Done with twilight ..
I wish sleep is'nt a NECESSITY last night ..
just to continue reading :)
just finished it ..
it was niceee ..
a lil bit different from the movie here and there ..
it's 2.30am in London now ..
i really need my sleep ..
i will continue with new moon tomoro ..
maybe i will bought the Breaking Dawn ;)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
London Eye
So we went to London Eye today ..
Alia just realized that i am really afraid of the HEIGHTS !!
i just cant stand a slow moving with tall things ..
ermm ..
but i do love Roller Coaster ..
its sound silly .. i know ..
even Comet thought it sound silly ..
I can have fun while riding the roller coaster ..
but i can actually cried in a ferris wheel !!
hehehe ..
i dont know ..
i just need the adrenaline ;)
even me myself love to drove fast !! *erkkk .. ada kene ngena ke? heheh*
but seriously .. London Eye is DAMN HUGEEEE !!!!
Alia just realized that i am really afraid of the HEIGHTS !!
i just cant stand a slow moving with tall things ..
ermm ..
but i do love Roller Coaster ..
its sound silly .. i know ..
even Comet thought it sound silly ..
I can have fun while riding the roller coaster ..
but i can actually cried in a ferris wheel !!
hehehe ..
i dont know ..
i just need the adrenaline ;)
even me myself love to drove fast !! *erkkk .. ada kene ngena ke? heheh*
but seriously .. London Eye is DAMN HUGEEEE !!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Twilight Saga
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Boxing Day Part 3
we start our day late .. kuar rumah at 12pm .. and reach our destination 2pm ..
The store mostly closed at 5pm .. so we had 3 hours to shop ..
Start at M&S .. then search Burberry for abang .. I bought 5 burberry shirt for him ..
then me, afie and alya lepak kat starbucks before continue ..
masuk Gap .. bought another 2 baju for me and afie another Jeans .. hahahahah
Pegi balik M&S bought abang nye baju ag ..
kami duduk sampai semua kedai tutup and orang dah takde .. hahahhahah
Sampai London .. kami end our day at Puji-Puji Malaysian Restaurant ..
I just remember i need to bought something for Kak Nor ..
die nak baju and jeans .. :)
will find it tomoro or Wednesday :)
i think i need to Courier some of my stuff .. dont want to be over luggage :)
The store mostly closed at 5pm .. so we had 3 hours to shop ..
Start at M&S .. then search Burberry for abang .. I bought 5 burberry shirt for him ..
then me, afie and alya lepak kat starbucks before continue ..
masuk Gap .. bought another 2 baju for me and afie another Jeans .. hahahahah
Pegi balik M&S bought abang nye baju ag ..
kami duduk sampai semua kedai tutup and orang dah takde .. hahahhahah
Sampai London .. kami end our day at Puji-Puji Malaysian Restaurant ..
I just remember i need to bought something for Kak Nor ..
die nak baju and jeans .. :)
will find it tomoro or Wednesday :)
i think i need to Courier some of my stuff .. dont want to be over luggage :)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Boxing Day Part 2
Boxing day part 2 ..
Semalam lepas balik dari Oxford .. rest and sleep around 11pm ..
Kul 2.30am getting ready for Next at Brent ..
Kami sampai .. parking was already full .. so .. as our car is Toyota Previa *estima in Malaysia* .. i had to park it outside .. and side parking .. *nasib baik biasa bawak Murano and Storm .. no problem for me *
so .. sampai jer .. semua orang dah masuk .. tak susah and terus masuk and cari2 barang .. Sangat ramai orang ok !!!
I only took like 30min to shop and getting ready nak bayar .. manusia sangat ramai beratur .. it took us damn 2 hours to reach the till !!!
And best part .. ada Drama Swasta !! and African English girl marah2 coz x dapat terima the way kami kene que for cashier ..
Then continue by a Hindustani .. Makcik nie x dapat terima jugak and nak cut Que .. which kene maki ngan Another Hindustani ..
I was in the middle of everything .. a few Hindustani in fron .. 2 Hindustani Behind me and next to me the African English girl ..
There's shouting and all in English and Hindi .. ahhahahah .. i was stuck in the middle .. and laugh at everything ..
Nasib baik dah nak sampai Till .. if not .. i will put everything and chow .. :p hahahahah
I spent alot .. bought most of thing there ..
then went to Oxford Street .. masuk Selfridges .. bought Burberry Polo for abang and Fendi Sandals for Ma .. then bought L.K Bennet Clutch .. and afie bought B-Spot for her ..
and we end our day eating at Satay House for Kak Ip farewell :)
Semalam lepas balik dari Oxford .. rest and sleep around 11pm ..
Kul 2.30am getting ready for Next at Brent ..
