We had a new pattern for the tudung ...
Please visit this HERE ...
Thanks You very much !!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Yang Mana Satu
Yang Mana Satu .. Idaman Kalbu ? :p
hehehehe .. oke .. for like 6 month .. this is the only thing that was in my mind ..
Abah janji to get me a new car as i start working with them and i was sooo head over heels with this one ..

And i am sooo sure of what i want till i saw this last thursday on the road!!!

Ma semalam tetiba tanya .. "Adik .. selain Caldina .. keta apa that u like? "
and i was like "whoaaa * baru je cakap ngan mie pasal other option* " ..
Then i was like "Why ?? "
"Ma rasa Caldina is tooo big laa .. so any other option?"
"Mitsubishi Lancer ???? :D new oneeeee "
"Macam mana tuhs ?? "
"Macam Evo abang .. much nicer .. bukan evo .. tapi macam evo .. santekkkkkk"
"Ok .. how much ?? "
"erkkksss ... tak tauuuuu .. sat tanya fren .. "
"Nape tak suh abang jer?"
"Nanti die sabotajjjj "
"Huhs ?? "
Me n Comet looking at each other and was laughing like helll .. sempat gax kene marah ngan ma .. hahahahahahhaha
So tengah pening .. tanya bobby .. Bobby said took beemer 3 series *which soo out of topic* .. Comet ?? at first he ask me to take the Caldina as that the thing that i want from start .. but then there's another car in my mind which is Mazda 6 tapi .. pikir spare part is it easy ??
But then abang pernah cakap "why toyota caldina ?? aku tak tahu mana nak cari spare part if anything goes wrong .. " And me .. Jatuh cinta pandangan pertama to the Lancer GT 2.0 when i saw it ... :D hahahahhahahahaha
and oh yeash . to all of u .. i WONT BE SELLING MY UNGU VIOLET !! dream ON bebeh :D

This is my ungu violet .. been using her for 6 years next february :) the best car ever !!! :D so thats why i wont be selling her off :D
hehehehe .. oke .. for like 6 month .. this is the only thing that was in my mind ..
Abah janji to get me a new car as i start working with them and i was sooo head over heels with this one ..

Toyota Caldina GT4
And i am sooo sure of what i want till i saw this last thursday on the road!!!

Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT
Ma semalam tetiba tanya .. "Adik .. selain Caldina .. keta apa that u like? "
and i was like "whoaaa * baru je cakap ngan mie pasal other option* " ..
Then i was like "Why ?? "
"Ma rasa Caldina is tooo big laa .. so any other option?"
"Mitsubishi Lancer ???? :D new oneeeee "
"Macam mana tuhs ?? "
"Macam Evo abang .. much nicer .. bukan evo .. tapi macam evo .. santekkkkkk"
"Ok .. how much ?? "
"erkkksss ... tak tauuuuu .. sat tanya fren .. "
"Nape tak suh abang jer?"
"Nanti die sabotajjjj "
"Huhs ?? "
Me n Comet looking at each other and was laughing like helll .. sempat gax kene marah ngan ma .. hahahahahahhaha
So tengah pening .. tanya bobby .. Bobby said took beemer 3 series *which soo out of topic* .. Comet ?? at first he ask me to take the Caldina as that the thing that i want from start .. but then there's another car in my mind which is Mazda 6 tapi .. pikir spare part is it easy ??
But then abang pernah cakap "why toyota caldina ?? aku tak tahu mana nak cari spare part if anything goes wrong .. " And me .. Jatuh cinta pandangan pertama to the Lancer GT 2.0 when i saw it ... :D hahahahhahahahaha
and oh yeash . to all of u .. i WONT BE SELLING MY UNGU VIOLET !! dream ON bebeh :D

