On Sunday Kak Zana called .. cakap die kat SJMC coz Aina *her daughter* kene warded something wrong with kidney ..
So time tuhs sebab still tgh tido cam "ok ok .. insyallah nanti wanie datang"
Sunday tuhs cam busy and Monday pun busy .. so hari nie baru ada masa pergi tengok ..
Before gi tuhs .. pegi Subang PArade dulu beli something untuk Aina .. Soft Toy .. 4 years old and got Artery and Kidney problem memang kesian ..
Sampai tuhs biasa la SJMC memang jer Jammed ..
So park kat Sheraton Hotel ..
Dari kul 12 .. tengok aina and borak2 ngan kak zana sampai 3pm ..
Kesian tengok aina .. tp somehow benda tuhs jadi lupa yang dia nie sakit coz die over active ..
So bila mak kak zana and Wawa sampai .. aku pun beransur balik .. Ma and abah keep on calling asal x sampai2 shell ag .. heheheh
Duit dalam wallet ada RM 13 jer *selebih dalam bank*
As usual la kan .. lupe yang park kat Sheraton yang cekik darah tuhs :p
So time kuar tengok rates die mata ku dah juling ..
hati dub dab dub dab .. *tolong la cukup duit *
Bukak wallet ..
Die cakap
RM 12 ..
aku cam ..
Huhs ??
RM 12 ...
1st hour RM 5 .. then RM 3.50 per hours ..
Memang ah kene RM 12 coz 3 jam kotttttttttttttttttttttttt #-o
sib baik duit ada lebih ..
nak marah tak leh .. sapa suh park kat Sheraton kan ?????
tak pe la .. asalkan x susah cari parking * ayat amik hati sendiri *
straight ke Tiraz .. fikiran melayang ntah kemana .. baru sedar junction nak 'U' turn jammed .. sib baik x sondol van kat depan .. shitto ..
Sampai jer .. abah ada .. die tanye buat apa datang .. chait ..
ayat amik hati Abah
" Abah dah amik shift pukul 3 ?? "
" DAH .. " *huhs .. jawapan nak tunjuk ketidak puasan hati anak datang lambat niee*
" Bagusss bagusss .. skali skala datang shell petang apa salahnyeee :p ngeeee ~~ "
Die senyum sinis .. dia tau anak dia nak apa ..
" Nahsss... cukup tak ?? ke lebih tuhs ?? "
" Hisshh .. kurang RM 500 " *ayat nak dapat gaji lagi extra RM 500 *
wahahahahhahahah ..
yerr yerr .. saya berkejar ke Shell kerana mau amik Gaji .. hahahahahha >:) jahat x? :p
So now boleh back to normal .. ermmm
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
When something bugging me ..
I can be over stressed out ..
Hari nie aku cuma minum Jus Mate
And makan roti + biskut
Nescafe n ice lemon tea ..
10.30pm baru makan nugget ..
Then balik minum Jus Mate balik ..
*feel like vomiting, pengsan and stomachache *
So today ada kelas Acc for Managers ..
Time nak break .. lec bagi soalan suruh buat ..
In 15min ..
Owhs .. how karat kepala otak haku ..
Tak pernah praktik .. sesungguhnya BLUR
so bila dah nampak sikit2 jalan kerja .. and dah dapat tangkap ..
buat cepat2 ..
pastu lec tanye .. me keep on answering ..
Sampai budak Iran bengang gila .. :">
He said "sir .. maybe she understand .. but i dont .. where did u get the Net Profit"
Wahahahhahahah .. aiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakss ..
Lecturer gelak and tunjuk *postgrad or undergrad nie? :p *
When im in class .. i feel very ...
tak pikir apa .. cuma study ..
And unkaratkan kepala otak :)
So bila balik ..
everything come back ..
So what did i do ??
owhs .. did i tell u i nearly accident like four times tonite ?
Semua gara2 terlampau melayan perasaan ..
So thats why amik jalan lain .. dengan menyanyi a.k.a MELALAK dalam kereta :)
My Devil had to get used to it .. Ungu Violet does ;)
notes : i hope i make a good impression to the lecturer :"> coz first class tuhs aku sangat BLUR .. * owhs .. i still SUCKS in theory .. nuff said *
I can be over stressed out ..
Hari nie aku cuma minum Jus Mate
And makan roti + biskut
Nescafe n ice lemon tea ..
10.30pm baru makan nugget ..
Then balik minum Jus Mate balik ..
*feel like vomiting, pengsan and stomachache *
So today ada kelas Acc for Managers ..
Time nak break .. lec bagi soalan suruh buat ..
In 15min ..
Owhs .. how karat kepala otak haku ..
Tak pernah praktik .. sesungguhnya BLUR
so bila dah nampak sikit2 jalan kerja .. and dah dapat tangkap ..
buat cepat2 ..
pastu lec tanye .. me keep on answering ..
Sampai budak Iran bengang gila .. :">
He said "sir .. maybe she understand .. but i dont .. where did u get the Net Profit"
Wahahahhahahah .. aiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakss ..
Lecturer gelak and tunjuk *postgrad or undergrad nie? :p *
When im in class .. i feel very ...
tak pikir apa .. cuma study ..
And unkaratkan kepala otak :)
So bila balik ..
everything come back ..
So what did i do ??
owhs .. did i tell u i nearly accident like four times tonite ?
Semua gara2 terlampau melayan perasaan ..
So thats why amik jalan lain .. dengan menyanyi a.k.a MELALAK dalam kereta :)
My Devil had to get used to it .. Ungu Violet does ;)
notes : i hope i make a good impression to the lecturer :"> coz first class tuhs aku sangat BLUR .. * owhs .. i still SUCKS in theory .. nuff said *
Friday, March 27, 2009
Hari Kraf KL
So .. on Wednesday .. Me and Ma pergi Kraf Centre .. Her friend berniaga ..