Kami sampai .. parking was already full .. so .. as our car is Toyota Previa *estima in Malaysia* .. i had to park it outside .. and side parking .. *nasib baik biasa bawak Murano and Storm .. no problem for me *
so .. sampai jer .. semua orang dah masuk .. tak susah and terus masuk and cari2 barang .. Sangat ramai orang ok !!!
I only took like 30min to shop and getting ready nak bayar .. manusia sangat ramai beratur .. it took us damn 2 hours to reach the till !!!
And best part .. ada Drama Swasta !! and African English girl marah2 coz x dapat terima the way kami kene que for cashier ..
Then continue by a Hindustani .. Makcik nie x dapat terima jugak and nak cut Que .. which kene maki ngan Another Hindustani ..
I was in the middle of everything .. a few Hindustani in fron .. 2 Hindustani Behind me and next to me the African English girl ..
There's shouting and all in English and Hindi .. ahhahahah .. i was stuck in the middle .. and laugh at everything ..
Nasib baik dah nak sampai Till .. if not .. i will put everything and chow .. :p hahahahah
I spent alot .. bought most of thing there ..
then went to Oxford Street .. masuk Selfridges .. bought Burberry Polo for abang and Fendi Sandals for Ma .. then bought L.K Bennet Clutch .. and afie bought B-Spot for her ..
and we end our day eating at Satay House for Kak Ip farewell :)
Friday, December 26, 2008
Boxing Day Part 1
Woke up at 6.30am .. supposed to woke up at 6am .. tapi terover sleep .. Our drive will be 2hours drive from home ..
So terus siap2 .. By the time keluar it was 815 am .. sampai Oxford 10min before 10am..
The store open at 10am .. just nice .. kami sampai je most kedai dah bukak ..
So sampai je Alia search for toilet .. me and afie to Burberry ..
Then to Anya dulu .. found the beg that i want .. took it on the spot !! :D
Then jalan-jalan .. Dont know apa nak dibeli .. Kesian kat afie .. so masuk Vans ..
She bought another bag ?*againnnn!!!* and another shoes *againnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!*
I bought something for Comet ;)
Then masuk Furla .. bought handbeg n matching purse .. and a clutch :)
Then pegi Bally .. bought sandals for Ma :) birthday present .. Alya bought for herself pumps :D
Then towards Rock Couture .. afie want the Juicy Couture Purse ..
We bought all white today .. Ma nye sandal pun putih .. My anya and furla also white :)
tuhs je kot boxing day kami nye barang .. hehehehehhe :D

So terus siap2 .. By the time keluar it was 815 am .. sampai Oxford 10min before 10am..
The store open at 10am .. just nice .. kami sampai je most kedai dah bukak ..
So sampai je Alia search for toilet .. me and afie to Burberry ..
Then to Anya dulu .. found the beg that i want .. took it on the spot !! :D
Then jalan-jalan .. Dont know apa nak dibeli .. Kesian kat afie .. so masuk Vans ..
She bought another bag ?*againnnn!!!* and another shoes *againnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!*
I bought something for Comet ;)
Then masuk Furla .. bought handbeg n matching purse .. and a clutch :)
Then pegi Bally .. bought sandals for Ma :) birthday present .. Alya bought for herself pumps :D
Then towards Rock Couture .. afie want the Juicy Couture Purse ..
We bought all white today .. Ma nye sandal pun putih .. My anya and furla also white :)
tuhs je kot boxing day kami nye barang .. hehehehehhe :D
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Should i or should i not ?

should i or should i not bought all the books above ? sini cam twilight till eclipse only 4pound per books .. while Breaking Dawn around 9Pound ..
nevertheless still much much more cheaper than in Msia .. of coz if beli all the books semestinya kene hand carry kan ? :D
And the book satu je dah 400+ pages .. 4 books equivalent to 1200++ pages ? :D hohohoh
Nak or xnak ? should i ? :-?
Rembatan ...
At last .. bought the dream bag :D
sakit hati juga shopping kat sini .. SA semua cam kerek .. and will look at us atas bawah atas bawah .. i only pakai my new M by MJ bags je .. so cam semua pandang sebelah mata .. but then usha my watch *ape hengat nie petaling street watch is it ?? damn u guys* .. bile dah start show interest .. 3-4 SA nak datang dekat .. time tuhs aku malas nak layan ..
But then agak kelakar bile beli Fendi and the LV bags *both the SA the best* .. Fendi tuhs beli kat Selfridges while the LV beli kat New Bond STreet ..
Time beli both the bag i paid in cash .. so the SA semua cam kecoh and takut2 .. aku pun dah konfius .. napa nak risau ..