This is my ungu violet .. been using her for 6 years next february :) the best car ever !!! :D so thats why i wont be selling her off :D
Selamat Pengantin Baru Eiza + Zamri , Sab + Zul
Semalam Pergi Muar for Eiza wedding .. sesungguhnya kami sesat barat coz tak reti and tak paham MAP .. bile sampai .. Eiza pun cakap Map die memang ade sikit tak betul .. warghhhhhh .. stress .. hahahahahahhaa
But then .. it was a nice one .. adat2 JOhor die ikut which make me go "gaga" .. huhuhuhuh .. Tol and baling Syiling and Zapin semua ada ..
By 2.30 i cant take the packness and the hotness .. so ambil keputusan nak balik as ada another wedding to attend .. which in Sri Petaling ..
Sampai rumah mie cakap tak nak pegi Wedding his friend kat Sri Petaling .. Aku ok jer la kann .. tiba2 kul 8 he call me and said "need to go .. semua paksa pegi" ..
So dengan kelam kabut .. basuh2 muka .. pakai make up .. pakai baju .. and chow ..
Haihs .. sib baik Flow nye wedding .. kalau Seating !! memang malu :p

This is Sab and Zul .. SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU !! :D
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tagging Game *interesting*
Tagging game!
Post your name and I will do each of the following:
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll pick a color I feel suits you.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.(if possible. If not, I'll say something that only makes sense to me.)
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8. I'll tell you my favorite thing about you.
9. I'll tell you my least favorite thing about you.
10. If you play, you MUST post this on yours
Post your name and I will do each of the following:
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll pick a color I feel suits you.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.(if possible. If not, I'll say something that only makes sense to me.)
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8. I'll tell you my favorite thing about you.
9. I'll tell you my least favorite thing about you.
10. If you play, you MUST post this on yours
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Dusun Eco Resort
So i told u guys that i'll be off for 3 days aite .. well dah lebih dari 3 hari kan .. hahahahaha .. lepas the Dusun Eco .. im tooo tired to even updated my blog ..
So this what roughly happen ..
1st day ..
We assemble at the academy around 730am .. 830am kami semua gerak to Dusun Eco Resort, Bentong, Pahang ..
Reach there around 1030am .. kami tunggu the transport nak bawak naik atas je dah lama ..
Sampai je we had class ngan Wan .. our academy trainer .. more on self development and getting to know urself ..
Class end at 11pm .. and siap2 tido coz we need to woke up at 615am in the morning for morning excercise ..
2nd Day
Woke up at 615 am .. and mandi2 .. tell u .. air die macam air Ais . coz dari bukit .. or SUNGAI !! what do u expect from that kind of air at 6am in the morning ??
Siap2 .. 7am gather for morning excercise .. then after excercise we had our breakfast ..
After Breakfast .. terus naik Vietnam Bridge(jambatan gantung) *100m long 100feet high*iguess** and pegi for flying fox .. Flying fox is cool :p
Then after that .. we had a tea break and after that getting ready for the Obstacle and Kayak ..
Obstacle ade 10 .. ramai injured .. even me .. i fell from a 6 feet nye height .. nasib baik xde pape .. fall flat on my back .. but Kak Sherry nye ligamen koyak .. die cakap "akak ingat akak umur 16 .. luper dah tua .. hehehehe "
So after obstacle .. kami kene buat kayak .. which they gave us 3 Buluh, 4 tong plastik and 7 tali .. if our group ade 5 ppl .. sme kene naik kayak tuhs sampai ade kawasan tali and patah balik .. and untied all the thing and simpan balik ke tempat asal .. My team manage to do it in 23min2sec .. the fastest!!! :D
