seminggu dua nie .. agak banyak berfikir .. and starting to remember what it used to be .. PEOPLE CHANGED .. itu dah memang lumrah hidup .. kalu tak berubah .. tak akan maju ..
seminggu dua nie .. banyak pikir sangat .. tapi berfikir cuma pada seorang .. yup .. the only person that make me wait .. for one whole year .. untuk setahun .. menunggu tanpa jawapan .. dan akhirnya .. mengalah .. dan tinggalkan dia keseorangan .. tanpa tempat bergantung .. maybe sebab mengalah .. and apa lagi bila dapat tahu .. dia dah ada yang punya .. mungkin tidak mahu memberitahu untuk menjaga hati .. dan mungkin tidak ..
tiga minggu lepas .. message this one gurl .. which is the guy that i admired nye ex gf .. from wat i heard .. they are still together .. so saje2 msg nak tanye khabar and nak tanye hows thing been going .. the shocking reply is ."HE'S ENGAGED to SOMEONE ELSE" .. i cant believe my eye .. yup .. tak percaya .. coz dia selalu cakap .. dia dengan this gurl .. and then i can see all clearly ..
then last week .. that girl message me .. she told me everything .. from A to Z .. aku x salahkan sapa2 .. not him nor her .. but the other person .. the third party .. who tend to bought everything with money and power .. they got the power and the money .. they put him in a difficult situation .. between the love of his life and his family .. which one to choose ? if u guys in that situation .. which one will u choose ?? family or love?
well yeahs .. comet did said one FACT .. that this guy can shock 3 women world .. me .. the ex n the fiancee .. who's to blame ? him or us ?
the MAJOR thing is .. aku ingat .. aku dah lupakan dia .. for GOOD .. KAPISH .. but then .. well .. he still here .. i dont know why .. i love my comet very much .. and i need him very much .. but i did also care for this guy .. and i cant kick it away .. and i dont know why ..
Hmm .. i dont know why .. seem to be sad .. yup .. aku jenis yang suke put myself in other people shoes and rase ape yang dieorang rase .. and memang perasaan nie tak tau nak cakap macam mane .. sedih .. sakit .. sengsara .. semua ada .. perasaan dia .. aku rase .. the day die datang open house tuhs pun .. nampak .. obvious .. die x happy .. life problematic .. but .. aku tak tanye banyak ..
kadang2 pikir silap aku .. terlampau bahagia .. sampai lupa orang lain .. tak sedar kawan sengsara .. dia xnak ganggu kebahagiaan aku .. sebab die taknak comet rasa apa-apa .. coz die tau .. comet tau betapa aku sayang die dulu .. sebab tuhs die tak kacau .. die sorang .. die takde tempat bergantung ..
dulu die boleh lari .. coz aku ade .. dulu die boleh lari .. coz aku sentiasa jaga .. orang x kacau .. tapi bila aku hilang dari sisi .. ramai kacau .. ramai kejar .. sebab kunonnye dah break ngan girlfriend .. walhal .. aku x pernah jadi milik die .. kawan .. akrab .. itu jer ..
sayang aku pada dia .. memang x lebih dari sayang aku pada comet .. untuk aku comet adalah segalanya .. tapi sayang aku pada die .. sebagai kawan .. memang dalam .. mungkin seperti sayang aku pada yazmin sebagai kawan .. pada zatil .. pada alia .. masalah mereka masalah aku ..
tidak tahu mana silapnya .. tapi seperti die kata ..
1. Jodoh .. 2. Rezeki .. 3. Ajal dan maut .. semua sudah tertulis ..
bile difikir balik .. memang semua sudah tertulis .. kite sebagai manusia .. perlu mengikuti .. takdir .. "tidak perlu menyoal .. kenapa .. mengapa .. kerana sudah takdir .. sudah ditentukan .. hanya perlu mengikuti .. kerana .. jika tidak .. kaki akan memikul beban dikepala .. dihati .. jangan sampai sakit dibawah .. bile kaki tidak larat memikul .. semua tidak dapat berjalan lancar .. jadi mengapa perlu menyoal ketentuan Illahi?" teringat kata-kata seseorang .. memang berguna ..
aku cuma boleh meminta maaf pada orang itu .. dan mendoakan beliau bahagia ..