Baru tau .. rupernye sini mostly bayar with card .. me no likey .. me like CASH .. bila i paid cash baru cam semua SA kerumun tolong kaver takut kene ape2 kotttt ..
tapi seronok tak terkate ...
boleh tak xmo pakai ag bag tuhs .. cam sayang pulak .. heheheh
owh .. i bought with matching purse :D
cantik x bb my new bag :D ngeeee~~~~
Sunday, December 21, 2008
2nd trip of shopping
Hari nie tak banyak sangat .. kami pergi the Market kat sini .. alot of walking ..
Paling best sampai je Convent .. dengan terkejut tengok betapa ramainya orang beratur nak naik lift .. so konon nak jadi rajin and nak naik tangga .. hamik ko ..
The stairs is as high as 15floor .. hohohohh .. dah la pakai boot baru yang ade heels.. So not at the right time la kan :p hehehehe
Then jalan jalan jalan .. bought a brooch at the market .. make it two .. afie bought a bracelet and dool's yang cam jahit x betul tuhs ..
Then jalan2 towards Piccadilly .. tapi banyak pit stop .. masuk H&M beli a blouse .. afie beli a blouse and jeans ..
Then jalan jalan jalan .. sampai Waterlily .. thought of cari Mie's and Iky's spike .. tapi takde .. hahahahaha ..
Then dinner at McD .. makan fillet ;) and sambung jalan .. sampai masuk kedai Uniqlo .. something like that .. both me n afie bought 2 skinny's each .. hahahahah
Banyak pit stop lagi .. but i was too tired and my legs are killing me .. hehehehhe .. So kami keluar rumah pukul 2ptg and balik kul 9mlm .. hahahahah ..
Esok nak gi sightseeing lagi .. coz esok Sunday kedai bukak lewat and tutup awal ..
Monday maybe pegi Mdm Tussuad .. and Harrods ..
Kesian Alia jadi our tour guide and our Chef ..hehehehhehe .. She's a good tuan rumah .. hehehehhe
need my rest .. nak taruk minyak di tapak kaki .. esok more jalan !!!
Paling best sampai je Convent .. dengan terkejut tengok betapa ramainya orang beratur nak naik lift .. so konon nak jadi rajin and nak naik tangga .. hamik ko ..
The stairs is as high as 15floor .. hohohohh .. dah la pakai boot baru yang ade heels.. So not at the right time la kan :p hehehehe
Then jalan jalan jalan .. bought a brooch at the market .. make it two .. afie bought a bracelet and dool's yang cam jahit x betul tuhs ..
Then jalan2 towards Piccadilly .. tapi banyak pit stop .. masuk H&M beli a blouse .. afie beli a blouse and jeans ..
Then jalan jalan jalan .. sampai Waterlily .. thought of cari Mie's and Iky's spike .. tapi takde .. hahahahaha ..
Then dinner at McD .. makan fillet ;) and sambung jalan .. sampai masuk kedai Uniqlo .. something like that .. both me n afie bought 2 skinny's each .. hahahahah
Banyak pit stop lagi .. but i was too tired and my legs are killing me .. hehehehhe .. So kami keluar rumah pukul 2ptg and balik kul 9mlm .. hahahahah ..
Esok nak gi sightseeing lagi .. coz esok Sunday kedai bukak lewat and tutup awal ..
Monday maybe pegi Mdm Tussuad .. and Harrods ..
Kesian Alia jadi our tour guide and our Chef ..hehehehhehe .. She's a good tuan rumah .. hehehehhe
need my rest .. nak taruk minyak di tapak kaki .. esok more jalan !!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
1st Attemp of shopping
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Back From Paris
On Monday sampai Heathrow Airport 45min awal from supposed too .. Tapi coz our taxi stucks in Jammed .. so kami sampai rumah Alia pukul 7mlm .. heheheh .. nearly 2 hours stuck in airport so lepak coffee shop ..
Sampai je rumah Alia kami check Brent Cross tutup what time .. Nasib baik close at 10pm .. so terus basuh2 muka ke Brent Cross for some shopping .. Balik around 9.45 and mandi2 semua tido kul 12 mlm gax ...
3am dah bangun .. siap2 .. nak gi St Pancreas .. Naik eurostar to Paris :) the train will took like 2hours 30min .. Train kami kul 5.50 pagi .. Kami sampai Paris kul 8.30pagi @ 9.30pagi Paris time ..
Terus pegi beli 3 days pass for Metro Tube and straight to our Hotel .. Le Meridien Monparnesse .. Our room at the 24th out of 25th floor !! hahahahah .. but a nice room tho :D and a nice hotel tooo
Sampai je .. letak beg .. relex2 jap .. terus gi Jalan2 cari makan .. We know that ada KFC yang halal .. so pergi cari dulu ..