So lepas the kayak .. stop for lunch n prayers .. after that dah start buat JBA *Jangan buang Air*, Titanic, Minja Rescue, Menara and Bouncing Egg ..
For JBA we got third .. for Menara we got the highest and toughest .. for Bouncing Egg kami dapat full marks .. and for Minja Rescue kami average .. while Titanic kami dapat 2nd ..
Titanic nie .. meka buang botol dalam kolam and we need to find it .. botol tuhs half pasir half air .. so bile masuk dalam kolam .. die bergerak .. hahahaha .. memang sakit hati .. ade 30 .. kami dapat 23 .. while 1st dapat 24 ... damnnn
So lepas dah settel sme .. ready for tea break .. mandi and relex until 830 pm .. ade BBQ .. after BBq .. semua siap2 .. coz kul 930 .. nak buat night jungle trackking .. The thing that ramai takot is PACAT !! hahahah .. nasib baik kasut aku abah dah sembur Baygon ;) ngeeee ~~
So kul 930 kami assemble .. untuk pegi night jungle tracking nie .. tak semua boleh pergi .. only mane die rase cukup kuat .. so from 26 tuhs cume 20 je dapat .. kami masuk hutak pukul 1040 .. memang scary .. tak nampak apa .. coz the only yang pegang torchlight is trainer .. and kami nie ikut je .. me myself nak tergelincir je dah berkali2 .. kenny pulak kasut die licin .. so gwe duk jaga ..hahahah ..
And to make thing worst .. Hujan selebat-lebatnyaaa .. but then .. Alhamdulillah .. our team dapat buat fastest time coz kami kuar hutan safe and sound at 1230am !! trainer thought kami akan sampai bawah balik around 230am ..
So after the tracking .. En Murad who check kiteorg untuk tgk cukup kuat tak nak masuk hutan datang balik nak check kami bawak balik "ape2" tak .. my fren sorang terkena .. but tak lama .. sempat detect awal .. mmg lain die that nite .. huhuhuhuh
so lepas dah setel semua and badan dah penuh ngan tanah and lumpur .. lepak minum and makan skit and semua mandi .. after mandi melepak ngan the boys until 3am *mmg x sedar diri coz kul 615 kene bangun nieeee*
3rd day
bangun at 615 am .. kasut bawak 2 .. 2 2 dah basah .. 1 basah time kayak .. and 1 ag basah time jungle tracking .. so mmg je stress .. kaki malam tuhs sejuk.. sesejuknyeee .. so pagi tuhs mandi dah sejuk + hujan and pakai stocking and kasut .. so time excercise kaki cramp and lutut dislocated sekejap .. which i do myself utk elokkan balik .. after excercise .. pegi breakfast and siap2 for class motivation .. nasib baik that day until 12 jer .. semua dah lebam2 mata + letih n nantok .. hahahahah .. tapi boleh pulak pasang lagu Warisan - Sudirman .. nangis2 okeee !!!
after class and lunch .. konon2 nak tido .. memang x dapat jek .. bebudak laki ajak mandi kolam .. sampai kolak ade 7 boys and only me huda n kak zana je pempuan .. tapi selamber .. terjun juga .. siap main water polo pakai bola tenis .. hahahahaha
around 230 siap2 mandi and ready balik KL :)
it was fun !! seriusly .. eventho letihs .. but HELL LOTSA FUN !! hehehehe
Sunday, November 16, 2008
off for 3 days!!
hai gurls
Im gonna be away for 3 days starting today. Masuk hutan oke!! Jadi komander.hakhakhak..
Nah...masuk hutan for my s o w course. Hehehe.
Those yg nk order tudung sabar yeah.ill come back on tuesday.will reply u guys a.s.a.p.
Much thanks.
Im gonna be away for 3 days starting today. Masuk hutan oke!! Jadi komander.hakhakhak..
Nah...masuk hutan for my s o w course. Hehehe.
Those yg nk order tudung sabar yeah.ill come back on tuesday.will reply u guys a.s.a.p.
Much thanks.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Crystalite ;)
Do u guys realize that i always said we do put crystal for the tudung too .. this is what i meant ..