Semua yang terjadi ada hikmah disebaliknya .. tidak perlu mempersoalkan apa yang telah tertulis ..
sambil menulis .. sambil berfikir .. sambil mengsms orang itu .. sambil mendengar lagu .. tanpa sedar .. mengalir air mata .. untuk seorang sahabat yang telah banyak mengubah hidup .. yang memberikan kekuatan .. yang memberikan aku COMET ..
Monday, November 26, 2007
robbery ..
robbery .. yup .. at 10.55pm .. one of my mum petrol station been robbed .. luckily .. no one injured .. my staff is ok .. and they only get around RM 500.00 as our cashier closed the shift and put all the money in my mum office ..
we got the call around 11pm and me n my bro n dad rush to the station to have a look .. we check the CCTV and find one indian guy with a gun and the other person in Gold Colour Waja with NO PLAT NUMBER ..
so to all of my friend out there .. be careful ..
they attack when there's no customer and all .. even other staff is outside .. so left my cashier all alone .. and THANK GOD its not Lily ( my brother gf who worked with my mum) .. owh yeah .. they did took 2 of my staff HP .. hmmmm ..
we got the call around 11pm and me n my bro n dad rush to the station to have a look .. we check the CCTV and find one indian guy with a gun and the other person in Gold Colour Waja with NO PLAT NUMBER ..
so to all of my friend out there .. be careful ..
they attack when there's no customer and all .. even other staff is outside .. so left my cashier all alone .. and THANK GOD its not Lily ( my brother gf who worked with my mum) .. owh yeah .. they did took 2 of my staff HP .. hmmmm ..
Sunday, November 25, 2007
its been 6th month !!
yeahs .. its actually already 6 month of practical training .. God .. i cant believe that i can bear the 6 month of hard work with small PAY !! hahahahaha .. but then .. i actually did good ..
well .. if i wanna think back of what i been true .. i can say a LOT !! when first to set foot at YL Chee .. and at Management .. i can say .. its a huge different between the 3 department which is audit, tax n account ..
Account department is full of dicipline .. we didnt talk much .. all we can do is work work n work .. we cant even used the mp3 player while working .. our HOD dont allow it although the director actually give us the permission .. but then i can coupe with it ..
then when i went to tax .. theres this office environment .. which u can hear the photostat machine sound .. the printer .. the busyness .. even we can talk and chat and gossiping .. and even used the MP3 player .. hehehehhe ..
audit department .. all stressed faces .. coz the director office is at audit department .. but then when the bosses is not around .. u can see the admin didnt even do any work .. they were all busy talking and gossiping .. no wonder our bosses really stressed with them .. or i can say is "pure melayu" .. or "akak melayu" .. they dont really like to do the work .. but they want the salary to be paid on time .. the work is not that much .. but tend to asked for higher salary ..
how about us ?? we do wat the permanent staff do .. but then .. did we asked for higher allowances ?? NOPE :)
the internship actually open my mind and my eyes .. YES .. it does .. we can see the NORMAL MALAYSIAN ATTITUDE .. yup .. the jealousy .. backstabbing and all ..
hahahahah .. not only Malays .. but the chinese also had all this backstabbing .. so conclusion .. u cant trust anyone !!! and i mean it ..
well .. if i wanna think back of what i been true .. i can say a LOT !! when first to set foot at YL Chee .. and at Management .. i can say .. its a huge different between the 3 department which is audit, tax n account ..
Account department is full of dicipline .. we didnt talk much .. all we can do is work work n work .. we cant even used the mp3 player while working .. our HOD dont allow it although the director actually give us the permission .. but then i can coupe with it ..
then when i went to tax .. theres this office environment .. which u can hear the photostat machine sound .. the printer .. the busyness .. even we can talk and chat and gossiping .. and even used the MP3 player .. hehehehhe ..
audit department .. all stressed faces .. coz the director office is at audit department .. but then when the bosses is not around .. u can see the admin didnt even do any work .. they were all busy talking and gossiping .. no wonder our bosses really stressed with them .. or i can say is "pure melayu" .. or "akak melayu" .. they dont really like to do the work .. but they want the salary to be paid on time .. the work is not that much .. but tend to asked for higher salary ..
how about us ?? we do wat the permanent staff do .. but then .. did we asked for higher allowances ?? NOPE :)
the internship actually open my mind and my eyes .. YES .. it does .. we can see the NORMAL MALAYSIAN ATTITUDE .. yup .. the jealousy .. backstabbing and all ..
hahahahah .. not only Malays .. but the chinese also had all this backstabbing .. so conclusion .. u cant trust anyone !!! and i mean it ..
