Oh MY !!!!!
I just realized i didnt blog about hasanah and Azzeri Wedding
Mimie n Partner wedding
So bad of me :(
Sorry frens
So ..
On 29 May 2010
Its Hasanah and Azzeri Solemnization
Meet at hasanah house around 8am
Then head to Masjid at Putrajaya
Around 12 jugak habis
Then malam tu we meet again for Hasanah Malam Berinai
And The next day for her reception
I was like usherer+committee
Damn tired sebab on her reception berjalan ke hulur hilir
With HEELS !!!!
hahahahaha ..
But have fun .. sebab x pernah kan
Thanks Hasanah for giving me the chance to be part of your wedding :D

Hasanah and Azzeri Solemnization

Hasanah and Azzeri Malam Berinai
Sorry no Photo on reception coz busy :p hahahahahaha
Then on 4.06.2010
Its Mimi and Partner reception
At Dewan Sri Endon putrajaya
I wore my new nine west heels *apakah?*
And went there with Alia
Meet Comet kt situ ..
Baik kan dpt tunang mcm nie *bertuah!!*
Love her Dais :)
Simple .. but lawa :D

Her Dais


All of us SAIKO MODE
Happy for both of u :)
Semoga happy hingga akhir hayat
And love each other more and more day by day :)