Tuesday, February 12, 2008

i've been tagged

Been tagged by Shane .. so here goes :)


This linky love trail rules:-
When you got tagged, you have to add your name to people who had done the tag and and let the list grow!

Those Who Dunnit
Farah (me)
Bani gundu
hana ni mo nai
~Scarlet Kiss
Zahrin Zakaria
Zawani Rohim


First Name - Nur Zawani
Nickname - Wanie
Name you wish you had - erm .. NONE
What do people normally mistake your name as - Zawawi.. Zamani .. got that always
Birthday - 13th October
Birthplace - Hospital Daerah Kajang
Time of Birth - 7.45 am
Single or taken - Taken
Zodiac sign - Libra

-Your Appearance-

How tall are you - 169cm
Wish you were taller - Sometime :">
Eye color - Dark Brown
Eye color you want - Green :)
Natural Hair color - Dark Brown
Current Hair color - As above
Short or long hair - Medium :p
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - Highlite it once .. hate it
Curly,Straight,Wavy - Curly
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - Hilite it
Glasses or contacts - Both
Do you wear make-up - Yups
Ever had hair extensions - Nope
Paint your nails - Sumtime

-In the opposite gender-

What color eyes - Lite brown :)
What color hair - Natural color
Shy or Outgoing - Both
Looks or personality - Personality
Sexy or Cute - CUte
Serious or Fun - Both .. depends on the situation
Older or Younger than you - dunt care
A turn on - Height
A turn off - POYO ppl

-This or that-

Flowers or Chocolate - Flower
Pepsi or Coke - Coke
Rap or Rock - Rock
Relationship or One night stand - Relationship
School or Work - School the best
Love or Money - Love
Movies or Music - Movies
Country or City - Country house
Sunny or Rainy days - Sunny ..
Friends or Family - Family

-Have you ever-

Lied - YUP
Stole something - Nope
Smoked - huhuhu
Hurt someone close to you - Yup
Broke someones heart - Yup
Had you heart broken - Yup
Wondered what was wrong with you - Yup ..
Wish you were a prince/princess - Yup .. hahaha
Liked someone who was taken - Nope
Shaved your head - Nope
Been in love - YES
Used chopsticks - Yup
Sang in the mirror to yourself - YUp :p


Flower - Roses
Candy - CHocolate can ?? Malteser n Daim
Song - All rounder
Scent - Gucci Rush 2 and FCUK for Men
Color - too many
Movie - too many tooo
Singer - Gwen Stefani
Word - Sengal
Junk food - Twisties
Website - lots
Lotion - OPI
Animal - Cat

Ever cried over someone - hmmm
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - my temper
Do you think you're attractive - a big NO
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - Snow White ? haha
Do you play any sports - Bowling, futsal


The rules:-
Link to your tagger and post these rules.- List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people.

-Im a tall girl
-A hot temper person
-Hate to be judge
- Easier to be friend with guys than girls
-Tryinng to reduce some weight
-Trying to save some money on my own
-Hoping this will be my last year in MMU
- Trying to be someone better

8 ppl I'm tagging:

1. Nicol
2. Abby
3. Arni
4. Lana
5. YUsz
6. Irwan
7. Bobo
8. You

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