My mum friend nie tokey Songket kelantan ..
And the main reason kami pergi is to tempah kain songket for me :)
Which is i dont know when to pakai la kan :p
for my reception :p
so .. sampai .. the colour yang die tunjuk tak kene cita rasa ku .. so i dont want :p
i want mine .. 'the' colour ;)
so kami pun tempah .. and sambil2 .. die tunjuk kain tenun ..
She sold it for RM 900++ kat situ ..
sangat santek ..
i took 1 for myself .. *harga of coz cheaper than she sold to others :p *
Then Ma bought 2 songket samping for abah ..
Retail price at her kedai is RM 1700 for one .. *retail price yeahs :p *
Then i bought 1 samping tenun for Comet .. RM 120 .. retail price juga :p
So today ..
Kami pergi lagi sekali .. coz nampak satu pic with kain songket yang sangat cantik ..
So tempah the one .. with bunga lain kottt :p
So sambil2 borak2 .. i as usual .. amik kain and taruk kt badan ..
then amik ag satu .. taruk kat badan ..
End up .. i took this one redish maroon songket ..
And it's just so damn beautiful i couldnt resist ..

The retail price is RM 1200 .. but remember .. retail price oke :p
So dah beli .. mata meliar tengok2 ag .. coz Ma and my Auntie tuhs dok borak2 ..
So tunjuk kat dia cakap "tuhs cantik "
die tengok .. and ckp "adik nie .. high taste .. the one for u cantik .. sme mahal .. that one RM 4500 .. "
Me "huhs ?? hahahah .. xpe lah :) "
Die jual songket sampai RM 15000.00 .. I tak tau nape mahal sangat at first coz for me tak la cantik sangat ..
Rupernya .. they time nak buat tuhs lama .. thats why ..
Songket yang i tempah .. took her 2-3 month to done it .. so die cakap jangan nak kawin awal2 .. ahahahahahha
Haihs .. I love the songket price RM 2500.00 the most tho ..
Haihs ..
My mum friend nie tokey Songket kelantan ..
And the main reason kami pergi is to tempah kain songket for me :)
Which is i dont know when to pakai la kan :p
for my reception :p
so .. sampai .. the colour yang die tunjuk tak kene cita rasa ku .. so i dont want :p
i want mine .. 'the' colour ;)
so kami pun tempah .. and sambil2 .. die tunjuk kain tenun ..
She sold it for RM 900++ kat situ ..
sangat santek ..
i took 1 for myself .. *harga of coz cheaper than she sold to others :p *
Then Ma bought 2 songket samping for abah ..
Retail price at her kedai is RM 1700 for one .. *retail price yeahs :p *
Then i bought 1 samping tenun for Comet .. RM 120 .. retail price juga :p
So today ..
Kami pergi lagi sekali .. coz nampak satu pic with kain songket yang sangat cantik ..
So tempah the one .. with bunga lain kottt :p
So sambil2 borak2 .. i as usual .. amik kain and taruk kt badan ..
then amik ag satu .. taruk kat badan ..
End up .. i took this one redish maroon songket ..
And it's just so damn beautiful i couldnt resist ..

The retail price is RM 1200 .. but remember .. retail price oke :p
So dah beli .. mata meliar tengok2 ag .. coz Ma and my Auntie tuhs dok borak2 ..
So tunjuk kat dia cakap "tuhs cantik "
die tengok .. and ckp "adik nie .. high taste .. the one for u cantik .. sme mahal .. that one RM 4500 .. "
Me "huhs ?? hahahah .. xpe lah :) "
Die jual songket sampai RM 15000.00 .. I tak tau nape mahal sangat at first coz for me tak la cantik sangat ..
Rupernya .. they time nak buat tuhs lama .. thats why ..
Songket yang i tempah .. took her 2-3 month to done it .. so die cakap jangan nak kawin awal2 .. ahahahahahha
Haihs .. I love the songket price RM 2500.00 the most tho ..
Haihs ..
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Ugut ????
Semalam sampai jer Tiraz ma cakap ..
"Dik .. ada customer call cakap ada orang amik pic adik time masuk toilet.."
i was like ..
"Huhs?? gambar cam ner ?? "
Ma : Dia call Tiraz .. Yus cakap ngan dia .. dia cakap ada tak pekerja sini pakai baju putih, jeans hitam and tudung Kuning putih .. Then Yus cakap ada .. pastu dia cakap ada bangla amik video staff tuhs masuk toilet .. tunjuk kat frens die ..
Me : huhs ? bile nie ? Semalam ke ?
Ma : A ahs .. Semalam .. Ada gi toilet ke ??
Me : *thingking* Mana sempat nak gi toilet .. Nak kench pun tahan coz banyak kerja and busy .. balik awal kan .. ada meeting
Ma : tuhs la .. mengarut gax .. ma tengok kat CCTV takda
Me : Yus .. dia cakap apa ??
Yus : Dia cakap bangla tuhs pendek2 and gelap2 .. Amik video tunjuk kat frens dia .. Frens dia atas motor tuhs kawan dia .. so dia nampak laa .. dia x suke macam tuhs ..
Me : Pelik ..
Yus : Kak Wanie pakai tudung jeans itam ke smlm ?
Me : Yup ..
Yus : Haa .. ye la .. die cakap semalam .. kak wanie la ..
Me : tapi aku x gi toilet punnnn ..