Then terus to Eiffel Tower .. tell u that day memang la sangat Sejuk .. 1 Celcius .. and WINDY !!! by pukul 6 tuhs kami dah tak larat .. coz metro die pun cam banyak sangat tangga and naik turun tangga je kerja kami *how the heck they can actually wear heels ? * serius .. 1st time je dah rasa cam jalan 1km oke !!

So after naik eiffel .. kami said thats all for today .. coz sme pun cam dah letihs and ngantuks .. Tapi before that went for dinner and have some shoe shopping for afie ;) and also T's Paris shopping jugaaaa
2nd Day - To the Louvre .. hehehehhe .. seronok amik pic kat luar .. kat dalam tengok all the Arts yang cam pelik2 and more on Christian .. And we saw Mona Lisa ;) Lpas tuhs .. pegi Jalan2 untuk masuk Hermes .. Kak Ip nye ipar dapat BErkin Beg .. so he bought it .. :)
So sambil2 tuhs .. nampak Annick Goutal .. beli Perfume for Ma .. sambil photo gedik :p

3rd Day - Notre Damn, Champ Elyse's .. and Jalan2 jugaa .. Kami pergi juga La Fayette .. Our train berlepas at 8.20pm .. and sambil2 jalan .. i bought a Annick Goutal perfume for me :D hehehehhe .. and bila dah sampai Hotel and time dah kul 540pm baru sedar perfume Annick Goutal tuhs takde receipt .. so runner sorang2 naik Metro and tuka train sesorang .. hohohoh .. scary ...

And best part .. time tuhs peak orang balik kerja .. memang la sendat jer train tuhs .. and sangat la penat kene hempit .. and kejar masa ag coz xnak lambat for own train and afie pun terpakse tinggal with Alia n Kak Ip ...
They all said afie keep on tanye "Mana Kakak nie .. asal Lambat sangat " .. and Afie time nampak je me sampai terus cam seronok and relief .. takot kakak die x sempat sampai and tak sempat balik London :p hehehehhe .. kelakar ok .. :D
So sampai London kul 10mlm London time and sampai rumah around 11pm .. tired as hell and tomoro Nisa coming from Liverpool :D
Sampai je rumah Alia kami check Brent Cross tutup what time .. Nasib baik close at 10pm .. so terus basuh2 muka ke Brent Cross for some shopping .. Balik around 9.45 and mandi2 semua tido kul 12 mlm gax ...
3am dah bangun .. siap2 .. nak gi St Pancreas .. Naik eurostar to Paris :) the train will took like 2hours 30min .. Train kami kul 5.50 pagi .. Kami sampai Paris kul 8.30pagi @ 9.30pagi Paris time ..
Terus pegi beli 3 days pass for Metro Tube and straight to our Hotel .. Le Meridien Monparnesse .. Our room at the 24th out of 25th floor !! hahahahah .. but a nice room tho :D and a nice hotel tooo
Sampai je .. letak beg .. relex2 jap .. terus gi Jalan2 cari makan .. We know that ada KFC yang halal .. so pergi cari dulu ..
Then terus to Eiffel Tower .. tell u that day memang la sangat Sejuk .. 1 Celcius .. and WINDY !!! by pukul 6 tuhs kami dah tak larat .. coz metro die pun cam banyak sangat tangga and naik turun tangga je kerja kami *how the heck they can actually wear heels ? * serius .. 1st time je dah rasa cam jalan 1km oke !!
So after naik eiffel .. kami said thats all for today .. coz sme pun cam dah letihs and ngantuks .. Tapi before that went for dinner and have some shoe shopping for afie ;) and also T's Paris shopping jugaaaa
2nd Day - To the Louvre .. hehehehhe .. seronok amik pic kat luar .. kat dalam tengok all the Arts yang cam pelik2 and more on Christian .. And we saw Mona Lisa ;) Lpas tuhs .. pegi Jalan2 untuk masuk Hermes .. Kak Ip nye ipar dapat BErkin Beg .. so he bought it .. :)
So sambil2 tuhs .. nampak Annick Goutal .. beli Perfume for Ma .. sambil photo gedik :p
3rd Day - Notre Damn, Champ Elyse's .. and Jalan2 jugaa .. Kami pergi juga La Fayette .. Our train berlepas at 8.20pm .. and sambil2 jalan .. i bought a Annick Goutal perfume for me :D hehehehhe .. and bila dah sampai Hotel and time dah kul 540pm baru sedar perfume Annick Goutal tuhs takde receipt .. so runner sorang2 naik Metro and tuka train sesorang .. hohohoh .. scary ...
