beli .. haihs .. Ma jugak yang shopping tudung .. haihs .. so gwe keciwa ag .. tapi takpe .. at least dapat makan dekat restoran Insaf .. dah nak 2 tahun tak makan situ wooo .. lebih 2 tahun kot ..
Sampai je .. tokey die tengok dah senyum .. siap sound "wahsss .. sudah 2 tahun tak nampak tetibe muncul .. mane u all pegi ?? oversea?? " .. memang ler malu kan .. dah la sekuat alam die sound .. so die la entertain .. amik order .. siap ingat oke we all suke makan ape .. mane taknye .. dulu boleh dikatakan everyweek makan situ .. tapi kali nie tambah sikit .. siap order Udang and Mangga India for desert ..
bile dah abis makan .. melantak cam orang gilek dedue ekor tanpa mengire kedietan .. pergi la bayar .. amik ko bil die .. mau pengsan Mak aku .. wahhahaha .. RM 104 !!! untuk 2 orang makan .. lagi mahal dari chilli's ok .. wahhaahha .. Udang je RM 56 .. Mangga RM 15 .. wahahahah .. yang lain aku x tau la ape die .. tuhs je yang aku nampak .. coz mmg tahap nak gelak tak hengat dunie coz sme stok ingat salah Bil :p
so coz dah melantak tahap lupa daratan theory terbaru Ma .. 'lepas makan kene gi shopping balik .. baru kurus balik .. dah banyak lemak masuk dlm badan .. meh pecahkan lemak '.. *tapi sebenarnye tak puas atie tudung die beli x banyak .. so memakse aku gi jalan cari tudung aku walhal die yg nak cari tudung ag* .. so jalan2 la lagi and at last aku beli la kain buat baju .. hahahahah ..
so kul 9.55 pagi dah kene kejut .. dah la tido pun dh kul 430 .. semua sebab tgk coffee prince punye pasal .. hahahaha .. so as usual tido la dulu 5min then bangun balik and terus mandi .. pick her up and straight to Sogo .. sampai jer around 1145 and terus ke Top Floor nak tgk crystal .. but then the first thing i saw is Royal Albert nye tempat ..
Haihs .. nasib baik dah beli all the royal albert stuff thru internet .. kalu tak .. mahu mahafus .. satu pinggan sini dah RM 2k .. where we buy through online baru RM 800 .. hahahha .. but still RM 800 la kannnn .. :p
So MA dengan excited gi usha2 crystal .. tapi FRUST .. coz SOGO belum start SALES !! hahahahahah .. kesian sungguh .. FRUST mama ku .. so die end up beli bunga crystal harge rm 11.90 .. rupernye Sogo start sales sabtu nie .. hahahah .. lagi la die bengang .. hahahahaha
So dah kate kat Jalan TAR .. ape lagi .. Usha2 tudung la .. ingat nak beli tudung .. end up sme pun nampak tudung style Hendon .. malas la nak beli .. haihs .. Ma jugak yang shopping tudung .. haihs .. so gwe keciwa ag .. tapi takpe .. at least dapat makan dekat restoran Insaf .. dah nak 2 tahun tak makan situ wooo .. lebih 2 tahun kot ..
Sampai je .. tokey die tengok dah senyum .. siap sound "wahsss .. sudah 2 tahun tak nampak tetibe muncul .. mane u all pegi ?? oversea?? " .. memang ler malu kan .. dah la sekuat alam die sound .. so die la entertain .. amik order .. siap ingat oke we all suke makan ape .. mane taknye .. dulu boleh dikatakan everyweek makan situ .. tapi kali nie tambah sikit .. siap order Udang and Mangga India for desert ..
bile dah abis makan .. melantak cam orang gilek dedue ekor tanpa mengire kedietan .. pergi la bayar .. amik ko bil die .. mau pengsan Mak aku .. wahhahaha .. RM 104 !!! untuk 2 orang makan .. lagi mahal dari chilli's ok .. wahhaahha .. Udang je RM 56 .. Mangga RM 15 .. wahahahah .. yang lain aku x tau la ape die .. tuhs je yang aku nampak .. coz mmg tahap nak gelak tak hengat dunie coz sme stok ingat salah Bil :p
so coz dah melantak tahap lupa daratan theory terbaru Ma .. 'lepas makan kene gi shopping balik .. baru kurus balik .. dah banyak lemak masuk dlm badan .. meh pecahkan lemak '.. *tapi sebenarnye tak puas atie tudung die beli x banyak .. so memakse aku gi jalan cari tudung aku walhal die yg nak cari tudung ag* .. so jalan2 la lagi and at last aku beli la kain buat baju .. hahahahah ..
so kesimpulan . hari nie adalah hari sengal .