Conclusion .. dia nak sabotage my staff .. wtf .. coz sangat confiden that aku tak gi toilet pun semalam .. haihs .. buat cerita tahap tak tau nak kata apa ..
Anyhooo .. Marketing class is coool :) .. Im getting closed with the Iranian - Ari, Hamid n Reza and the local Aznim n her boss ;)
At least i got new frens ;)
"Dik .. ada customer call cakap ada orang amik pic adik time masuk toilet.."
i was like ..
"Huhs?? gambar cam ner ?? "
Ma : Dia call Tiraz .. Yus cakap ngan dia .. dia cakap ada tak pekerja sini pakai baju putih, jeans hitam and tudung Kuning putih .. Then Yus cakap ada .. pastu dia cakap ada bangla amik video staff tuhs masuk toilet .. tunjuk kat frens die ..
Me : huhs ? bile nie ? Semalam ke ?
Ma : A ahs .. Semalam .. Ada gi toilet ke ??
Me : *thingking* Mana sempat nak gi toilet .. Nak kench pun tahan coz banyak kerja and busy .. balik awal kan .. ada meeting
Ma : tuhs la .. mengarut gax .. ma tengok kat CCTV takda
Me : Yus .. dia cakap apa ??
Yus : Dia cakap bangla tuhs pendek2 and gelap2 .. Amik video tunjuk kat frens dia .. Frens dia atas motor tuhs kawan dia .. so dia nampak laa .. dia x suke macam tuhs ..
Me : Pelik ..
Yus : Kak Wanie pakai tudung jeans itam ke smlm ?
Me : Yup ..
Yus : Haa .. ye la .. die cakap semalam .. kak wanie la ..
Me : tapi aku x gi toilet punnnn ..
Conclusion .. dia nak sabotage my staff .. wtf .. coz sangat confiden that aku tak gi toilet pun semalam .. haihs .. buat cerita tahap tak tau nak kata apa ..
Anyhooo .. Marketing class is coool :) .. Im getting closed with the Iranian - Ari, Hamid n Reza and the local Aznim n her boss ;)
At least i got new frens ;)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Materialistic sekali sekala .. hahahahahh
tadi berangan-angan ..
Maka kalau berangan-angan ..
mesti over the top kan?? :p
so .. borak2 .. cakap kat comet ..
kalau la kamu dapat duit RM 16,000.00 sebulan ..
Saya mau satu benda nie atas Hantaran Kawin saya ..
die tanye la ape??
Saya mau Hermes Birkin Bag ..
Die macam "ape tuhs?? "
Alaaa .. Birkin Bag ..
Erm .. Harga dia .. 5,550.00
Dia cam "ooo .. ok .. "
Tapi BB .. Euro tau .. bukan RM ..
Terus kene B**it di situ ..
Wahahahahhah .. shitto :p
Sumpah kelakar .. espressi muka yang tak boleh dihandle
Die cakap kalu Bulu Saya warna Gold boleh ah :p
Bengong :p
hahahahahha ..
ingat tau BB .. mau Birkin Beg yeahs :p hahahahahhahaha
notes: sesungguhnya ini adalah angan-angan dan gurauan semata .. saya bukan seorang materialistic .. if i want something so bad .. i will absolutely try to buy it myself .. Insyallah i wont ask it from my BF or Hubby *in future* .. :) Sekian .. Wasalam :)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Back Home
Semalam sampai Malaysia around 8pm ..
tp actually dalam hati nak gi main badminton ..
Comet been very busy this few weeks ..
Class dia ade buat Kursus Kahwin ,,
So .. i give him my support .
Join ..
SO semalam sampai kul 8mlm .. and takleh tido till 3am
Today i woke up at 6.45am .. siap2 .. amik comet ..
Pergi UPM together ..
Serius mengantuk
1st Penceramah ok lagi
By the 2nd one i doze off ;))
Habis around 6pm ..
Esok ada lagi ..
tapi tonite kene closing both station ..
Haihs .. tido lewat ag la nampaknya
MBA nye class dah start ..
and i already got an assignment to submit this monday *which aku x stat sepatah ag pun and baru je check out the question*
Owhs ..
Im sleepy ..
tapi malam nie cam nak tengok my precious you ..
Ma cakap besh gile ..
semua gadoh nak Bori pulaks .. haits ..
OK la .. nak siap2 .. tido kejap ker :p
before comet sampai ...
notes : its been a while for me n comet to jalan2 together2 .. hari nie kami jalan2 together .. ngeee ~~ im happy :) walaupun cume ke Jusco ;)
tp actually dalam hati nak gi main badminton ..
Comet been very busy this few weeks ..
Class dia ade buat Kursus Kahwin ,,
So .. i give him my support .
Join ..
SO semalam sampai kul 8mlm .. and takleh tido till 3am
Today i woke up at 6.45am .. siap2 .. amik comet ..
Pergi UPM together ..
Serius mengantuk
1st Penceramah ok lagi
By the 2nd one i doze off ;))
Habis around 6pm ..
Esok ada lagi ..
tapi tonite kene closing both station ..
Haihs .. tido lewat ag la nampaknya
MBA nye class dah start ..
and i already got an assignment to submit this monday *which aku x stat sepatah ag pun and baru je check out the question*
Owhs ..
Im sleepy ..
tapi malam nie cam nak tengok my precious you ..
Ma cakap besh gile ..
semua gadoh nak Bori pulaks .. haits ..
