Semalam masuk office lambat
Ma call cakap "Afie ajak ma gi KLCC"
And i was like "ohh .. ok "
lepas tu sambung tido coz masih lagi tak sehat
Then bangun mandi and masuk office
Ma sms "cuba adik bagitahu nak apa.. ma tak ada idea nie"
Then i say .. "Kan nak beli kat UK?"
She goes "So xnak apa-apa lah?"
Fikir .. 'aiks. rezeki nie jangan ditolak babe'
Me "nak bagi boleh je. rezeki jangan ditolak bala jangan dicari .. haha "
Her " Murah-murah i can buy la for present .. nak apa??"
Then i dont answer .. Coz tak tahu la nak apa.. lagi pun kat KLCC .. apa nak beli wei
hmmphh .. hmmmph .. last-last sms
"Dah start sales ke?"
die reply "belum"
Ok .. hmmmphhh hmpppphhh
then she call "Jum gi Klang nak cari lampu.. "
elok dia sampai elok i nak gi toilet ..
balik je dari toilet terkejut
"EH?? "
Serious ke nie??
Then i look at her .. She was all smiling
'OK.. Paperbag besar nie .. hmmphh hmppph'
'Woah.. kotak besar nie .. hmmph hmmmph'
Is it .. what i think it is ..
Hmmph hmmmph ...
Betul ke nie .. hmmph hmmmphhhh...
Paperbag apa????

Ehem ..
Then macam tengok
Nie Marc Jacobs or Marc by Marc JAcobs nie?
Marc Jacobs
Is it .. What i think it is!!!
Ye ke nie
Ye ke nieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Stam Bag wehhhh ... Stam Bag ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Owh im in LOV3
Thank You Ma ;)