Thursday, June 26, 2008
started to really discipline taking the Herbalife last 3 weeks .. hehehe .. sebelum nie amik macam x amik la .. then last week tetibe cam terase nak ukur Peha .. bile ukur tuhs macam kebluran kejap .. so amik buku yang awal2 aku ukur before taking HL .. and SURPRISE SURPRISE .. dah kurang 3 1/2 inch .. terus bitau Comet .. ayat die
"haa . bagus la tuhs . lpas nie joggin la . bleh turun lagi . kt umah dah ade trackmill . nape xnak jogging? "
then cam "heheheheheh*dalam hati kemalasan terserlah :p *
tetibe semalam buhsan .. and amik lagi skali measurement tape tuhs .. and ukur .. and surprise2 .. turun lagi 1/2 inch .. so now dah turun 4 INCH !! yeay !! im happy ;) hahahah .. puas hati .. serius :D
akan minum lagi sehingga kurus betul .. nak nampak kurus time convo .. boleh ?? :p
"haa . bagus la tuhs . lpas nie joggin la . bleh turun lagi . kt umah dah ade trackmill . nape xnak jogging? "
then cam "heheheheheh*dalam hati kemalasan terserlah :p *
tetibe semalam buhsan .. and amik lagi skali measurement tape tuhs .. and ukur .. and surprise2 .. turun lagi 1/2 inch .. so now dah turun 4 INCH !! yeay !! im happy ;) hahahah .. puas hati .. serius :D
akan minum lagi sehingga kurus betul .. nak nampak kurus time convo .. boleh ?? :p
Farewell Alia

I will not say good-bye
Yet I would say farewell
For we shall meet again
That I can foretell
The future is unpredictable
Tomorrow is uncertain
Keep our laughs and memoirs
But I wish you have no burden
We shall keep on learning
Remain as students and become as mentors
Face the unknown with confident yearning
Pursue our life endeavors
Farewell, my friends, adieu
I utter it with pain
Farewell, my friends, adieu
In sunshine or in rain
Farewell, my friends, adieu
This day would come, we knew
Our dreams we shall pursue
For now, my friends, adieu
To alia : Take good care of urself and GOOD LUCK .. do remember US in Malaysia :) .. Gonna missed u dearlie :D
Yet I would say farewell
For we shall meet again
That I can foretell
The future is unpredictable
Tomorrow is uncertain
Keep our laughs and memoirs
But I wish you have no burden
We shall keep on learning
Remain as students and become as mentors
Face the unknown with confident yearning
Pursue our life endeavors
Farewell, my friends, adieu
I utter it with pain
Farewell, my friends, adieu
In sunshine or in rain
Farewell, my friends, adieu
This day would come, we knew
Our dreams we shall pursue
For now, my friends, adieu
To alia : Take good care of urself and GOOD LUCK .. do remember US in Malaysia :) .. Gonna missed u dearlie :D

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Diddy Fc on Heliza FC tournament
just not my day la today .. tido pun dah kul 530 .. bangun kul 1030 .. siap2 terus gi pyramid .. konon start at 12pm .. rupernye 130 pun x start lagi .. haihs .. dah la ngan derang bising yang amat .. and keco yang amat .. x boleh concentrate .. nasib baik dapat 3rd .. kalau tak .. mampos kene marah ngan abang Bard .. hehehehe :p
Tapi ok la .. dapat la jumpe Saida :p time mintak nak amik pic .. ayat kelakar Saida "eiiii.. nape tinggi sangat nie .. ??" au dah cam "Erksss .. ok kak .. sy rendahkan diri" .. hahahahahahah .. what to do when my Height is 169cm .. not my fault ;)

Actually start main utk Diddy FC nie last 2 weeks .. Abang Bard SMS tanye main bowling lagi tak.. and of coz la aku jap Yup .. so die suruh main untuk DIddy FC .. ingatkan game ape .. rupernye lawan antara FC .. hehehehe .. kat Summit .. Zila FC yang organize .. nice game la time tuhs .. coz time tuhs dapat 2nd :p hahahahahah .. picca dibawah adalah picca 2 minggu lepas @ summit time zila fc tourney :D

Actually ade pic amik ngan Heliza .. but then ntah macam mane pic tuhs boleh MIA .. wahhahaha.. dalam HP pun takde .. so mcm terpelik sejenak .. takpe .. nanti mintak balik dari adik Comet ;)
After game sme .. We all (me,comet,afie n adik comet) straight to Laksa Shack for a late lunch and then jalan2 kejap .. Nak tengok Movie kul 5.30 ;) so kinda lari awal sikit dari Bowling and prize presentation ;) .. so aku nye hadiah still dekat Kak Lyn ;) .. We watch KungFu Panda .. Kawaiii ;)
After watching movie .. terus beli Wrapz and balik .. hantar adik comet to UIA PJ first then the rest straight to rumah Alia (shes going to UK this wednesday ) for farewell dinner :p .. Tapi of coz la muke aku dah toya nantuk and keletihan and comet pun mate dah merah ;p but still we having fun ;)
Tapi ok la .. dapat la jumpe Saida :p time mintak nak amik pic .. ayat kelakar Saida "eiiii.. nape tinggi sangat nie .. ??" au dah cam "Erksss .. ok kak .. sy rendahkan diri" .. hahahahahahah .. what to do when my Height is 169cm .. not my fault ;)

Actually start main utk Diddy FC nie last 2 weeks .. Abang Bard SMS tanye main bowling lagi tak.. and of coz la aku jap Yup .. so die suruh main untuk DIddy FC .. ingatkan game ape .. rupernye lawan antara FC .. hehehehe .. kat Summit .. Zila FC yang organize .. nice game la time tuhs .. coz time tuhs dapat 2nd :p hahahahahah .. picca dibawah adalah picca 2 minggu lepas @ summit time zila fc tourney :D

Actually ade pic amik ngan Heliza .. but then ntah macam mane pic tuhs boleh MIA .. wahhahaha.. dalam HP pun takde .. so mcm terpelik sejenak .. takpe .. nanti mintak balik dari adik Comet ;)
After game sme .. We all (me,comet,afie n adik comet) straight to Laksa Shack for a late lunch and then jalan2 kejap .. Nak tengok Movie kul 5.30 ;) so kinda lari awal sikit dari Bowling and prize presentation ;) .. so aku nye hadiah still dekat Kak Lyn ;) .. We watch KungFu Panda .. Kawaiii ;)
After watching movie .. terus beli Wrapz and balik .. hantar adik comet to UIA PJ first then the rest straight to rumah Alia (shes going to UK this wednesday ) for farewell dinner :p .. Tapi of coz la muke aku dah toya nantuk and keletihan and comet pun mate dah merah ;p but still we having fun ;)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Ke Ulu Yam
ma tanye "nak pergi urut tak? " .. coz dah 2 3x die tanye soalan tu .. tak lain tak bukan die nak ajak la kan .. so aku pun cakap ok coz abah pun macam nak g Kebun .. Ma try call orang tuhs x dpt .. so nak buat tawakal kiteorg pergi jugak ..
memule bitau afie .. die xnak ikut .. coz abah ajak die gi kebun .. so end up aku cakap suh die lepak ngn kiteorg .. die pun ok la nak join .. sampai je Ulu Yam gi umah makcik tuhs .. memang takde orang .. so Ma pun dh frust .. end up abah bawak naik kebun ..