OK la .. nak siap2 .. tido kejap ker :p
before comet sampai ...
notes : its been a while for me n comet to jalan2 together2 .. hari nie kami jalan2 together .. ngeee ~~ im happy :) walaupun cume ke Jusco ;)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Cerita Kedah
Pic that afie took using my Canon .. nie perjalanan dari Sg Petani to Alor Star on the 2nd day
Part 1 Kak Miza & Family
Dengan kak miza nie selalu kami berhubung thru SMS or Email .. call pun boleh kira ngan jari .. ehehehhe ..
kak miza adalah "Dealer" for tudung-tudung Zafira bahagian Kedah ;)
So nak dijadikan cerita .. excited la kan .. siap bawak tudung pass ke dia ape sme ..
Sampai kedah baru banyak contact sikit ..
Then bila dah sampai hotel pun inform die ..
Die ajak gi Dinner ..
Tapi .. the best part is .. KAMI TAK PERNAH JUMPA .. and i never know how she looks like .. heheheh ..
So .. bila nak jumpa tuhs .. memang cuakness gax .. dalam hati kalu la salah orang memang sumpah malu nie :-s
So .. what i know is that she knows my car .. so mesti die park dekat2 la kan ..
Sesi mencari bermula .. Nampak ada car park nearby mine ..
bila nampak kepala orang pusing2 .. suspect dia la .. heheheh
Bile die keluar .. baru realized she's with her hubby and daughter ..
So time nampak die tuhs cam terkejut ..
if only i got her body .. Anak dah 3 .. body still niceee .. im jelly :(
Memang gelak coz hubby die tanye dia .. kenal ke i yang mana .. hahahhaha
So bile comet dah turun kami terus gi dinner dengan di "marshall" oleh kak miza hubby :)
Comet tanya "pernah jumpa kak miza ke ?? "
Sememangnye jawab "ngakkk.. first time .."
SO bile kat kedai .. sambil makan sambil borak .. baru tau both lawyer ..
kalu i n comet both lawyer .. mau pecah rumah :p hakhakhak
COmet cakap husband kak miza cakap laju betul .. sometimes die x paham ..
Sampai Porridge pun die boleh x realize ape hubby kak miza maksudkan .. heheheh ..
She's a nice person tho .. siap time i said to her last day tuhs nak gi breakfast kat kopitiam ..
she came with her family .. tapi time tuhs kami melepak jumpa Comet nye senior .. Brader Nazmizan with his wifey Kak Sue :)
Sebenarnye since alesha lahir dah nak jumpa and tengok baby Alesha although im not that good with kids .. *sebabnya dah jaga afie since die umur 5bulan*
Tapi just suka nak tengok .. tapi selalu takde masa ..
So gi Kedah nie .. amik kesempatan nak jumpa kak sue n brader n alesha ..
Tapi I only met kak sue once *kalu x silap* .. time wedding derang .. tuhs pun malu-malu .. *saya mmg susah skit nak bercakap*
So .. hari tuhs jumpa pun walaupun kami di Blog n YM boleh aktif berborak .. Tapi bile jumpa face to face kami banyak diam ..
Sorry kak sue .. wanie nie memang macam nie skit ..
Kalau datang blur .. wanie x tau nak cakap apa ..
tuhs sometimes ppl said wanie nie SOMBONG :)
Maybe nanti kita leh borak-borak lagi banyak ..
Bile kita ada banyakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk masa oke :)
owhs .. anyway .. wanie terkejut coz rasa kak sue pun dah kurus walaupun pregnant .. Haihs .. now im JELLY !!!!!!! Part 3 Fawaz Wedding Semangat waja check google maps sebelum bertolak ..
Pagi2 bangun check google maps .. Senang jer ... *chewahsss*
Amik ko .. SESAT JUA ..
CO-PILOT ku memang hancussss ..
X tau nak read google maps ..
tanye betul ke ..
betul je jawab nye .. chaittt .. Sib baik jumpa :p
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Im back HOMEEEE :)
SO semalam i told u guys that i went to Sg Petani aite?? :)
That was my first time in Kedah oke ! hehehehhehe
Siap drive selamber kodok ke sungai petani ..
Nasib baik jumpa jalan ..
So semalam .. dah melepak dalam bilik .. kami buat keputusan nak gi Dinner ..
Lateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee DINNER :)
Tapi sebab the menstrual ..
i feel like eating a CAKE !!
cari secret recipe .. dah tutup .. *sob sob*
Coz dah nak kul 10 dahhh ..
So kami nampak ade kedai nie ..
Donut Sayang ..
Ramai pulak orang masuk beli barang ..
selamber stop ah .. try tgk ..
beli2 .. abis RM 20 :p afie ah niee .. mcm2 die amik .. orang lain nak kek ..
Die melebih beli .. haihs :p
So lepas beli kek .. straight gi Nurha's balik :p
Comet nak makan Kerabu Sotong die ..
Mereka pasang bola ..
Comet stress .. KEKALAHAN PADA PIHAK DIA :p hakhakhak
so .. dah abis makan .. pikir2 .. malas nak main bowlin .. tooo tireddd ..
So balik hotel terus .. pit stop beli air n stuff ..
Then afie dengan gelojoh makan kek .. *time sampai kedai makan pun die siap "bye bye kek .. take care .." hahahahhahaha .. sebab tinggal dalam keta :P *
aku yang nak makan .. die yang makan abis all the cake .. chait .. i only ate the kaya bun .. kek stakat 2 suap :p
Slept at 2.30 .. lpas abis cite Ice Age .. woke up at 7.30am ..
Dah xleh tido ..
sambil2 .. check google maps nak ke Dewan Dato Ahmad Badawi for Fawaz reception ..
Kul 9pagi call comet suruh bangun n siap2 ..
Mandi2 .. sme dah siap .. pegi breakfast *comet kene marah time nie :P *
nak roti canai .. kak miza cakap still tutup .. so kami call Brader n Kak Sue saying we're heading to Restoran Kopitiam ..
