On thursday .. lepas dah pegi KWSP and Bank with Ma .. terus head to BJ utk beli tix Avril Lavigne for Afie birthday presie .. that one from Ma ;) aku dah belikan untuk die bag Le Sport Sac :)
So .. bile dia balik sekola cam tipu kata tiket dah abis .. x sempat nak beli smua la kan .. but time kul 12 mlm .. put the tix dalam Sampul MAS Airlines and bagi die .. die cam confius .. die ingat x buat exam ag dah dapat tiket gi UK .. hahahahah .. bile dapat tiket avril terus jerit2 time tuhs gakk .. hahahahha .. my lil sis .. tau la in the same time agak keciwa coz bukan tix flight to UK kaannnn :p
coz ma and Abah ade wedding on that day .. aku and Comet buat plan nak ajak die n her fren makan .. we went to Italianese for Dinner .. aku bitau waiter yang ade birthday girl .. so die dapat la Bread Butter Pudding .. seriusly time waiter tuhs tanye sape birthday girl .. die terus tutup muka and mata coz malu and dont even want to stand up .. kiteorg nyanyi sekuat hati .. kawan2 die gelakkan die jer :P .. and we share the pudding :) die seronok sangat .. coz she can celebrate with her friend .. sian die Birthday on 8.08 .. ape lagi now 08.08.08 .. semua orang nak kawin laa .. :p hahahahah ..
As long as she's happy . im happy :) and i hope she's happy :)
eFiE mCm mY sMaLl siS LaA
yg mane ??? serupe muke ke ape? heheh
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