Its been a while .. dah nak 10 tahun gak aku tak pergi .. banyak gak berubah .. dah siap ade kilang bata kat situ ok !!! so pergi la konon nak tengok2 .. hajat nak mengapi-api kan abah .. coz dah lame ade kebun .. baru 2x dapat makan hasil kebun nie. sebabnya tak berjaga and tak ade masa .. tapi sampai2 jer terkejut .. baru aku tau rupernye besar gax kebun abah nie .. ade dalam 6 - 7 hectar gax .. and SURPRISE SURPRISE .. penuh ngan buah rambutan yang on the way nak MASAK !!! seronok aku !!! ahahhahaa
So .. itulah hasil tananam Abah selame nie :p sikit baru tuhs .. tapi rambutan memang sangat banyak .. lalalalal .. heheheh .. so time duk sonok2 tuhs .. tetibe afie merungut .. banyak kene gigit nyamuk .. susah orang bandar nie .. tak biase la dalam2 hutan nie .. wahhahahaha :p so abah nie pulak jenis xleh tgk anak die nie sakit sikit .. terus amik ubat nyamuk and do this ..
abah ikat ubat nyamuk kat pinggang afie .. so tat tak kene gigit nyamuk .. then bawak kiteorg jungle trecking .. die nak jugak tunjuk buah durian yang belum masak .. so gambar atas tuhs menunjukkan kiteorg jungle tracking la tuhs :p hahahahaha ..
then bile duk borak2 .. aku ckp pasal air terjun kat Ulu Yam tuhs .. setahu aku .. dekat jer dengan kebun tuhs .. tp abah cakap nak bawak tengok satu lagi air terjun dekat batang kali .. bawah Genting .. so we all setuju .. straight keluar kebun and ke air terjun tuhs .. memang besh .. so afie pun ape agi .. mandi la .. walaupun tak bawak extra tshirt .. and will go there again this Saturday :D

This Saturday will bring Comet, Lily and Bibik .. kiteorg nak berkelah .. hahahahha :D so lepas tengok2 air terjun tuhs .. kire tawakal pergi balik kat umah makcik urut tuhs .. and Ada .. nasik baik .. ehheheh .. so ma urut dulu .. then aku .. seriusly .. sakit nak mampos .. nak mati pun ade die buat .. tempat kite sakit die tau .. ape sakit kite pun die tau .. tp serius cam nak mampos laa .. hahahahahah .. tapi lepas tuhs badan ringan gile .. hahahah .. but then .. still TAKMO pegi balik dahs :p .. so kiteorg kuar dari kul 3pm .. sampai umah balik kul 10pm . sampai2 rumah .. ingat nak makan .. coz aku satu hari x makan ape .. tgk2 bibik masak skit jerr .. xleh nk ckp ape gax coz bile die masak malam selalu tak makan coz diet .. arie nie lak .. cume sempat berHL je tadi .. terus kebulur .. end up order Pizza .. coz comet pun nak datang umah tgk Bola .. and tido sini for the nite :D
memule bitau afie .. die xnak ikut .. coz abah ajak die gi kebun .. so end up aku cakap suh die lepak ngn kiteorg .. die pun ok la nak join .. sampai je Ulu Yam gi umah makcik tuhs .. memang takde orang .. so Ma pun dh frust .. end up abah bawak naik kebun ..
Its been a while .. dah nak 10 tahun gak aku tak pergi .. banyak gak berubah .. dah siap ade kilang bata kat situ ok !!! so pergi la konon nak tengok2 .. hajat nak mengapi-api kan abah .. coz dah lame ade kebun .. baru 2x dapat makan hasil kebun nie. sebabnya tak berjaga and tak ade masa .. tapi sampai2 jer terkejut .. baru aku tau rupernye besar gax kebun abah nie .. ade dalam 6 - 7 hectar gax .. and SURPRISE SURPRISE .. penuh ngan buah rambutan yang on the way nak MASAK !!! seronok aku !!! ahahhahaa
So .. itulah hasil tananam Abah selame nie :p sikit baru tuhs .. tapi rambutan memang sangat banyak .. lalalalal .. heheheh .. so time duk sonok2 tuhs .. tetibe afie merungut .. banyak kene gigit nyamuk .. susah orang bandar nie .. tak biase la dalam2 hutan nie .. wahhahahaha :p so abah nie pulak jenis xleh tgk anak die nie sakit sikit .. terus amik ubat nyamuk and do this ..
abah ikat ubat nyamuk kat pinggang afie .. so tat tak kene gigit nyamuk .. then bawak kiteorg jungle trecking .. die nak jugak tunjuk buah durian yang belum masak .. so gambar atas tuhs menunjukkan kiteorg jungle tracking la tuhs :p hahahahaha ..
then bile duk borak2 .. aku ckp pasal air terjun kat Ulu Yam tuhs .. setahu aku .. dekat jer dengan kebun tuhs .. tp abah cakap nak bawak tengok satu lagi air terjun dekat batang kali .. bawah Genting .. so we all setuju .. straight keluar kebun and ke air terjun tuhs .. memang besh .. so afie pun ape agi .. mandi la .. walaupun tak bawak extra tshirt .. and will go there again this Saturday :D

This Saturday will bring Comet, Lily and Bibik .. kiteorg nak berkelah .. hahahahha :D so lepas tengok2 air terjun tuhs .. kire tawakal pergi balik kat umah makcik urut tuhs .. and Ada .. nasik baik .. ehheheh .. so ma urut dulu .. then aku .. seriusly .. sakit nak mampos .. nak mati pun ade die buat .. tempat kite sakit die tau .. ape sakit kite pun die tau .. tp serius cam nak mampos laa .. hahahahahah .. tapi lepas tuhs badan ringan gile .. hahahah .. but then .. still TAKMO pegi balik dahs :p .. so kiteorg kuar dari kul 3pm .. sampai umah balik kul 10pm . sampai2 rumah .. ingat nak makan .. coz aku satu hari x makan ape .. tgk2 bibik masak skit jerr .. xleh nk ckp ape gax coz bile die masak malam selalu tak makan coz diet .. arie nie lak .. cume sempat berHL je tadi .. terus kebulur .. end up order Pizza .. coz comet pun nak datang umah tgk Bola .. and tido sini for the nite :D
Thursday, June 19, 2008
gosh .. baru beberape hari je MMU bukak balik trimester .. dah rase kekok .. i means .. kekok je duk umah without doing anything .. and tak pergi kelas .. well its not like i do Nothing .. busy jugak jadi driver this past 3 weeks .. just .. something missing .. owhs yeahs .. i guess i lost my Social card already .. hahahahaha
Monday, June 16, 2008
the black sheep
yes . thats what i am . im not as beauty as the other . im not as clever as the other . im not as good as the other . but when there's help needed . im the one that will always be there . but then, other than that, im just the black sheep . or u can say im just a doll .
thats what i really am .
life is NO FAIRY TALE . since i was small . i do wish to be in one of those fairy tale . like Cinderella or Snow White . But of course . Im not as pretty as the fairy tale and im not as thin and slim as them . how i wish i could be them . how i wish i can live happily ever after .