Brunch .. tengok2 Kak Miza n family datang .. Husband die datang meja kami just to wish Comet takziah atas kekalahan .. wahhahahahahah
First time jumpa Aleesha :) Semangat sungguh anak Brader n Kak Sue .. boleh jadi athelete ..
Tak pun Aleesha jadi mcm auntie wanie :) Bersukan sambil berbusiness minded ;)
So bila Brader n Kak Sue dah nak balik .. kami join Kak Miza and family ..
Around 12 balik Hotel and siap-siap to check out ..
Stop Shell Kak Zana for petrol n jumpa kak zana .. borak2 pasal shell sikit ..
Then around 1.45 ke Butterworth :)
Sampai jer .. sesat coz salah jalan :p terlajakkkkk
Siap kene bayar toll jer RM 2.40 .. hampehhhhhhh
Makan2 .. dah x larat .. Amik pic .. balik ..
Sampai Tapah stop jumpa Abang Azam ..
Tengok2 Shell die pulak ..
Hohs .. Gile siap ada track Sepang for Ferrari :p
HEhehehehhe ..
REach home 8.20 pm ..
From Penang to KL hujannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!
owhhss owhsh ..
Time petang ok ag .. sampai rawang .. aku dah x nampak ape !!
did i tell u .. My contact lenses koyak kt Kedah ??
Sib baik bawak Speckkkkk .. hishhh ..
Owhs .. Hotel Samila is ok eventho only 3 stars ;)
or is it 2 ?? hehehhehe
Di didik oleh my mum not to stay at expensive hotel ..
WHY ??
coz ....
hotel cuma tempat tidur sahaja .. kami akan selalu keluar .. bukan duduk dalam bilik 24/7 .. why need an expensive one ?? if it comfy thats good enough :) walaupun MURAH ..
And i took her words till now :) Coz memang x selalu duduk dalam bilik pun .. sekadar untuk Tidur :)
If HONEYMOON ?? then i will take an expensive ONE !!
pics will be uploaded later :) too tired .. nak mandi :) heheheh .. mata ku sudah stress OKE !
That was my first time in Kedah oke ! hehehehhehe
Siap drive selamber kodok ke sungai petani ..
Nasib baik jumpa jalan ..
So semalam .. dah melepak dalam bilik .. kami buat keputusan nak gi Dinner ..
Lateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee DINNER :)
Tapi sebab the menstrual ..
i feel like eating a CAKE !!
cari secret recipe .. dah tutup .. *sob sob*
Coz dah nak kul 10 dahhh ..
So kami nampak ade kedai nie ..
Donut Sayang ..
Ramai pulak orang masuk beli barang ..
selamber stop ah .. try tgk ..
beli2 .. abis RM 20 :p afie ah niee .. mcm2 die amik .. orang lain nak kek ..
Die melebih beli .. haihs :p
So lepas beli kek .. straight gi Nurha's balik :p
Comet nak makan Kerabu Sotong die ..
Mereka pasang bola ..
Comet stress .. KEKALAHAN PADA PIHAK DIA :p hakhakhak
so .. dah abis makan .. pikir2 .. malas nak main bowlin .. tooo tireddd ..
So balik hotel terus .. pit stop beli air n stuff ..
Then afie dengan gelojoh makan kek .. *time sampai kedai makan pun die siap "bye bye kek .. take care .." hahahahhahaha .. sebab tinggal dalam keta :P *
aku yang nak makan .. die yang makan abis all the cake .. chait .. i only ate the kaya bun .. kek stakat 2 suap :p
Slept at 2.30 .. lpas abis cite Ice Age .. woke up at 7.30am ..
Dah xleh tido ..
sambil2 .. check google maps nak ke Dewan Dato Ahmad Badawi for Fawaz reception ..
Kul 9pagi call comet suruh bangun n siap2 ..
Mandi2 .. sme dah siap .. pegi breakfast *comet kene marah time nie :P *
nak roti canai .. kak miza cakap still tutup .. so kami call Brader n Kak Sue saying we're heading to Restoran Kopitiam ..
Brunch .. tengok2 Kak Miza n family datang .. Husband die datang meja kami just to wish Comet takziah atas kekalahan .. wahhahahahahah
First time jumpa Aleesha :) Semangat sungguh anak Brader n Kak Sue .. boleh jadi athelete ..
Tak pun Aleesha jadi mcm auntie wanie :) Bersukan sambil berbusiness minded ;)
So bila Brader n Kak Sue dah nak balik .. kami join Kak Miza and family ..
Around 12 balik Hotel and siap-siap to check out ..
Stop Shell Kak Zana for petrol n jumpa kak zana .. borak2 pasal shell sikit ..
Then around 1.45 ke Butterworth :)
Sampai jer .. sesat coz salah jalan :p terlajakkkkk
Siap kene bayar toll jer RM 2.40 .. hampehhhhhhh
Makan2 .. dah x larat .. Amik pic .. balik ..
Sampai Tapah stop jumpa Abang Azam ..
Tengok2 Shell die pulak ..
Hohs .. Gile siap ada track Sepang for Ferrari :p
HEhehehehhe ..
REach home 8.20 pm ..
From Penang to KL hujannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!
owhhss owhsh ..
Time petang ok ag .. sampai rawang .. aku dah x nampak ape !!
did i tell u .. My contact lenses koyak kt Kedah ??
Sib baik bawak Speckkkkk .. hishhh ..
Owhs .. Hotel Samila is ok eventho only 3 stars ;)
or is it 2 ?? hehehhehe
Di didik oleh my mum not to stay at expensive hotel ..