And best part .. time tuhs peak orang balik kerja .. memang la sendat jer train tuhs .. and sangat la penat kene hempit .. and kejar masa ag coz xnak lambat for own train and afie pun terpakse tinggal with Alia n Kak Ip ...
They all said afie keep on tanye "Mana Kakak nie .. asal Lambat sangat " .. and Afie time nampak je me sampai terus cam seronok and relief .. takot kakak die x sempat sampai and tak sempat balik London :p hehehehhe .. kelakar ok .. :D
So sampai London kul 10mlm London time and sampai rumah around 11pm .. tired as hell and tomoro Nisa coming from Liverpool :D
Monday, December 15, 2008
Bye Bye

By the time post nie di publish.. i will be on my way to London .. Will be back on 3rd January 2009.. will be celebrating the new year with alia n afie :)
My flight will be at 10 am *Local time* and will reach Heathrow Airport 4'ish London Time .. that means around 13 hours of flight if im not mistaken ..

On 16th .. Bonjour .. we will be heading to Paris, France *the romantic city .. city of fashion;)*
My dream came true ! :D i will obviously took picture of Eiffel tower and insyaallah naik sampai atas *if i had the guts :P *
So i will not have the access to Internet for 3 days.. but after that .. to my customer :) i still boleh check the email .. do not worry :D
Hope to had a safe journey .. hehehehhehehehe
erm.. comet injured lagi .. his hamstring again and again.. just when he start to get his fitness and strength back..
esok die nak gi check up.. sad that i cant be there for him.. ape lagi after that i will be on the plane for a damn 13 hours ..
Hope it will be ok and not a serious one .. walaupun hamstring.. kalau koyak pun xmo la banyak2 .. sikit2 la yek.. asalkan leh sehat and sembuh cepat ..
Hoping to see he on tourney again.. Coach cakap by June.. but bile dah kene nie .. by bile pulak agaknye ? :(
esok die nak gi check up.. sad that i cant be there for him.. ape lagi after that i will be on the plane for a damn 13 hours ..
Hope it will be ok and not a serious one .. walaupun hamstring.. kalau koyak pun xmo la banyak2 .. sikit2 la yek.. asalkan leh sehat and sembuh cepat ..
Hoping to see he on tourney again.. Coach cakap by June.. but bile dah kene nie .. by bile pulak agaknye ? :(
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Things had been settled for now
I've settled everything before my vacation ..
Semalam send the registration form for my MBA .. hoping to get a positive reply .. *Doa-doa kan yekkkk*
Today .. beli baju sekolah afie ...
Siap-siap packing sekali for me n afie's trip ..
Will be gone from 15th Dec till 3rd Jan 09 ;) *doa-doakan safe journey yeahs :) *
I really like that coat .. tapi cam mahal laks .. so beli yang much more cheaper and can wear in our country with this kind of weather ..
I guess i will try to buy a trench coat .. ape salahnyee kite pakai trench coat kan ? coz trench coat nie if im not mistaken mostly people will wear time hujan :) so Malaysia kan selalu jee hujan ...
Belum settle the shoe's that Comet want .. that spike .. need to check another web ..
The money kami bawak .. hope will be enough .. mesti alia cakap more than enough .. hahahhaha ..
I hope i can adapt their weather ;) and had a really fun vacation .. and no flu's and fever !! :D
The tudung stuff mostly has sold out .. tinggal pun cam sikit2 je lagi :) hopefully by the time i get back .. dah tinggal bebetul sikit .. so that we can buy a new stock ;)
My customer .. do not worry .. as i will be checking my email on my vacation and comet will inform my mum which one do u guys want ;)
I put up some picca of the tudung HERE .. do check it out :)
Semalam send the registration form for my MBA .. hoping to get a positive reply .. *Doa-doa kan yekkkk*
Today .. beli baju sekolah afie ...
Siap-siap packing sekali for me n afie's trip ..
Will be gone from 15th Dec till 3rd Jan 09 ;) *doa-doakan safe journey yeahs :) *
I really like that coat .. tapi cam mahal laks .. so beli yang much more cheaper and can wear in our country with this kind of weather ..
I guess i will try to buy a trench coat .. ape salahnyee kite pakai trench coat kan ? coz trench coat nie if im not mistaken mostly people will wear time hujan :) so Malaysia kan selalu jee hujan ...
Belum settle the shoe's that Comet want .. that spike .. need to check another web ..
The money kami bawak .. hope will be enough .. mesti alia cakap more than enough .. hahahhaha ..