. I wish .
thats what i really am .
life is NO FAIRY TALE . since i was small . i do wish to be in one of those fairy tale . like Cinderella or Snow White . But of course . Im not as pretty as the fairy tale and im not as thin and slim as them . how i wish i could be them . how i wish i can live happily ever after .
. I wish .
Friday, June 13, 2008
Im Graduating Part 2
tetibe teringat how did i get to know azzeri .. oke .. first time nampak die time class kat Melaka .. time tuhs class break and semua orang keluar .. coz aku duduk belakang .. aku pun keluar and nampak azzeri kuar kelas .. so macam x kesah je :) and we did same class time Islamic Studies *kalu x silap* .. then time kat cyber .. first time lepak is time nak tengok Ju On *ngn azrai,aru,hana,azie,farah,* time tuh la baru kenal siapa azzeri nie .. tp time tuhs die suke main2 lagi .. x serius and macam budak2 .. hahahahah .. that what i thought .. tp lepas tuhs .. he change to be better *jeles coz aku still x berubah .. :p *
first time kenal bobby .. nampak je .. bebudak keco cakap die nie top scorer *so aku buat keputusan taknak kawan coz mesti die xnk kawan ngn org yg maleh belajar cam aku nie* .. bukan xnak kawan .. more to segan .. hahahaha .. selalu nampak die ngan typo and shah .. *time tuhs x tau name ag* tapi yang boleh bercakap time kat Penang la .. time ramai2 pegi USM tuhs .. tuhs pun sekadar mendengar die bercakap dengan NIcol and Alia ..heheheh .. then ntah mcm mane boleh close .. serius lupe .. hahahaha .. start ajak main bowlin kottt .. aku pun lupe ..
shah pulak aku first time realize die time masuk satu kelas tuhs *kate muke slalu tido jer* .. masuk jer nampak die duk atas ngan bobby n typo .. time tuhs mcm pikir "sape brader nie .. mcm x pernah nampak jeee .. panjangnyee rambut .. gile rock!" .. hahahaha .. first time cakap pun kat USM :p and then closed .. hahahaha .. mane x close .. time sampai lepak makan same2 :p
kalu nak pikir pasal kelas .. rase2 dalam banyak2 tahun kat MMU nie aku suke kelas Comp APp 1 @ Melaka .. time alpha dulu .. kelas tuhe memang keco gilek .. Sir Zaki ajar .. siap pernah one time tuhs kene buat macam Map .. and die siap ade bagi title cam "Map to the wedding of someone with someone" .. tapi yang beshnye .. name tuhs bunyi jawa sangat .. so aku pun dengan selamber sound "Sir .. nak tukar name boleh??" die tanye "Why??" aku jawap .. ape la name niee .. x sedap lansung bunyi die .. macam Jowo jerrr ... then die tanye "Awak ade masalah ngan orang JAwa ke??" .. aku cakap "xde pun .. just name nie x besh.." So die mcm "OK" .. then tetibe terase nak tanye "Sir .. U Jawa ke??" .. and jawapannyaa ........................ "YESSSS" ... * dlm hati mampus aku ...* tp nasib baik die cool :) hahahahah .. pas2 pernah skali tuhs me n azie lapar gile .. so bawak super ring masuk Lab .. bukak slow2 and makan .. tp aku makan kaver2 laa .. si azie selamber je makan x kaver .. die dengan selamber gune mic sound "please do not eat in the lab" hamikkkk ko .. siap bagi testimonial oke !!! coz suke sangat makan dalam klass die .. ade gax part gado makanan dalam class die .. siap aku terjatuh and die pandang belakang ag .. hahahahahahaha .. sorry sir :p
and paling tak boleh lupe .. first class Abang Ab .. die jadi tuto aku .. hahahahah .. die nye first ever class is mengajar class tuto aku .. and time masuk tuhs tengok die .. punya la tahan gelak .. tak boleh tengok muke die .. or care die ajar .. coz nampak die sangat mengeletar .. hahahahahhaha .. kaver muke ngan tangan and tulis je .. xleh pandang atas pun :p hahahahaha .. kalu tak .. mau kt situ jugak pecah gelak :p
aaaaaaaaa .. and xkan lupe .. class Mr Praba ! managerial comm .. dari kes die tak zip suar masuk kelas and kes die jatuh meja time mengajar .. perghhhh .. and yes .. MR QUESTION MARK GUY !! *sapekah agak2nyaaa??" .. hehehehhehe
lecturer account yang PMS and kuar kelas time half way mengajar ..
I really adore the french lecturer coz for me shes a beauty :D sangat lawa ;)
kes bosan kt cyberia and menyetankan Yusz and Aina naik genting Malam tuhs gax gi minum starbucks and at the same time menyetankan NIcol yang esok tuhs ade Test .. hahahahahahha
Azie ajak g Melaka ngn Farah and ajak Nicol sekali .. awal2 die taknak .. tapi end up kiteorg packkan baju die and tarik je dia .. hahahahahahha
Since last two years kalu nak ajak aina gi memane boleh jer .. tapi sekarang dah susah skit :p
and lots lots moreee .. will continue bile ingat :D hehehehhe
first time kenal bobby .. nampak je .. bebudak keco cakap die nie top scorer *so aku buat keputusan taknak kawan coz mesti die xnk kawan ngn org yg maleh belajar cam aku nie* .. bukan xnak kawan .. more to segan .. hahahaha .. selalu nampak die ngan typo and shah .. *time tuhs x tau name ag* tapi yang boleh bercakap time kat Penang la .. time ramai2 pegi USM tuhs .. tuhs pun sekadar mendengar die bercakap dengan NIcol and Alia ..heheheh .. then ntah mcm mane boleh close .. serius lupe .. hahahaha .. start ajak main bowlin kottt .. aku pun lupe ..
