hey ya ppl .. im back ;) heheheh .. my Bali Trip !!!!!
25 April .. Sampai LCCT around 2.15pm .. our flight is at 4.40pm .. i thought the flight will take only 1 and a half hour but it actually 3 hour .. we reach bali around 7.30 pm .. no time different between bali and malaysia ..
sampai je bali we all terus gi jalan-jalan .. before dinner .. window shopping first .. then dinner and straight to hotel and sleep for tomoro trip ..
26 April ,, woke up at 6.30 am !! believe me or not 6.30 die mcm kite nye 8.30 .. heheheh .. bangun siap2. . and gi breakfast .. then wait for Mas Ketut to take us for a sightseeing .. he bring is to see the Barong .. then to Silver Place, Batik, then we all dibawa ke kawasan Gunung Berapi for lunch .. The volcano is still active and tempat we lunch is like next to it .. so kiteorg leh nampak die nye asap yg kuar2 .. huhuhuh .. scary .. tanye Mas KEtut "Mcm mane kalu die meletus" .. jawapnye "kalau meletus kita lari sajaa " .. wahahahah .. kepale otak die .. he is a nice guy anyway ;) then die bawak kiteorang gi MOnkey Temple .. There are lotss and lotaaa monkey .. seriously!! we all beli pisang to give them siap ade yg curi pisang yang kat tangan .. so when pisang dah abis siap kene angkat tangan kekonon surrender .. after monkey temple .. kiteorg gi Factory Outlet .. Roxy, Quiksilver, Kustom, MOoks, Ripcurl .. :) yeah .. barang die sangat cheap .. but i didnt bought anyting for me except the roxy makeup case ;) .. lepas dah shoppping .. we all dibawa oleh Mas Ketut makan tepi pantai and tengok sunset (supposedly .. tp sebab degil gax nk shopping .. x sempat sunset) .. but then we had fun tgk flight naik turun and ombak besar sme .. hakhak ..then lepas makan we all balik then straight turun for shopping .. :)
27 April .. Woke up around 7.30 am .. siap2 and straight to breakfast .. we are heading to Nusa 2 for watersport .. we play flying fish first then parasailing then jetski .. snorkeling and scuba diving and lastly banana boat .. i do my hair there for only rm 14 .. ;) and my mum buy all the Bali Tshirt .. :p After scuba straight back to hotel and went for shopping again !!!

28 April .. woke up late .. then breakfast and shopping for me n my mum .. my bro lily n afie went for surfing ..
29 April .. me and my mum went for spa .. and ready to go home !!! :D