Colorful Crystal with Purple

Colorful Crystal with Purple
We had like 21 colour of crystal .. if u want to see all the colour .. u can check the purple tudung .. all 21 colours are there :)
Have fun and hope to hear from u guys son :)
Owhs yeahs .. im transferring all my tudung stuff to HERE coz i dont want my personal blog to be my sales blog .. hahahahaha ;)
Sorry for the inconvenience yeahs ;)
Have fun and hope to hear from u guys son :)
Owhs yeahs .. im transferring all my tudung stuff to HERE coz i dont want my personal blog to be my sales blog .. hahahahaha ;)
Sorry for the inconvenience yeahs ;)
Clearer Picture

Here's a clearer picture of the "kain corak" .. heheheh .. a few email me about this ..
FYI .. 1 pattern of kain ,, we can only make around 5 tudung .. NO 12 SOLD OUT YEAHS PPL :)
So make ur way and email me which one do u want ..
And yeahs .. i do need the 50% deposit too :) this is for a security reason yeahs :)
email me at : w4n1311@gmail.com
Saturday, November 08, 2008
The stock are in !!

Stock kain for Tudung dah sampai .. Tudung macam mana say u ?? look here
email me at w4n1311@gmail.com
email me at w4n1311@gmail.com
Friday, November 07, 2008
SOW3 Part 3
So .. last week .. SOW 3.1 and 3.2 combine in a class .. coz kami nie kire senior awal 3 days .. our teacher or fasi buat ice breaking using the game pengantin ..
SOW 3.1 which had 4 ladies and 9 gents need to give 2 guys and a gurl to get married
SOW 3.2 which had 4 gents and 9 ladies need to give 2 gurl and a guy to get married..
SO kami dari SOW 3.1 kene meminang the 3.2 .. its was so entertaining and funny as GOY need to do some silat+kungfu+taichi .. hahahahahhaha
so this is the "Pasangan"

So the one yang jadi cam family member and tuk penghulu .. kene bahagi to 3 groups and kene do the baju and bahan2 for the pengantin in 15mins ..
I seriusly had no idea what to do .. so i just took the straw and combine 2 so that jadi panjang and buat 3 set .. so i ikat the 3 set of straws and buat braids and amik the pengantin perempuan punya tangan and buat sebagai gelang .. so they ask me to do the Rantai together .. and i need to do the ring .. and kipas utk pengantin .. so our team is like very detail ..
We do impress the judges ., they ask who sponsor for the jewellery and everyone was looking at me . i was about to say Habib Jewel but end up the one that came out of my mouth is Tiffany & CO .. hahahahha .. and we got the highest mark and became the winner of the game !! hahahahah
SOW 3.1 which had 4 ladies and 9 gents need to give 2 guys and a gurl to get married
SOW 3.2 which had 4 gents and 9 ladies need to give 2 gurl and a guy to get married..
SO kami dari SOW 3.1 kene meminang the 3.2 .. its was so entertaining and funny as GOY need to do some silat+kungfu+taichi .. hahahahahhaha
so this is the "Pasangan"

