Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Tagged by Alia B

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Photo Album
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2

Tuesday, July 05, 2011
On friday 17 June 2011. i start to play bowling league again
Lama tinggal all this league and tournament.
So now i joined bowling at Cineleisure every Friday night
The women bowling league
And Alhamdulillah im happy coz surprisingly im on form :D
After a year tinggal bola bowling kat rumah and dah x main hook. that day i used my own bowling ball and main hook balik
my score memang marveles la hari tu :D :D
First game 178. 2nd game 148 and final game 208
Gile weh .. terus excited coz i nye average per game jadi 178
then on tuesday main lagi for post bowl which i score still ok la
1st game 184 2nd game 168 3rd game 146
and friday main lagi. yg tu macam consistent naik turun
owhs and last friday pun i beli new bowling bag coz i nye bowling bag dah hancur!
hahahahahah ..
can i play this week lagi? tp jari nie dah bengkak actually T___T
Tadi elok nak keluarkan kereta nak gi office.
Security guard area rumah came to me.
Dia ask to be extra alert
Sebabnya rumah kat depan sikit corner lot kene robbed on thursday night
At 8.30PM !!!!!!!
Anak semua ada kat rumah. the parent pun. even maid.
time dinner kot kan!!!!!
then there's 5 robbers. datang with parang,pisau and stuff
pakai Mask and wig lagi
pegang anak perempuan they all yang tengah main dengan anjing dulu
taruk parang kat leher then bile the mum nampak terpaksa bukak pintu sebab anak dia kene
then the maid lari duk dalam bilik kunci pintu
the dad yang kat atas sebab dengar bising-bising. terus turun.
elok turun semua kene ikat. and they find the maid
pecahkan pintu bilik the maid and ikat sekali
amik semua handphone and wallet.
then derang bubuh the parent,kids and maid dalam 1 room and ran sacks the house
total lost more than 25k sebab watches, jewelery semua kene.
haihs.mesti bags pun kene kan. :(
i terus cuak wth
the robbers datang pakai Merc Silver colour ok!!!!!!
saiko gile. T_____________T
is it time to put in the silent alarm and the security lock?
saya takutttttttttttttttt !!!~~ ~o_O
Sunday, July 03, 2011
My dream wedding
Do you guys remember this POST ????
To think about it. i failed in the 30 days blogging challenge~~
failed miserably ..
So let see if i get what i want .. and did i get my dream wedding ..
1. Gelang Kaki Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam
2. Inai berukir
3. Black wedding gown
4. A Christian Louboutin
Ring? Later-later la i show......
New design
Was doing some work when i ask my sis .. how to centre kan my picture kat header blog eh?
Then she say "meh afie tolong"
Then she show me her blog and i was like .. "ok.tuka kakak nye design.kakak malas"
and this what happen. im loving it. did you guys like it? :D