shah pulak aku first time realize die time masuk satu kelas tuhs *kate muke slalu tido jer* .. masuk jer nampak die duk atas ngan bobby n typo .. time tuhs mcm pikir "sape brader nie .. mcm x pernah nampak jeee .. panjangnyee rambut .. gile rock!" .. hahahaha .. first time cakap pun kat USM :p and then closed .. hahahaha .. mane x close .. time sampai lepak makan same2 :p
kalu nak pikir pasal kelas .. rase2 dalam banyak2 tahun kat MMU nie aku suke kelas Comp APp 1 @ Melaka .. time alpha dulu .. kelas tuhe memang keco gilek .. Sir Zaki ajar .. siap pernah one time tuhs kene buat macam Map .. and die siap ade bagi title cam "Map to the wedding of someone with someone" .. tapi yang beshnye .. name tuhs bunyi jawa sangat .. so aku pun dengan selamber sound "Sir .. nak tukar name boleh??" die tanye "Why??" aku jawap .. ape la name niee .. x sedap lansung bunyi die .. macam Jowo jerrr ... then die tanye "Awak ade masalah ngan orang JAwa ke??" .. aku cakap "xde pun .. just name nie x besh.." So die mcm "OK" .. then tetibe terase nak tanye "Sir .. U Jawa ke??" .. and jawapannyaa ........................ "YESSSS" ... * dlm hati mampus aku ...* tp nasib baik die cool :) hahahahah .. pas2 pernah skali tuhs me n azie lapar gile .. so bawak super ring masuk Lab .. bukak slow2 and makan .. tp aku makan kaver2 laa .. si azie selamber je makan x kaver .. die dengan selamber gune mic sound "please do not eat in the lab" hamikkkk ko .. siap bagi testimonial oke !!! coz suke sangat makan dalam klass die .. ade gax part gado makanan dalam class die .. siap aku terjatuh and die pandang belakang ag .. hahahahahahaha .. sorry sir :p
and paling tak boleh lupe .. first class Abang Ab .. die jadi tuto aku .. hahahahah .. die nye first ever class is mengajar class tuto aku .. and time masuk tuhs tengok die .. punya la tahan gelak .. tak boleh tengok muke die .. or care die ajar .. coz nampak die sangat mengeletar .. hahahahahhaha .. kaver muke ngan tangan and tulis je .. xleh pandang atas pun :p hahahahaha .. kalu tak .. mau kt situ jugak pecah gelak :p
aaaaaaaaa .. and xkan lupe .. class Mr Praba ! managerial comm .. dari kes die tak zip suar masuk kelas and kes die jatuh meja time mengajar .. perghhhh .. and yes .. MR QUESTION MARK GUY !! *sapekah agak2nyaaa??" .. hehehehhehe
lecturer account yang PMS and kuar kelas time half way mengajar ..
I really adore the french lecturer coz for me shes a beauty :D sangat lawa ;)
kes bosan kt cyberia and menyetankan Yusz and Aina naik genting Malam tuhs gax gi minum starbucks and at the same time menyetankan NIcol yang esok tuhs ade Test .. hahahahahahha
Azie ajak g Melaka ngn Farah and ajak Nicol sekali .. awal2 die taknak .. tapi end up kiteorg packkan baju die and tarik je dia .. hahahahahahha
Since last two years kalu nak ajak aina gi memane boleh jer .. tapi sekarang dah susah skit :p
and lots lots moreee .. will continue bile ingat :D hehehehhe
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Im Graduating
yes peepz .. i am graduating .. God .. bile check result semalam risau sangat .. time on the way to fetch comet to curve as i need to do a COD .. azzeri called and said that .. result dah kuar and hes good .. and aku dah start cuak and called alia .. alia cakap she knows as she with hasanah and raz and azzeri dah call pun ..
so time kat curve tuhs .. coz nak buat COD .. comet bawak lappie die .. so lepas dah COD sme .. terus gi starbucks and check .. comet nak teman .. tp mcm halau die suruh die pegi beli air .. so time bukak tuhs .. memang mengigil .. hahahahah .. but then bile nampak sme pun tulisan panjang2 .. terus senyum .. i feel like crying .. IM GRADUATING .. thats all i can think off .. IM FINALLY GRADUATING !!! so terus capai HP and sms all my friend yang dah inform saying that mine ok and im graduating .. pandang belakang comet dh kat belakang and he hugged me infront of everyone and cogratulate me ..
Die keep on tanye .. "ape rase skrg? " tak tahu nak cakap .. coz seronok and sedih at the same time .. seronok coz at last dah habis .. and sedih coz i do love to study in MMU .. seriously ..
and then it all coming back .. all the memories .. the first time jejak kaki kat mmu melaka is time dapat surat kemasukkan .. so my dad just rase nak survey gax mmu melaka macam mane pun .. so me, ma, abah n afie straight gi melaka just untuk survey MMU .. and die ok dengan MMU so baru leh bagi confirmation letter .. then .. ade orang cakap yang hostel melaka cam x besh coz 2-3 floor baru ade 1 toilet .. so macam xnak la mcm tuhs .. so aku terus mintak bilik kat emerald and stay there .. and yes .. Emerald do suck .. but my housemate are the best ever .. i do missed all of them ..
i still remember the orientation .. dah la duduk depan .. Prof Ghauth duk bagi speech .. aku gi layan tido :p and bile sedar .. nampak die duk pandang *shieetttt kantoiii* .. im not a morning person .. let me remind u that !! and the food poisoning !! hahahaha .. and the orientation nite .. :p
then meeting nina first .. time first class .. she know me thru my High School yearly book !! boleh tak ?? coz her boyfriend same sekolah ngan aku .. and after that knowing farah and that i actually thought azie is some sort of Melayu Nerd yang tak reti cakap MElayu =)) .. sebab die dulu pakai spek bingkai hitam yang besar and the lense pun tebal *everyone will think the same way kottt* and first time dengar die cakap time english class .. kiteorg sme macam "mak aihh .. die nie cine ke melayu?? cindian ke? " .. hahahah .. but then boleh pulak close ngan die .. :p and then close pulak dengan mira :) gosh .. missed those moment in alpha :)
so bile dah 3rd sem kat MMU melaka .. dapat buat account at MMU CJ .. memang pening kepala .. coz my classmate macam takde je buat account .. the one i close sme buat bende lain .. so tanye farah .. and she gave me azrai YM id so that i can contact him as he's taking the same Major *thats how i actually know azrai .. this is why azrai said its funny how we know each other* .. hahahah ..