WHY ??
coz ....
hotel cuma tempat tidur sahaja .. kami akan selalu keluar .. bukan duduk dalam bilik 24/7 .. why need an expensive one ?? if it comfy thats good enough :) walaupun MURAH ..
And i took her words till now :) Coz memang x selalu duduk dalam bilik pun .. sekadar untuk Tidur :)
If HONEYMOON ?? then i will take an expensive ONE !!
pics will be uploaded later :) too tired .. nak mandi :) heheheh .. mata ku sudah stress OKE !
Saturday, March 14, 2009
In Kedah
In kEdah now ..
with mie and afie .. a
semalam sampai jer Alor STar afie seronok amik pic pokok "sakura" dan kami juga siap sesat .. hahahaha .. x jumpa jalan nak gi hotel ..
hotel yang kami booking tetibe jer kata nama kami tak ada .. called another hotel .. full .. so duduk kat hotel Samila .. *mmg band Seri Msia*
so .. sampai hotel around 8.15pm .. then call kak miza .. masuk mandi .. tgk2 kak miza called cakap dah kat bawah.. mengelabah sme .. ehehheheh
terus siap-siap turun .. kak miza belanja makan *thanks soo much kak !!* ..
meet her with husband and their kids .. soooo comel2 :) sme pun muke lain2 .. heheheh..
then .. dah abis makan .. we all balik hotel which tetibe teringat time on the way gi makan call ch'ng .. die cakap shell kak zana dekat ngan tesco .. and nampak lambang tesco .. so sampai jer hotel .. kami kuar balik .. jalan-jalan .. cari shell .. hehehe
stop tanye orang .. kami jumpa .. isi minyak .. and beli air .. then balik hotel .. tido .. im tooo tired .. my first day menstrual .. so ada menstrual pain skit ..
bangun pun lewat coz makan ubat Sara and Zyrtec.. this hotel quite old u know :)
konon-konon nak gi makan roti canai .. bangun pun kul 11 .. mcm mana nak gi makan ?
hahahhaha .. orang cari breakfast kul 9 pagi .. kami kul 12 :p
so .. kami jalan-jalan .. dari Souq ke Star Parade ke Tesco ..
Dari Tesco .. terus ke Sungai Petani .. Ke pekan lama sungai petani Ke Chin Kee Services .. Jumpa Goy :) Lepak-lepak tgk shell die ..
Then ke arah Tikam Batu ...
Ke Caring Trading Services *kot* .. Shell Bob .. tapi bob takde .. so kami jalan2 jer ..
Then gi Stesyen MInyak Fajar .. Shell Faiz 1 .. Faiz was there .. so lepak2 .. borak2 .. sampai around 6.45 .. kuar shell die .. straight to Alor Star .. sampai alor star around 7.11 :)
Straight balik hotel ..
So .. now tengah rest .. and berpikir .. nak main bowling tak kejap ag . ingat nak ajak brader and kak sue .. tapi alesha demam panas .. baru nak tgk alesha .. heheh ..
tapi half of me too tired n sleepy to drive .. *yes .. saya yang drive from KL to Alor Star to Hotel to Dinner to Jalan-jalan to Sg Petani to Alor Star back :p
with mie and afie .. a
semalam sampai jer Alor STar afie seronok amik pic pokok "sakura" dan kami juga siap sesat .. hahahaha .. x jumpa jalan nak gi hotel ..
hotel yang kami booking tetibe jer kata nama kami tak ada .. called another hotel .. full .. so duduk kat hotel Samila .. *mmg band Seri Msia*
so .. sampai hotel around 8.15pm .. then call kak miza .. masuk mandi .. tgk2 kak miza called cakap dah kat bawah.. mengelabah sme .. ehehheheh
terus siap-siap turun .. kak miza belanja makan *thanks soo much kak !!* ..
meet her with husband and their kids .. soooo comel2 :) sme pun muke lain2 .. heheheh..
then .. dah abis makan .. we all balik hotel which tetibe teringat time on the way gi makan call ch'ng .. die cakap shell kak zana dekat ngan tesco .. and nampak lambang tesco .. so sampai jer hotel .. kami kuar balik .. jalan-jalan .. cari shell .. hehehe
stop tanye orang .. kami jumpa .. isi minyak .. and beli air .. then balik hotel .. tido .. im tooo tired .. my first day menstrual .. so ada menstrual pain skit ..
bangun pun lewat coz makan ubat Sara and Zyrtec.. this hotel quite old u know :)
konon-konon nak gi makan roti canai .. bangun pun kul 11 .. mcm mana nak gi makan ?
hahahhaha .. orang cari breakfast kul 9 pagi .. kami kul 12 :p
so .. kami jalan-jalan .. dari Souq ke Star Parade ke Tesco ..
Dari Tesco .. terus ke Sungai Petani .. Ke pekan lama sungai petani Ke Chin Kee Services .. Jumpa Goy :) Lepak-lepak tgk shell die ..
Then ke arah Tikam Batu ...
Ke Caring Trading Services *kot* .. Shell Bob .. tapi bob takde .. so kami jalan2 jer ..
Then gi Stesyen MInyak Fajar .. Shell Faiz 1 .. Faiz was there .. so lepak2 .. borak2 .. sampai around 6.45 .. kuar shell die .. straight to Alor Star .. sampai alor star around 7.11 :)
Straight balik hotel ..
So .. now tengah rest .. and berpikir .. nak main bowling tak kejap ag . ingat nak ajak brader and kak sue .. tapi alesha demam panas .. baru nak tgk alesha .. heheh ..
tapi half of me too tired n sleepy to drive .. *yes .. saya yang drive from KL to Alor Star to Hotel to Dinner to Jalan-jalan to Sg Petani to Alor Star back :p
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Women Thing
Ermm .. Kenapa kene ada PMS ?