I hope i can adapt their weather ;) and had a really fun vacation .. and no flu's and fever !! :D
The tudung stuff mostly has sold out .. tinggal pun cam sikit2 je lagi :) hopefully by the time i get back .. dah tinggal bebetul sikit .. so that we can buy a new stock ;)
My customer .. do not worry .. as i will be checking my email on my vacation and comet will inform my mum which one do u guys want ;)
I put up some picca of the tudung HERE .. do check it out :)
Friday, December 12, 2008

SO .. lepas sangat la busy with work n kursus and boutique .. on thursday baru boleh tengok movie .. tuhs pun after afie dah merajuk coz keep on postpone to watch Bolt ..
So on thursday ..kami *me,afie n comet* buat movie marathon .. kami tonton 2 movie in one night ..
First bolt .. the story is OK .. untuk bebudak .. and then Twilight ..
Twilight la citer yang buat me n afie go "aaaaa .. sooo sweeet .. " , " aaaaa .. so handsomeee" , "eeeee .. handsomenyeeeeeeeeeeeee" ....
And then buat comet goes "eeeeeee .. gediknyeeeeeeeeeeeeee" ... hahahahhahahahah ..
Seriusly head over heal to edward cullen but not rob pattinson in real life :p he looks more handsome when he became edward cullen ok :D
So now .. time to cari all the books of twilight, eclipse etc :D
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
So who said working with ur own mom will be an easy task ....
As i start working .. we had an idea to open a new company ..
Since that .. i never been hectic as this in my whole life ..
I woke up at 8.45 am and head to Shell at 9.15am ..
Do my work till 3.30 and head to bookshop for afie's text book ..
Reach home around 4pm and 4.30pm me n my mum headed to Kinrara ..
Back home around 7pm ..
Settled our things out and sort out everything then at 7.30pm i know that i need to go to Ikea ..
7.50 pm headed to USJ 16 first then to Ikea ..
Reach Ikea at 8.20 .. bought the necessary things ..
9.30 Dinner ..
10.20pm Headed to Shell Tiraz
11.30pm Headed to Shell Tisa
12.30am .. FINALLY REACH HOME !!!!!
owhs.. i need my bed now ..
toddlesss .. c u guys tomoro :)
As i start working .. we had an idea to open a new company ..
Since that .. i never been hectic as this in my whole life ..
I woke up at 8.45 am and head to Shell at 9.15am ..
Do my work till 3.30 and head to bookshop for afie's text book ..
Reach home around 4pm and 4.30pm me n my mum headed to Kinrara ..
Back home around 7pm ..
Settled our things out and sort out everything then at 7.30pm i know that i need to go to Ikea ..
7.50 pm headed to USJ 16 first then to Ikea ..
Reach Ikea at 8.20 .. bought the necessary things ..
9.30 Dinner ..
10.20pm Headed to Shell Tiraz
11.30pm Headed to Shell Tisa
12.30am .. FINALLY REACH HOME !!!!!
owhs.. i need my bed now ..
toddlesss .. c u guys tomoro :)
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Mimpi Yang Mengarut
Semalam dapat mimpi yang teramatlah mengarut ..
Time tuhs macam kat atas bukit .. and a few frens ade .. cant recall who .. tapi yang pasti mie ade kat sebelah ..
So sekali tuhs kami duk borak2 .. pasal "h_n_u" .. so tetibe .. derang cakap cam pasal Emily Rose .. EMily Rose kan kene sampai 6 kan .. so cam ok laa .. tetibe cakap one of our fren kene sampai 7 masuk kat die ..
and tetibe .. aku cam terbang .. and rasa ade 7 benda masuk dalam badan .. Walaupun aku sedar and aku try lawan .. but aku leh dgr derang sebut 1 per satu nama .. scary kan ?
so cam mie pegang aku sekuat hati laa .. die tarik .. aku pun dah nangis2 .. tapi kat dalam je .. luaran x nampak pape .. and best tuhs .. Siang Hari oke !!!
so tengah2 mcm tuhs .. semua dah start baca doa termasuk aku .. and time duk nangis2 and rasa cam jantung berdegup kuat .. time tuhs la terbangun ..
tapi serius .. time terbangun tuhs .. aku rasa cam that i cant breath .. aku baru dapat bernafas time bangun tuhs .. scary kan ?
haihs ...
Time tuhs macam kat atas bukit .. and a few frens ade .. cant recall who .. tapi yang pasti mie ade kat sebelah ..
