Our Central Sports Day held on 8 October 2011 at Maybank Training Centre Bangi. (thanks to Azad - julia hubby for the number of PIC)
We started the meeting around March at my office between me,my mum and our TM ariff
He said he wanted Central to become ONE
so we say "lets do some sports day and have fun"
at first we thought of doing a simple game like - netball and football
end up we came up with
Table Tennis
I remember that one particular text message from Ariff on our Pre-Honeymoon at Perhentian
He asked me "how bout the venue? dah confirm ke?"
Me and comet were about to go for a snorkeling so i just called MTC and ask.
It was end of May
Then by June we get the confirmation
and then i started busy
I was actually only an assistant project manager to my mum
but i end up became a Project Manager.
the one that making a decision and give direction
every AJK keep on BBM and call and Text me
even once i had a meeting with 3 others TM
i'm the only rep from the committee as everyone was soo tired they wanted to go home LOL
so yeah. it was hectic and hell of a ride.
but alhamdulillah everything went well and smooth :)
We consist of 4 teams

Incredible Hulk ( C01, C06, C09 and C11)

Transformers Ketot! hahahahahah (sorry cant recall C0 berapa :P )

Ironmen :D

And X- Men from Shell HQ .. *laki sapa la tuuuuuuu*

Ironmen is our committee member. so his job is to Baca Ikrar. Sumpah kelakar when he came out to baca ikrar. nasib baik x pakai topeng tuhs
The night before we the committee member busy putting in the doorgift .. we slept at the training centre
i slept at 2am and woke up at 530 am
then i was running here and there
go here and there
to make sure everything fall to places
then the game start
i play netball for my team and we got third
macam x percaya coz time training kiteorg selalu kalah teruk. hahahahahahah
for football laks our RRM also play represent XMen
See how cool our RRM Looks?? :D
Then after all the game done .. we headed to the indoor stadium for tele-match
it was really fun coz we had Sathiya as our Emcee
Funny gile looking at everyone trying to kalahkan each others
TM Retailer all as one
Me ? i started to had migrain so i just became the judge.
then the closing ceremony and prize giving
i was standing behind a banner to make sure everything went well
once everything settled after my RRM lead our boss to me and our boss went back
i just sat down
and cried
everyone .. all the committee was cheering say "wanie congrats!! it was a success.. everyone very happy"
and everyone say "BOSS say it was very professional and looks like a Olympic"
and i cried
not because i was relieved
but i had a migrain
what a day
i go to the room called comet and cried like a baby
wash up have a 10minutes sleep then headed home
my mum also keep on saying how all the bosses was sooo happy with everything
how well everything went
how happy all the retailer are
all i know and i want to do is to be home and to rest
but yeah.. it was fun although it was a stressful day to me
it was fun :) i love to be incharge :p
i wanted to thanks to MMU Cyber Bowling club for letting me be the Vice Pres for a year and a President for another year. And also became the penasihat for the next year :)
HAhahahhahahahaha .. it was a good experience to handle 278 retailers and 52 HQ :) owhs including 12 TM and 1 RRM and 1 boss - Mr Leslie ;)
A good day and a good experience indeed :)