I mean .. kalau takat menstrual tuhs tak kisah .. but PMS ..
Gosh ..
Time I got my PMS .. i dont think comet will want to be near me ..
Why ???
I will be damn moody and hot tempered .. !!!
Jangan la silap buat kerja .. or jangan la salah cakap ..
I will go SULKY and berhangin satu badan .. hehehe
Haihs .. pity him tho ..
everymonth kene ikut jer girlfriend die nie ..
Sib baik penyabar ..
kalau tak .. habisss :p
Lagi satu ..
i realize ..
time PMS .. badan ku kembang SEMANGKUK !! erghhhh
and time tuhs la jadi cam "eii .. gemukkkk laa "
which comet will always say ..
"tak lah .. dah sampai time die"
so .. in 10min time i will go sulky .. hahahah .. sebab rasa diri ku gemok :(
n stressed out ..
n then come the temper .. hikhikhik ..
OR ...
i can be quiet as hell .. tak nak berborak .. takat .. hmm .. a ahs .. ok .. :p
haihs ..
PMS :(
I mean .. kalau takat menstrual tuhs tak kisah .. but PMS ..
Gosh ..
Time I got my PMS .. i dont think comet will want to be near me ..
Why ???
I will be damn moody and hot tempered .. !!!
Jangan la silap buat kerja .. or jangan la salah cakap ..
I will go SULKY and berhangin satu badan .. hehehe
Haihs .. pity him tho ..
everymonth kene ikut jer girlfriend die nie ..
Sib baik penyabar ..
kalau tak .. habisss :p
Lagi satu ..
i realize ..
time PMS .. badan ku kembang SEMANGKUK !! erghhhh
and time tuhs la jadi cam "eii .. gemukkkk laa "
which comet will always say ..
"tak lah .. dah sampai time die"
so .. in 10min time i will go sulky .. hahahah .. sebab rasa diri ku gemok :(
n stressed out ..
n then come the temper .. hikhikhik ..
OR ...
i can be quiet as hell .. tak nak berborak .. takat .. hmm .. a ahs .. ok .. :p
haihs ..
PMS :(
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I hate it when Malaysian driver switch lanes without giving any signal ..
They just wait for u to come near baru nak switch lanes without any signals and just like *wosshhh* .. IDIOTS !!!!
Then bile kite HONK and bagi jalan .. WHAT DO THEY DO ????
They drove like a freaking snails on the FAST LANESSS !!!
bile orang nak overtake kau laju ..
bile aku kat belakang kau .. kau SLOW PULAK !!
whats wrong ??
Kalau dah rasa nak bawak slow .. please stay pada lane paling KIRI !!
not middle NOR right LANES .. KAPISH ????
They just wait for u to come near baru nak switch lanes without any signals and just like *wosshhh* .. IDIOTS !!!!
Then bile kite HONK and bagi jalan .. WHAT DO THEY DO ????
They drove like a freaking snails on the FAST LANESSS !!!
bile orang nak overtake kau laju ..
bile aku kat belakang kau .. kau SLOW PULAK !!
whats wrong ??
Kalau dah rasa nak bawak slow .. please stay pada lane paling KIRI !!
not middle NOR right LANES .. KAPISH ????
Curi Dari Alya
1. Open this website : http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx
2. Take the Personality Quiz
3. Copy Paste the result to Facebook
4. Tag your friends including me
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
--- MORE ---
Here is the analysis:
1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
2. You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
3. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
4. Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
5. Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
2. Take the Personality Quiz
3. Copy Paste the result to Facebook
4. Tag your friends including me
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
--- MORE ---
Here is the analysis:
1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
2. You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
3. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
4. Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
5. Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
Marley & Me

Gosh .. have u guys watch this movie ??
Kalau belum .. PLEASE WATCH IT ..
It was NICE ..
Romantic , Comedy n even SAD ...
Do do watch it ..
Marley is sooooo damn cute and annoying :p
Afie nak tengok movie .. i thought of booking Geng Upin N Ipin ..
Tapi dia taknak .. chait .. control cun abis ahh x mo tengok Upin N Ipin ..
So .. she asked for Marley & Me .. Booked at TGV Sunway ..
Promised her to "belanja" at Tony ROma .. She loved the Bone Beef ..
So .. pegi awal .. amik tiket .. and headed to Tony ..
Comet n Me ordered the Garlic & Rosemary Chicken ..
Afie ordered the Roma Rack ..
huhs .. sungguh mengenyangkan ..
Selang 2 hari tuhs Tony Romas .. haihs ..
Monday, March 09, 2009
One week issues
hohs .. lame gile tak update blog ..
so many thing happens ..
work .. work .. work ..
GM Shell Malaysia siap turun padang for the Ferrari Promotion ..
So semua kelam kabut .. and siap taruk meja di luar .. to promote ..
Yesterday Tiraz start to put and sold 105 cars !!! *claps claps*
Sangat-sangat berbangga dengan pekerja Tiraz yang tak banyak SONGEH :)
I said do .. they do .. and vice versa :)
anyway ...
on thursday ..
pegi jumpa Area MAnager Central .. to bincang bout handover both of the station to my name .. So after much debates and discussion .. he do agree and said he likes me and my way of bringing myself .. he said my mum teach me well and she did a good job.. so mula la keluar kisah 23 years ago .. *he was my mum TM back then* ..
He ask us to make a letter for the handover and he will present his hardest to get it done .. as to change both name in one shot is quite tough as my age tak sampai 28.. But he do said it could be considered as he know me since im a kid and he know how i help my mum ..
Soalan cepumas dia ..