Sunday, November 18, 2007
( 1 )
Dan kunyayikan kau lagu cinta
Seindahnya sinar mentari
Seanggunnya sinar rembulan
Dan kunyayikan kau lagu rindu
Kerna sesungguhnya hati ini masih lagi
Lemas dalam kerinduan
Hampir setiap kalinya tak jemu-jemu
Nyanyikan lagu ini
Hampir setiap kalinya tak jemu-jemu
Nyanyikan lagu ini penawar rindu
( ulang dari 1 )
Dan kusebutkan namamu
Dalam doaku setiap kalinya
Agar kau kembali
Menenangkan hati dan perasaan
Dan kusebutkan namamu
Dalam doaku setiap kalinya
Agar kau kembali
Menenangkan hati dan perasaan
Ini bukan yang pertama kalinya
Cinta kupergi (jauh)
Dan kunyayikan kau lagu cinta
Seindahnya sinar mentari
Seanggunnya sinar rembulan
Dan kunyayikan kau lagu rindu
Kerna sesungguhnya hati ini masih lagi
Lemas dalam kerinduan
Hampir setiap kalinya tak jemu-jemu
Nyanyikan lagu ini
Hampir setiap kalinya tak jemu-jemu
Nyanyikan lagu ini penawar rindu
( ulang dari 1 )
Dan kusebutkan namamu
Dalam doaku setiap kalinya
Agar kau kembali
Menenangkan hati dan perasaan
Dan kusebutkan namamu
Dalam doaku setiap kalinya
Agar kau kembali
Menenangkan hati dan perasaan
Ini bukan yang pertama kalinya
Cinta kupergi (jauh)
dah lame gilek x update .. yup .. sangat2 lame .. uhuhuhuh .. coz busy n malas yang amat .. well .. where shoould i start ?? aaaa .. syaz's wedding ..
well .. end up one of my friend at my age dh jadi bini orang .. shit .. im getting old and old by days .. but my attitude will never change .. damn it :p .. so i do went to the wedding with mie .. meet alia n fadhlur and nicol n kamarul there :) also some college mate :) and classmate :) damn i feel old .. haha :p anyway reached there a lil bit late coz tersesat .. hahahaha .. bungoks gax :"> owhs .. did i tell u the tema is purple ??

then all the open houses .. went to anith, yana, kak nana, ridza, alia, bobby, rezeki and tinie :) terlalu banyak sampai kene speedin sme .. but one of the best raye kot this year :D hehehehe ..
anyway .. last week kene pegi ke akaun department kejap .. just utk settelkan filing :) ngan alia .. actually alia yang kene pegi .. but then .. ms ling nak another one gurl .. and die ngan excitednye call untuk aku pg sane .. teman die .. shah kat sane .. so sonok gax .. tapi akaun department memang sentiase sunyi .. so bile aku ngn alia kt sane .. jadi keco laks .. keco sangat .. hahahah .. sampai shah pun tensi :p .. what can we do .. we are sooo boring !! hakhakhak
then the annual dinner .. the theme is trendy glamorous n traditional .. well .. memang best .. but x ramai yg ikut tema .. ade yg just pakai glamorous .. ade yg pakai trendy .. xde yg mix of three .. heheheh .. then the king n queen of the night is cheng n pei ean .. seronok when mr vincent cakap
" mostly i want to thankz to all of the three intern .. without them the december filing gonna be tough .. we had a really good one this year .. "
memang terdiam .. sme pandang ke kiteorg .. and we was like .. "erkkkkk .. hehe " tapi bangga .. sape x bangga .. been acknowledge kt depan whole crowd in an annual dinner .. our director pun ade .. siap lepak ngn kiteorg duk borak2 sme .. proud very proud .. we did make MMU proud ;)
pic : us with mr vincent .. mr chee and kak zana :D
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