Jamal Abdillah, M Nasir and Mawi
Alia call last night cakap that our new boss ade dapat table for a charity dinner .. she said that he sponsor like RM 10k for this and got a table .. and mawi will be perform .. and ajak me n mie gax pegi .. coz dah tau skit pasal nie as my mum nye frenz pergi .. so tau terus that akan ada jamal and m nasir .. but then bile ask my mum .. die ckp jamal,nasir n mawi nye is on saturday .. so jadi confuse ..
then time alia amik ticket .. die cakap .. memang ade jamal and m nasir gax .. so i guess its gonna be a bomb la kan :) .. then dah berpikir nak pakai baju ape .. xnak over dress or under dress bak kate alia .. coz the theme is FORMAL !!! Tapi mcm ramai je pakai casual .. haihss .. why need to be sooo nerd la aku nie :p
so at 7.15pm kiteorang sampai KLCC Convention Centre .. sebab ikut keta boss kat depan .. aku speeding mcm org gilek .. then duk tunggu derang yg gi toilet x tau buang kecik ke besar coz lame gilek .. terjumpe one of my mum nye bestfren .. so die cam terkejut coz die ajak my mum .. my mum xnak g .. tetibe aku lak ade kan :p
then around 7.45pm .. kiteorg diarah masuk .. so masuk la .. our table number is 20 and freaking near to the stage and VIP .. heheheh .. so macam excited la kan .. coz dekat stage and nak amik pic mmg la x susah :p
start ngan this one guy name "Muadz" die pun jenis bawak lagu jenis world mcm mnasir n mawi nie .. but then.. the personality xde .. time die perform cam boring .. mayb sebab baru kot .. suara die ok .. boleh tahan ..
then bile dh stat bagi makan tuhs .. baru jamal naik .. followed by mawi n mnasir .. mmg marveles the performance .. paling suke bile jamal nyanyi lagu kekasih awal dan akhir coz that is my faveret song dari dulu .. and time die nyanyi tuhs mcm nak nangis coz excited and seronok dapat dgr die nyanyi live .. then bile die nyanyi lagu jeritan batinku .. memang sedih .. sme diam jer .. then nampak die pun nangis ..
then mawi pun ade nyanyi few song and m nasir come to stage .. die nyanyi skit gak .. tapi performance die best .. die happy and this bubbly .. siap datang kat meja kiteorg .. coz kiteorg duk kenekan alia suh die ajak alia joget time die nak nyanyi lagu raikan cinta .. i remember hes not that kind of person dulu .. dulu i can see he will wear that white shirt and suar and some schawl then perform mcm tuhs jer .. i can say ade sebab marlia musa gax :) we can see marlia peeking from backstage too :) hehehehehe
all in all .. really thankful to our new boss sebab belanje kiteorg .. sekepale jer dah RM 1k .. imagine !! boss mane yang baik hati mcm tuhs :D terima kasih .. jasamu dikenang .. tau tau that means isnin nie kene keje bersungguh .. :p

My Mum Friend who trying to get Mawi attention by waving her hardest >:p

Tooo cloooooseee to "OTAI" ..

THANK YOU BOSS FOR THE DINNER AND THE ENTERTAINMENT .. nanti claimed income tax yek :p

Siapa berambut merah tengah minum tuhs ?? hehehhe :) That red hair cant be missed even dalam gelap pun :p

Makcik nie tengah concentrate amik video Mawi nyanyi kat meja kiteorg .. hakhakhak