So sekali tuhs kami duk borak2 .. pasal "h_n_u" .. so tetibe .. derang cakap cam pasal Emily Rose .. EMily Rose kan kene sampai 6 kan .. so cam ok laa .. tetibe cakap one of our fren kene sampai 7 masuk kat die ..
and tetibe .. aku cam terbang .. and rasa ade 7 benda masuk dalam badan .. Walaupun aku sedar and aku try lawan .. but aku leh dgr derang sebut 1 per satu nama .. scary kan ?
so cam mie pegang aku sekuat hati laa .. die tarik .. aku pun dah nangis2 .. tapi kat dalam je .. luaran x nampak pape .. and best tuhs .. Siang Hari oke !!!
so tengah2 mcm tuhs .. semua dah start baca doa termasuk aku .. and time duk nangis2 and rasa cam jantung berdegup kuat .. time tuhs la terbangun ..
tapi serius .. time terbangun tuhs .. aku rasa cam that i cant breath .. aku baru dapat bernafas time bangun tuhs .. scary kan ?
haihs ...
Friday, December 05, 2008
Flat Out
This week sangat flat out .. as our stock banyak dah siap and we now jual ready made more dari tempahan .. so me n my mum asyik on the run .. duduk umah tak pernah lama *Well ma selalu sempat tido .. tapi die kuar umah awal n balik awal* ..
so tadi time borak2 .. dia cakap "seronok berniaga .. tapi letih gax .. kite kerja sampai malam" ..
wat i said is " i hope my fren dapat paham my situation .. im not an office staff .. masuk kul 9am and kuar 6pm and im relex till then .. but now i feel 24 hours a days is not enuff .. pagi kerja shell .. petang terus tuka shift buat jualan pulak .. its fun .. just hope people can understand"
wat my mum said ... " we not a government servant and never meant to be one "
so .. please dont be mad if i cant join u guys when there's a party .. im sorry if i cant be there when there's a meet up .. im super busy .. my work is like till 11pm at nite .. tuhs pun kalau my dad rajin .. if die malas .. it can go on till 2am in the morning .. and i need to woke up at 8am to go to work ..
tak bermaksud kerja with my mum i can rest .. and masuk keje anytime i want .. NO NO NO .. i need to be discipline ..
but .. jangan juga marah when i n my mum can wear and buy all the expensive things .. dan juga jangan marah kalau i n my mum dapat spent a lot .. coz we work damn hard for it .. we work our heart n butt off .. and atas usaha me n my mum ..
todddles .. to meet a new customer :)
so tadi time borak2 .. dia cakap "seronok berniaga .. tapi letih gax .. kite kerja sampai malam" ..
wat i said is " i hope my fren dapat paham my situation .. im not an office staff .. masuk kul 9am and kuar 6pm and im relex till then .. but now i feel 24 hours a days is not enuff .. pagi kerja shell .. petang terus tuka shift buat jualan pulak .. its fun .. just hope people can understand"
wat my mum said ... " we not a government servant and never meant to be one "
so .. please dont be mad if i cant join u guys when there's a party .. im sorry if i cant be there when there's a meet up .. im super busy .. my work is like till 11pm at nite .. tuhs pun kalau my dad rajin .. if die malas .. it can go on till 2am in the morning .. and i need to woke up at 8am to go to work ..
tak bermaksud kerja with my mum i can rest .. and masuk keje anytime i want .. NO NO NO .. i need to be discipline ..
but .. jangan juga marah when i n my mum can wear and buy all the expensive things .. dan juga jangan marah kalau i n my mum dapat spent a lot .. coz we work damn hard for it .. we work our heart n butt off .. and atas usaha me n my mum ..
todddles .. to meet a new customer :)
Wishlist Granted !!
Shopping !!!
Cant wait .. cant wait .. cant wait ..
and sekarang .. makin dekat .. makin konfius :p
hahahahahahahha ..
so .. selepas 4 bulan menyimpan duit gaji + duit raya .. this month baru leh shopping..
Dapat kumpul pun alhamdulillah .. boleh tahan banyak ;)
So .. now konfius .. tak tau mau amik mana :p

Yang mana satu .. idaman kalbu ?? hahahahahahaha
Alia !! HELP .. *GULP*
and sekarang .. makin dekat .. makin konfius :p
hahahahahahahha ..
so .. selepas 4 bulan menyimpan duit gaji + duit raya .. this month baru leh shopping..
Dapat kumpul pun alhamdulillah .. boleh tahan banyak ;)
So .. now konfius .. tak tau mau amik mana :p
Damier Azur Galliera PM

Mini Platine Manon MM
Mini Platine Manon MM

Yang mana satu .. idaman kalbu ?? hahahahahahaha
Alia !! HELP .. *GULP*
Haihs .. ingat habis kursus boleh relex .. nahsss.. in my dream ..
hari isnin jer dah banyak kerja yang kene buat kat Shell .. then lepas balik tuhs ingat boleh relex .. tapi kene pergi pulak tempat tailor .. stock banyak dah siap ..