tapi time tu sedih gax coz final week of 3rd trim .. i got appendices and kene buat operation .. rase time tuh yang paling happy is si farah,azie n mira coz dapat buat alasan x mo study :p sebab nak jage aku kat hospital * jage ke ?? korang siap bawak KFC datang bilik aku and makan when i cant eat all the food .. damn u guys !! and not to forget .. korang makan bubur nasi aku yang hospital bagi and i still remember farah and azie ckap "ehhh .. sedapnyee .. sedap laa .. sedap " hahahahha *
so bile dah sampai cyber .. terus jumpe azrai and fir * neighbour farah kat hostel melaka* and pegi class .. first day gi class siap parking kat HB3 .. punye jauh .. hahahah .. and balik2 je dari class ade malaun mane langgar keta aku and ade kesan calar *yes i do remember as that the first day aku kat cyber * but then .. bile kat cyber aku lagi close ngan azrai n azril .. hahahha .. mane2 je kite 3 orang .. and still ingat the " assignment " *azrai paham* .. and the french sketch azrai jadi perempuan and nyanyi lagu bring me to life !! hahahahahah ..
then bile dah asyik ngan azrai and azril .. azzeri pulak joined .. and i remember ade one class lecturer tanye azrai name die .. and die ckap azrai .. then sebelah azzeri and sebelah lagi azril .. semua dah gelak2 dah .. hahahahahhaha
then the first time i actually realize Nicol is time kelas Finance .. principle of finance .. fir duk cakap ade this one girl who love roxy very much and i can see her using a roxy pencil case and a pink watch *kalu x silap* .. hahahah .. then fir kenalkan dekat nicol .. time tu tak close mane lagi .. coz gwe pun bukan jenis senang kawan ngan perempuan .. and ntah macam mane die boleh lak jadi satu team futsal and i get to know whole lots of girls :D and i never regret it :D
gosh .. now everything dah masuk kuar fikiran .. all those memories.. and i cant think of which one is more important than which one .. and of course .. i do remember alia *who i met in tuition*, bobby, typo, shah, boy, butt, fareez, aina, yusz, farah, fadh, krun, eiza, ayn, ABANG AB *of course president bowlin club at Melaka and time register siap aku buat poyo2 tanye "banyak ke tournament ade and siap tanye nie bola siape .. and abang main spinner eks?? " siap bile die cakap terre ke main bowlin? aku jawab "xlaaa .. hahahah .. tak pandai pun main .. kawan saye terre .. selangor youth ag .. nanti saye suruh die reg " .. tp time tuhs tak tau lak die president .. sebab tuhs loyar buruk skit .. skalik time AGM .. amik ko .. terus kene spotted .. pastu time training siap kene kutuk sebab tipu die and die main kat lane sebelah ag* .. kak yana * first kenal time die dating ngn abang ab time bowling nye meeting untuk tourney .. aku kacau daun je time tuhs .. tapi time tuhs x tau derang baru dating .. hahahahah * owh gosh .. and the list go on .. haihs ..
whatever it is .. i do love to be in MMU .. a memories that will always be here .. in my heart .. all of u guys .. i will missed you go .. do not forget me :) pretty pleaseee *tau la muke nie senang dilupekan* .. time korang nak kawin jemput .. hahahha .. and see you at convo rehearsal :D and of course .. do rehearse Permata Dunia sebelum pegi convo .. mau nangis niee .. awal masuk and last day in MMU nyanyi lagu nie :D
Currently listening to : Vertical Horizon - best i ever had
so time kat curve tuhs .. coz nak buat COD .. comet bawak lappie die .. so lepas dah COD sme .. terus gi starbucks and check .. comet nak teman .. tp mcm halau die suruh die pegi beli air .. so time bukak tuhs .. memang mengigil .. hahahahah .. but then bile nampak sme pun tulisan panjang2 .. terus senyum .. i feel like crying .. IM GRADUATING .. thats all i can think off .. IM FINALLY GRADUATING !!! so terus capai HP and sms all my friend yang dah inform saying that mine ok and im graduating .. pandang belakang comet dh kat belakang and he hugged me infront of everyone and cogratulate me ..
Die keep on tanye .. "ape rase skrg? " tak tahu nak cakap .. coz seronok and sedih at the same time .. seronok coz at last dah habis .. and sedih coz i do love to study in MMU .. seriously ..
and then it all coming back .. all the memories .. the first time jejak kaki kat mmu melaka is time dapat surat kemasukkan .. so my dad just rase nak survey gax mmu melaka macam mane pun .. so me, ma, abah n afie straight gi melaka just untuk survey MMU .. and die ok dengan MMU so baru leh bagi confirmation letter .. then .. ade orang cakap yang hostel melaka cam x besh coz 2-3 floor baru ade 1 toilet .. so macam xnak la mcm tuhs .. so aku terus mintak bilik kat emerald and stay there .. and yes .. Emerald do suck .. but my housemate are the best ever .. i do missed all of them ..
i still remember the orientation .. dah la duduk depan .. Prof Ghauth duk bagi speech .. aku gi layan tido :p and bile sedar .. nampak die duk pandang *shieetttt kantoiii* .. im not a morning person .. let me remind u that !! and the food poisoning !! hahahaha .. and the orientation nite .. :p
then meeting nina first .. time first class .. she know me thru my High School yearly book !! boleh tak ?? coz her boyfriend same sekolah ngan aku .. and after that knowing farah and that i actually thought azie is some sort of Melayu Nerd yang tak reti cakap MElayu =)) .. sebab die dulu pakai spek bingkai hitam yang besar and the lense pun tebal *everyone will think the same way kottt* and first time dengar die cakap time english class .. kiteorg sme macam "mak aihh .. die nie cine ke melayu?? cindian ke? " .. hahahah .. but then boleh pulak close ngan die .. :p and then close pulak dengan mira :) gosh .. missed those moment in alpha :)
so bile dah 3rd sem kat MMU melaka .. dapat buat account at MMU CJ .. memang pening kepala .. coz my classmate macam takde je buat account .. the one i close sme buat bende lain .. so tanye farah .. and she gave me azrai YM id so that i can contact him as he's taking the same Major *thats how i actually know azrai .. this is why azrai said its funny how we know each other* .. hahahah ..
