Pernah tak bangun2 terus rasa depressed?
Pernah tak pernah tak??
Well semalam i did
woah.gile ah serabut tahap ape ntah
tak tau apa punca kot
so mangsa confirm la si Comet
dia dah malas nak layan sampai x reply pun BBM wtf
so end up duk la sorang2 kat office melayan diri
so macam xle jadi
BBM a friends ask him for a tips
sebab nampak sangat saiko x tau kata apa kan
so he say "Control your mind set.. tu jer"
and i like "whatttttt??"
he say "libra mmg ada mood swing. jum we go for a bowling and a talk"
and my other BFF say "Dont put too high of expectation to the star if you do not want to crumble to the tar"
Yes. i think my expectation in life is too high
SO bila x dapat and tak achieve apa lagi terus la stress. hahahaha
so malam tadi jumpe la my friend tu. dia pun explain and explain why i feel that way. most thing is betul la. which make me think
so alhamdulillah today bangun dengan rasa gembira dan semangat berkobar :)
i also dont know what he say. but most of it make sense tho
Whenever I feel down or depressed I will give myself a timeframe that I will allow myself to swallow myself in darkness.
Once that time frame is up I slap myself and snap out of it and try of the best solution to move forward.
If there is no possible solution at that time I will screw it and don't give a damn about it until that thing bugs me again.
And repeat the process.
(sambil depress dengar lagu depress. Layan)
somehow, sebab terlebih tidur.. :)
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