"So wanie .. how long have u help ur mum with the station ? "
I go "Huhssss ?? *tgk ke arah Ma*
My mum " As long as she could remember la .. She's been helping me since Tadika"
hehehehehe ..
So after that .. dah setel semua .. pegi KL .. setelkan Loans rumah yang dah abis bayar ., drop my mum in Tisa and i went to MMU to send the X-Ray and surat insurance ..
On the way nak gi Tiraz .. Abah call saying he's in Tiraz n i can go home ..
Sampai rumah .. borak-borak ngan ma pasal kamera .. and i said i want to buy one ..
She said "Lets go to Parade .. ma nak beli make up .. "
so terus ke Parade n i bought this camera ..

then kami ke Parkson .. terus survey Bobbi Brown .. Ma beli one lipstick .. i bought two eyeshadow .. Metallic Eye Shadow in Pink Pearl n Bash ..
Then pegi beli cake for afie's and ma buat manicure ..
So on friday ..
Since malam tuhs afie masuk bilik ma saying that her handphone dah rosak*walhal tak*
Ma said she's goin to ask me to buy a new one for her ..
We bought the Nokia 5800 for my 14 years old lil SIS !!!! :p
Coz kami di The Gardens ..
kami masuk Longchamp ..
Ma beli the Bags and purse ..
While me ??
i bought this ...

A limited Edition colour of Longchamp oversize Clutch !! ;)
Then we had our lunch at Tony Roma's .. I gave my mum a treats ;) i pay for the lunch :)
So lepas dah selesai makan sme .. as usual .. kene pergi Kerja :)
Sampai je Office . busy ngan the new garage for the car yang baru sampai tuhs ..

So dah setelkan the garage .. SMS bertubi-tubi from TM .. suruh taruk table kt luar and so on .. so pegi beli table and bitau all staff what they should do .. walhal awal2 bergaduh gax tak nak :p hehehee
That nite memang balik lambat from Shell .. sampai rumah .. mandi2 .. getting ready for Emi's kenduri Kesyukuran ..

Have a blast eventho kami sampai lewat .. Sorry to Emi .. coz kerja .. bukan saja-saja nak datang lambat ..
On saturday ..
Attended Ayu's & Ayam (Amirul) wedding

And today ..
Ada engagement .. Nadia and Luqman *Man *
Pic will be uploaded later .. :)
so many thing happens ..
work .. work .. work ..
GM Shell Malaysia siap turun padang for the Ferrari Promotion ..
So semua kelam kabut .. and siap taruk meja di luar .. to promote ..
Yesterday Tiraz start to put and sold 105 cars !!! *claps claps*
Sangat-sangat berbangga dengan pekerja Tiraz yang tak banyak SONGEH :)
I said do .. they do .. and vice versa :)
anyway ...
on thursday ..
pegi jumpa Area MAnager Central .. to bincang bout handover both of the station to my name .. So after much debates and discussion .. he do agree and said he likes me and my way of bringing myself .. he said my mum teach me well and she did a good job.. so mula la keluar kisah 23 years ago .. *he was my mum TM back then* ..
He ask us to make a letter for the handover and he will present his hardest to get it done .. as to change both name in one shot is quite tough as my age tak sampai 28.. But he do said it could be considered as he know me since im a kid and he know how i help my mum ..
Soalan cepumas dia ..
"So wanie .. how long have u help ur mum with the station ? "
I go "Huhssss ?? *tgk ke arah Ma*
My mum " As long as she could remember la .. She's been helping me since Tadika"
hehehehehe ..
So after that .. dah setel semua .. pegi KL .. setelkan Loans rumah yang dah abis bayar ., drop my mum in Tisa and i went to MMU to send the X-Ray and surat insurance ..
On the way nak gi Tiraz .. Abah call saying he's in Tiraz n i can go home ..
Sampai rumah .. borak-borak ngan ma pasal kamera .. and i said i want to buy one ..
She said "Lets go to Parade .. ma nak beli make up .. "
so terus ke Parade n i bought this camera ..

then kami ke Parkson .. terus survey Bobbi Brown .. Ma beli one lipstick .. i bought two eyeshadow .. Metallic Eye Shadow in Pink Pearl n Bash ..
Then pegi beli cake for afie's and ma buat manicure ..
So on friday ..
Since malam tuhs afie masuk bilik ma saying that her handphone dah rosak*walhal tak*
Ma said she's goin to ask me to buy a new one for her ..
We bought the Nokia 5800 for my 14 years old lil SIS !!!! :p
Coz kami di The Gardens ..
kami masuk Longchamp ..
Ma beli the Bags and purse ..
While me ??
i bought this ...
A limited Edition colour of Longchamp oversize Clutch !! ;)
Then we had our lunch at Tony Roma's .. I gave my mum a treats ;) i pay for the lunch :)
So lepas dah selesai makan sme .. as usual .. kene pergi Kerja :)
Sampai je Office . busy ngan the new garage for the car yang baru sampai tuhs ..
So dah setelkan the garage .. SMS bertubi-tubi from TM .. suruh taruk table kt luar and so on .. so pegi beli table and bitau all staff what they should do .. walhal awal2 bergaduh gax tak nak :p hehehee
That nite memang balik lambat from Shell .. sampai rumah .. mandi2 .. getting ready for Emi's kenduri Kesyukuran ..
Have a blast eventho kami sampai lewat .. Sorry to Emi .. coz kerja .. bukan saja-saja nak datang lambat ..
On saturday ..
Attended Ayu's & Ayam (Amirul) wedding
And today ..
Ada engagement .. Nadia and Luqman *Man *
Pic will be uploaded later .. :)
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