tapi time tu sedih gax coz final week of 3rd trim .. i got appendices and kene buat operation .. rase time tuh yang paling happy is si farah,azie n mira coz dapat buat alasan x mo study :p sebab nak jage aku kat hospital * jage ke ?? korang siap bawak KFC datang bilik aku and makan when i cant eat all the food .. damn u guys !! and not to forget .. korang makan bubur nasi aku yang hospital bagi and i still remember farah and azie ckap "ehhh .. sedapnyee .. sedap laa .. sedap " hahahahha *
so bile dah sampai cyber .. terus jumpe azrai and fir * neighbour farah kat hostel melaka* and pegi class .. first day gi class siap parking kat HB3 .. punye jauh .. hahahah .. and balik2 je dari class ade malaun mane langgar keta aku and ade kesan calar *yes i do remember as that the first day aku kat cyber * but then .. bile kat cyber aku lagi close ngan azrai n azril .. hahahha .. mane2 je kite 3 orang .. and still ingat the " assignment " *azrai paham* .. and the french sketch azrai jadi perempuan and nyanyi lagu bring me to life !! hahahahahah ..
then bile dah asyik ngan azrai and azril .. azzeri pulak joined .. and i remember ade one class lecturer tanye azrai name die .. and die ckap azrai .. then sebelah azzeri and sebelah lagi azril .. semua dah gelak2 dah .. hahahahahhaha
then the first time i actually realize Nicol is time kelas Finance .. principle of finance .. fir duk cakap ade this one girl who love roxy very much and i can see her using a roxy pencil case and a pink watch *kalu x silap* .. hahahah .. then fir kenalkan dekat nicol .. time tu tak close mane lagi .. coz gwe pun bukan jenis senang kawan ngan perempuan .. and ntah macam mane die boleh lak jadi satu team futsal and i get to know whole lots of girls :D and i never regret it :D
gosh .. now everything dah masuk kuar fikiran .. all those memories.. and i cant think of which one is more important than which one .. and of course .. i do remember alia *who i met in tuition*, bobby, typo, shah, boy, butt, fareez, aina, yusz, farah, fadh, krun, eiza, ayn, ABANG AB *of course president bowlin club at Melaka and time register siap aku buat poyo2 tanye "banyak ke tournament ade and siap tanye nie bola siape .. and abang main spinner eks?? " siap bile die cakap terre ke main bowlin? aku jawab "xlaaa .. hahahah .. tak pandai pun main .. kawan saye terre .. selangor youth ag .. nanti saye suruh die reg " .. tp time tuhs tak tau lak die president .. sebab tuhs loyar buruk skit .. skalik time AGM .. amik ko .. terus kene spotted .. pastu time training siap kene kutuk sebab tipu die and die main kat lane sebelah ag* .. kak yana * first kenal time die dating ngn abang ab time bowling nye meeting untuk tourney .. aku kacau daun je time tuhs .. tapi time tuhs x tau derang baru dating .. hahahahah * owh gosh .. and the list go on .. haihs ..
whatever it is .. i do love to be in MMU .. a memories that will always be here .. in my heart .. all of u guys .. i will missed you go .. do not forget me :) pretty pleaseee *tau la muke nie senang dilupekan* .. time korang nak kawin jemput .. hahahha .. and see you at convo rehearsal :D and of course .. do rehearse Permata Dunia sebelum pegi convo .. mau nangis niee .. awal masuk and last day in MMU nyanyi lagu nie :D
Currently listening to : Vertical Horizon - best i ever had
Saturday, June 07, 2008
My birthdate
Your Birthdate: October 13 |
![]() You're dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge. While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator. Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down. You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the same way. Your strength: You always get the job done Your weakness: You're a perfectionist to a fault Your power color: Gray Your power symbol: Checkmark Your power month: April |
Lucky Number S7en
Anis R tagged me . heheh .. dah lame kan .. x cek jer .. sorry :p
7 random facts about me:
1) loves to play bowling and futsall ..
2) my comet made me enjoyed karaoke ~~
3) 70% of my stuff are bought by my MUM ! include the shirt coz i dont really know how to shop on my own .. and she know me better :D
4) saving for future now .. been in the UT
5) love to chat about life rather
6) like to hear other ppl problem and will try to help them
7) dont really into the Shopaholic books by Sophie Kinsela coz it makes me think that the gurl are just plain stupid and crazy ~~
7 things that scare me:
1) Allah S.W.T.
3) Losing my family
4) Coackroaches
5) Future
6) My final sem result
7) my weight !! ~~
7 random music at the moment:
1) Kate Voegel - No Good
2) Andra And The Back Bone - Sempurna
3) Utada Hikaru - Flavour Of Love
4) Arashi - Love so sweet
5) Ayu OIAM - Hanya Di MErcu
6) Ungu - Cinta Dalam HAti
7) Aizat - HAnya Kau Yang MAmpu
7 things I say the most:
1) Dah Kenape ..
2) Lerk
3) Huhs ??
4) Astaga
5) Tolong !!!
6) Afie .. Afie .. Afie *callin my sis*
7) Nak kurus .. kurus x ?? :p
7 things I treasure the most:
1) My Family
2) My Comet
3) My Simba
4) My HP
5) My Car
6) My Family BUsiness
7) My Money
7 "first time" things I ever did:
1) Drove a car .. in F4 .. my mum Vitara .. try pusing2 jer :p
2) Oversea Holiday @ LA *Anaheim*
3) First ever drove out of KL is to Melaka .. MMU :)
4) to Pantai Timur first time is to Kuantan for 2007 FMI .. tuhs pun my comet kene teman as been instructed by my mother
5) Drove to Genting last 2 years Hari Raya .. hahahah .. target nak gi Open House Yusze tapi cari2 tak jumpe and time tuhs ngokngek x tau mane selayang .. which die ckp IPD Gombak we all straight ke Balai POlis Gombak !! hahahah .. end up U Turn ke KARAK !! boleh x ?? :p
6) Jadi cikgu kepada Guru Besar sekolah !! wahahahahha .. tahun nie :p ajar die pasal Shell station :p
7) Accident .. Std 3 .. Keta jatuh gaung at Gua Musang !! walaaaa ~~
7 people to do this:
1) Nicol
2) Azrai
3) FAdh
4) Eyena
5) Yusz
6) Arnie
7) Neppy
7 random facts about me:
1) loves to play bowling and futsall ..