Ken ( Sabah ) & Huda (Perak)
So the one yang jadi cam family member and tuk penghulu .. kene bahagi to 3 groups and kene do the baju and bahan2 for the pengantin in 15mins ..
I seriusly had no idea what to do .. so i just took the straw and combine 2 so that jadi panjang and buat 3 set .. so i ikat the 3 set of straws and buat braids and amik the pengantin perempuan punya tangan and buat sebagai gelang .. so they ask me to do the Rantai together .. and i need to do the ring .. and kipas utk pengantin .. so our team is like very detail ..
We do impress the judges ., they ask who sponsor for the jewellery and everyone was looking at me . i was about to say Habib Jewel but end up the one that came out of my mouth is Tiffany & CO .. hahahahha .. and we got the highest mark and became the winner of the game !! hahahahah
Thursday, November 06, 2008
The first day of SOW .. my fasi put on this vid .. hear him sing .. It's make me wanna cry ..
As my fasi said .. "muke welfare" .. i means .. kite tengok muke die macam muke kesian .. but what do u feel when he sings ??
ME ?? I had a goosebumps :)
p/s : look at simon&piers face when he said what he want to sing .. and look at their face again .. and the ladies judge.. and the audience face before and after :)
As my fasi said .. "muke welfare" .. i means .. kite tengok muke die macam muke kesian .. but what do u feel when he sings ??
ME ?? I had a goosebumps :)
p/s : look at simon&piers face when he said what he want to sing .. and look at their face again .. and the ladies judge.. and the audience face before and after :)
just nak remind all of u ladies out there .. when filling at a petrol pump .. plis just bawak duit je to the cashier *if possible* or u can bawak bags/clutch/purse .. but by the time u tgh fill the fuel .. put ur bag/clutch/purse in ur car *Try to sorok skit* and do locked ur car yeahs ..
coz kat my station .. dah 2 orang kene ragut when we tak sedar .. and mind u .. they even do it time peak .. coz everybody is either busy with themselves or my staff busy with other customer ..
just a gentle reminder yeahs
coz kat my station .. dah 2 orang kene ragut when we tak sedar .. and mind u .. they even do it time peak .. coz everybody is either busy with themselves or my staff busy with other customer ..
just a gentle reminder yeahs
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
SOW3 Part 2
So today was the third day .. we still had much fun .. start with HSSE course which is normal coz handle by Hafeaz and then the Rewards & Recognition ..
Time R&R macam sangat tensed .. coz macam2 soalan been asked .. more towards shell TM and the R&R itself .. the best question is "I want to know how do TM actually set up the target ? Is it basically depends on who he likes or u put it like 3% out of last year achieved? " So she answer was like "No such thing .. they divide the target depends on the paper and so on ....."
The one yang tanya is Shum .. he is from Ipoh .. and i was looking at him and laugh .. i know what he meant .. sometime the target that been given is freakishly high .. if they did do the study .. they will know how the station works and the supposed target.. we wouldnt mind if let say we sell last year per week around 250 ltrs and u put ut around 270 - 280 .. but then sometimes they put it to 400ltrs .. and they expect our navigator arrow to always be at the blue SIDE ? crazy fella .. but then i dont know .. maybe they did do the paperwork ? heheheh ..
And she was explaining about the reward . when we achieve the Gold Dealer and how to achieved it and so on .. we was like listening and quite everyone *who know the truth* giving a smirk :p .. last year Global Retailer of the year station is full of OUT OF STOCK product and she received a freaking 16000 USD ?? WTF !!!!! we know all the politics in it .. but we know they will try their best to cover it :p
So after Lunch .. we need to do a Site Training on Basic Service Steps ... when u guys went to shell station *not all will do yeash .. * they will greet, ask for bonuslink .. talk about promotional iteam *now james bond* and said thank u and ask if u want a receipt ..
BUt what we did ? we be a forecourt crew .. Pump attendant say u .. hahahah.. so i need to greet them and ask for cash or card .. and if card .. do they had a bonuslink and then ask if they want me to clean their windscreen then when they done i will said "Thank You .. please come again" ..
Some of us was like "i cant believe im doing this" .. hahahaha .. what did u expect ? most of us start to help our parent with doing all the admin jobs .. ME ? i start to panjat the tanker since i was in Kindergarten and by Standard 3 i do it all alone .. by standard 4 i start to know about the Credit .. and when we implementing Self Serve in 1997 .. i become the pump attendant and teaching the customer how to use the pump :) hahhahaha .. and i become the cashier by 3rd last day of puasa and of coz till Raya for like 4 years straight :)
Well .. thats my life .. but frankly speaking .. its been a while since i became a forecourt crew for a damn 6 HOURS !!!!!!!
Time R&R macam sangat tensed .. coz macam2 soalan been asked .. more towards shell TM and the R&R itself .. the best question is "I want to know how do TM actually set up the target ? Is it basically depends on who he likes or u put it like 3% out of last year achieved? " So she answer was like "No such thing .. they divide the target depends on the paper and so on ....."
The one yang tanya is Shum .. he is from Ipoh .. and i was looking at him and laugh .. i know what he meant .. sometime the target that been given is freakishly high .. if they did do the study .. they will know how the station works and the supposed target.. we wouldnt mind if let say we sell last year per week around 250 ltrs and u put ut around 270 - 280 .. but then sometimes they put it to 400ltrs .. and they expect our navigator arrow to always be at the blue SIDE ? crazy fella .. but then i dont know .. maybe they did do the paperwork ? heheheh ..
And she was explaining about the reward . when we achieve the Gold Dealer and how to achieved it and so on .. we was like listening and quite everyone *who know the truth* giving a smirk :p .. last year Global Retailer of the year station is full of OUT OF STOCK product and she received a freaking 16000 USD ?? WTF !!!!! we know all the politics in it .. but we know they will try their best to cover it :p
So after Lunch .. we need to do a Site Training on Basic Service Steps ... when u guys went to shell station *not all will do yeash .. * they will greet, ask for bonuslink .. talk about promotional iteam *now james bond* and said thank u and ask if u want a receipt ..
BUt what we did ? we be a forecourt crew .. Pump attendant say u .. hahahah.. so i need to greet them and ask for cash or card .. and if card .. do they had a bonuslink and then ask if they want me to clean their windscreen then when they done i will said "Thank You .. please come again" ..
Some of us was like "i cant believe im doing this" .. hahahaha .. what did u expect ? most of us start to help our parent with doing all the admin jobs .. ME ? i start to panjat the tanker since i was in Kindergarten and by Standard 3 i do it all alone .. by standard 4 i start to know about the Credit .. and when we implementing Self Serve in 1997 .. i become the pump attendant and teaching the customer how to use the pump :) hahhahaha .. and i become the cashier by 3rd last day of puasa and of coz till Raya for like 4 years straight :)
Well .. thats my life .. but frankly speaking .. its been a while since i became a forecourt crew for a damn 6 HOURS !!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Site Operational Workshop
Its been 2 days out of 28 days that i'll be busy with my courses .. What course say u?
Site operational workshop .. this is where we *the retailer child/spouse/siblings* need to attend before we get to handle the petrol station ..
There was a precourse day on Sunday where we meet each other and get our tee's and jacket plus safety shoes.. so its like a ice breaking session .. when i said " Saya wanie dari Central .. representing Stesyen Minyak Tisa and Sentral Tiraz" .. kiteorang punya so called faci or head was like "huhs ?? wow .. oke .. so u la anak kak timah?" and i was like "u huhs" .. and he was smilling .. when he told everyone *there was 13 of us* about him and who he had taught he look at me and said "ur mother ... is my teacher" *wahss . sesungguhnya aku stress .. hahahaha *
so lepas dah amik semua benda yang we supposed to get he called me and asked "as i know.. u know EVERYTHING important about Shell Station .. napa datang this course lagi? U need nothing dahss .." my answer "coz I NEED the CERT " and die cam "yess .. u need the cert to continue the business"