2) my comet made me enjoyed karaoke ~~
3) 70% of my stuff are bought by my MUM ! include the shirt coz i dont really know how to shop on my own .. and she know me better :D
4) saving for future now .. been in the UT
5) love to chat about life rather
6) like to hear other ppl problem and will try to help them
7) dont really into the Shopaholic books by Sophie Kinsela coz it makes me think that the gurl are just plain stupid and crazy ~~
7 things that scare me:
1) Allah S.W.T.
3) Losing my family
4) Coackroaches
5) Future
6) My final sem result
7) my weight !! ~~
7 random music at the moment:
1) Kate Voegel - No Good
2) Andra And The Back Bone - Sempurna
3) Utada Hikaru - Flavour Of Love
4) Arashi - Love so sweet
5) Ayu OIAM - Hanya Di MErcu
6) Ungu - Cinta Dalam HAti
7) Aizat - HAnya Kau Yang MAmpu
7 things I say the most:
1) Dah Kenape ..
2) Lerk
3) Huhs ??
4) Astaga
5) Tolong !!!
6) Afie .. Afie .. Afie *callin my sis*
7) Nak kurus .. kurus x ?? :p
7 things I treasure the most:
1) My Family
2) My Comet
3) My Simba
4) My HP
5) My Car
6) My Family BUsiness
7) My Money
7 "first time" things I ever did:
1) Drove a car .. in F4 .. my mum Vitara .. try pusing2 jer :p
2) Oversea Holiday @ LA *Anaheim*
3) First ever drove out of KL is to Melaka .. MMU :)
4) to Pantai Timur first time is to Kuantan for 2007 FMI .. tuhs pun my comet kene teman as been instructed by my mother
5) Drove to Genting last 2 years Hari Raya .. hahahah .. target nak gi Open House Yusze tapi cari2 tak jumpe and time tuhs ngokngek x tau mane selayang .. which die ckp IPD Gombak we all straight ke Balai POlis Gombak !! hahahah .. end up U Turn ke KARAK !! boleh x ?? :p
6) Jadi cikgu kepada Guru Besar sekolah !! wahahahahha .. tahun nie :p ajar die pasal Shell station :p
7) Accident .. Std 3 .. Keta jatuh gaung at Gua Musang !! walaaaa ~~
7 people to do this:
1) Nicol
2) Azrai
3) FAdh
4) Eyena
5) Yusz
6) Arnie
7) Neppy
Fuel Price Increased !!!

the f**k .. naik 40% !!!
memule dapat tau around 5pm .. time nak beli goreng pisang .. and brader tuhs cam keco2 cakap harge minyak naik RM 1 .. memang la macam x caye kan .. coz tak dengar cite ape .. so nak kepastian tanye ma ..
so ma called Wong .. orang D2R .. die cakap tak naik .. bayangkan orang anta minyak pun cakap tak naik .. tapi actually naik .. so NOONE actually knows what happen ..
so .. kul 6 baru kompem memang harga minyak naik .. around 630 pegi shell la .. perghh .. aku nak masuk untuk parking keta pun xleh .. coz memang pack .. so end up parking kat kawasan bengkel ..
memang havoc .. siap sorang staff jadi police traffik kat tengah2 jalan .. coz org beratur tahap tak hengat ..
so lepas tuhs .. aku pun jadi la polis trafik .. dah lame jadi trafik .. jadi tukang tolak keta coz ade keta yang dh abis minyak x sempat isi .. and ade gax yang tetibe enjin x mo idup .. lalalalala ..
siap jadi pomen betulkan tempat minyak pun ade oke !! hehehehe ..
memang la experience .. selame nie minyak naik .. x seteruk nie OKE !!!!!! tengok gambar je la :p
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Monday, June 02, 2008
Pulau Perhentian Trip
ekceli pegi nie pun for afie .. coz of the school holiday and kesian time final sem x selalu balik umah n lepak2 ngan die .. so kire kene balas balik la kan .. bawak die pegi holiday ..
memule tuhs die mcm x berape seronok coz im driving and mmg akan duk lame dlm keta ape ag nak gi tido umah comet one nite .. so die pun macam nak tak nak la .. and coz sampai pun malam .. so feel die tuhs x sampai lagi ..
pagi2 lagi dah kejut die suruh bangun .. ajak pegi pantai (comet nye rumah bebetul depan pantai jer ) so die pun ikut .. nampak je laut .. die dah seronok laa kan .. terus kul 8pagi tuhs jugak main air .. hahahahahha
so balik umah mandi2 and breakfast .. kul 930 terus gerak ke besut .. amik mase lame gax .. sebab jalan tutup derang buat for sukma .. so kene gune jalan lain which is lagi jauh dr supposed to .. so we took 3 1/2 hour utk sampai tat means kul 1 baru sampai besut ..
sampai je speed boat bertolak kul 2ptg .. coz semayang jumaat .. so lepak2 jap and pegi makan before naik boat .. afie dh stat excited :) naik boat for 40min ..
Senja Bay Chalet .. sile cari bilik paling tinggi itulah bilik kami !!
So sampai je dah seronok .. pantai die sangat biru .. memang sangat lawa .. serius .. yang lain sme dah x nampak .. coz terujaa !! waaa ..
Snorkelling RM 40 dr kul 1030pagi sampai kul 4pm die bawak sampai 6 point .. tp we all amik 3 point je coz dh lewat .. kiteorg snorkel dr kul 2ptg sampai kul 4 .. heheheheh .. Die nk bwak kat shark .. sme xnak .. lalalalla ..
so pegi tgk turtle .. bleh nampak turtle kt dasar laut .. and bahagian coral and ikan .. and die bawak pegi Perhentian Island Resort @ Perhentian Besar (gonna stay there next time @ time honeymoon) lalalalal ~
Seriusly sangat seronok . tapi yang x besh nye .. kat pantai depan chalet tuhs tetibe 2nd day ade plant hon .. so kiteorg duk kene ngan bende alah tuhs .. so naik gatal2 .. tuhs yang lari gi Long BEach which is 10min walk @ jungle tracking :) bayangkan la time kene tuhs .. elok2 je nak snorkeling depan chalet tuhs .. mmg die attack badan n muke ah .. serius pedih ..
Will absolutely go there again !!! seriusly !!
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