well .. seriously .. bila awal2 join tuhs dah macam set mind "this will be boring as HELL" .. but SURPRISINGLY .. it's NOT .. coz my group semua is like "second or third generation" and one important thing .. semua from the northern state except for me .. so aku la jadi tourguide kat Academy tuhs .. hahahahaha ..
and yes .. all of them is damn friendly .. baru 3 hari dah macam kenal 3bulan .. gelak gelak and gelak je keje .. heheheheh .. coz ade la yang macam "pak lawak although chinese" hahahahah .. and semua pun mostly ade experience .. so we cam exchange information .. it is a nice group ..
So .. as i start on monday .. i cant even had any breaks on weekend .. this weekend i will be a forecourt crew @ pump attendant at selected station .. and next week on friday and saturday i will be a cashier at the selected station and on sunday we will be heading to Eco Dusun Resort *seriusly x tau kt ner* for 3 days and 2 night ..
then on the next weekend i will be learning the part of a Manager and on the last weekend jer we all will be at academy which is on 29 and 30th Nov :) heheheheh
Walaupun kene bangun awal and sampai sana before 830 and be at class by 845 and start class exactly at 9am and end at 515pm to 530 .. but im having fun :) we all having fun .. Alhamdulillah now tak mengantuk lagi la :)
Anyhoo .. i guess i need my sleep .. hohohoh .. tadi dah terbangun kul 8 .. sib baik Academy dekat Glenmarie jer :p
p.s: owh yeahs .. im still not feeling well .. rasa-rasa coz nak tumbuh gigi bongu .. my jaw still locked *xleh bukak besar* and i had problem to chew things *its hurt really bad .. especially yesterday* .. and yes .. semalam i sakit gigi + migrain + not enuff sleep .. end up i took a ponstan and cried myself to bed .. huhuhuh .. u see how hurt i am ?? haihs :(
Site operational workshop .. this is where we *the retailer child/spouse/siblings* need to attend before we get to handle the petrol station ..
There was a precourse day on Sunday where we meet each other and get our tee's and jacket plus safety shoes.. so its like a ice breaking session .. when i said " Saya wanie dari Central .. representing Stesyen Minyak Tisa and Sentral Tiraz" .. kiteorang punya so called faci or head was like "huhs ?? wow .. oke .. so u la anak kak timah?" and i was like "u huhs" .. and he was smilling .. when he told everyone *there was 13 of us* about him and who he had taught he look at me and said "ur mother ... is my teacher" *wahss . sesungguhnya aku stress .. hahahaha *
so lepas dah amik semua benda yang we supposed to get he called me and asked "as i know.. u know EVERYTHING important about Shell Station .. napa datang this course lagi? U need nothing dahss .." my answer "coz I NEED the CERT " and die cam "yess .. u need the cert to continue the business"
well .. seriously .. bila awal2 join tuhs dah macam set mind "this will be boring as HELL" .. but SURPRISINGLY .. it's NOT .. coz my group semua is like "second or third generation" and one important thing .. semua from the northern state except for me .. so aku la jadi tourguide kat Academy tuhs .. hahahahaha ..
and yes .. all of them is damn friendly .. baru 3 hari dah macam kenal 3bulan .. gelak gelak and gelak je keje .. heheheheh .. coz ade la yang macam "pak lawak although chinese" hahahahah .. and semua pun mostly ade experience .. so we cam exchange information .. it is a nice group ..
So .. as i start on monday .. i cant even had any breaks on weekend .. this weekend i will be a forecourt crew @ pump attendant at selected station .. and next week on friday and saturday i will be a cashier at the selected station and on sunday we will be heading to Eco Dusun Resort *seriusly x tau kt ner* for 3 days and 2 night ..
then on the next weekend i will be learning the part of a Manager and on the last weekend jer we all will be at academy which is on 29 and 30th Nov :) heheheheh
Walaupun kene bangun awal and sampai sana before 830 and be at class by 845 and start class exactly at 9am and end at 515pm to 530 .. but im having fun :) we all having fun .. Alhamdulillah now tak mengantuk lagi la :)
Anyhoo .. i guess i need my sleep .. hohohoh .. tadi dah terbangun kul 8 .. sib baik Academy dekat Glenmarie jer :p
p.s: owh yeahs .. im still not feeling well .. rasa-rasa coz nak tumbuh gigi bongu .. my jaw still locked *xleh bukak besar* and i had problem to chew things *its hurt really bad .. especially yesterday* .. and yes .. semalam i sakit gigi + migrain + not enuff sleep .. end up i took a ponstan and cried myself to bed .. huhuhuh .. u see how hurt i am ?? haihs :(
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