so .. dari tempat tailor tuhs .. kami balik ke rumah .. ke tempat supplier laks .. nak cari kain Shantung Silk .. time tuhs dah kul 630 .. my mama cannot semayang .. so sonok :p hahahahah ..
abis jer cari material .. kami ke Kelana Jaya pulak .. hantar barang2 yang kak zana order from us .. and die beli lagi extra .. heheheh .. mmg aku kuat nak menghasut .. die je dah beli 9 helai tudung2 tuhs :p
so sampai rumah dah kul 10 malam rasenye .. memang dah penatttttt ..
tuesday laks .. coz sekarang early of the month .. kerja sangat bertimbun .. Local Acc Tisa tak buat lagi .. Credit supplier tak kire lagi .. tak balance kan ngan CN sme .. hohohoh .. pagi2 dah kene pegi bank .. clear cheque and all ..
sampai je tiraz .. terus buat kerja .. sampai la kul 2 baru siap .. then straight kira Local Account .. sampai la pukul 2.30 .. amik2 duit collection .. then straight amik cuppies for ma nye birthday .. and cake ..
sampai je rumah .. ma potong kek .. kami terus keluar .. jumpa tailor lagi .. wahhahaha .. sesungguhnya pinggang ku macam mau patah :p tapi business punya pasal ;P hahahahah ..
balik tuhs tak balik terus .. jumpe auntie fauzana .. hantar die nye tudung yang dah siap .. seronok kawan tuhs;) hehehehehe .. then balik pegi USJ 16 dulu jumpe orang baru balik rumah .. siap2 terus gi Dinner for ma nyer birthday kat Ayuthia ;)
haihs .. seee .. gwe sangat la super duper busy .. bukan main2 k .. tak masuk hari rabu ag .. and TODAY !! wahhahahaha ..
MBA nye stuff pun belum setel .. dateline 12 Dec .. Business makin bagus Alhamdulillah :) walaupun busy and kerja sampai pukul 10 malam .. tapi kami memang nak business nie menjadi :)
Stuff for my trip this 15Dec dah setelkan bit by bit .. duit dah pergi tuka tadi kat Sg Wang .. jauh kan ? tapi untung . xpe la :) and gwe pun bawak quite a lot :p huhuhuh .. sampai kene suruh comet teman ok :)
hari nie je 3 customer datang .. Jualan je nearly 1k per nite :) Alhamdulillah .. sangat seronok bile macam nie :)
Harap2 sentiasa macam nie la kan ~Amin~
hari isnin jer dah banyak kerja yang kene buat kat Shell .. then lepas balik tuhs ingat boleh relex .. tapi kene pergi pulak tempat tailor .. stock banyak dah siap ..
so .. dari tempat tailor tuhs .. kami balik ke rumah .. ke tempat supplier laks .. nak cari kain Shantung Silk .. time tuhs dah kul 630 .. my mama cannot semayang .. so sonok :p hahahahah ..
abis jer cari material .. kami ke Kelana Jaya pulak .. hantar barang2 yang kak zana order from us .. and die beli lagi extra .. heheheh .. mmg aku kuat nak menghasut .. die je dah beli 9 helai tudung2 tuhs :p
so sampai rumah dah kul 10 malam rasenye .. memang dah penatttttt ..
tuesday laks .. coz sekarang early of the month .. kerja sangat bertimbun .. Local Acc Tisa tak buat lagi .. Credit supplier tak kire lagi .. tak balance kan ngan CN sme .. hohohoh .. pagi2 dah kene pegi bank .. clear cheque and all ..
sampai je tiraz .. terus buat kerja .. sampai la kul 2 baru siap .. then straight kira Local Account .. sampai la pukul 2.30 .. amik2 duit collection .. then straight amik cuppies for ma nye birthday .. and cake ..
sampai je rumah .. ma potong kek .. kami terus keluar .. jumpa tailor lagi .. wahhahaha .. sesungguhnya pinggang ku macam mau patah :p tapi business punya pasal ;P hahahahah ..
balik tuhs tak balik terus .. jumpe auntie fauzana .. hantar die nye tudung yang dah siap .. seronok kawan tuhs;) hehehehehe .. then balik pegi USJ 16 dulu jumpe orang baru balik rumah .. siap2 terus gi Dinner for ma nyer birthday kat Ayuthia ;)
haihs .. seee .. gwe sangat la super duper busy .. bukan main2 k .. tak masuk hari rabu ag .. and TODAY !! wahhahahaha ..
MBA nye stuff pun belum setel .. dateline 12 Dec .. Business makin bagus Alhamdulillah :) walaupun busy and kerja sampai pukul 10 malam .. tapi kami memang nak business nie menjadi :)
Stuff for my trip this 15Dec dah setelkan bit by bit .. duit dah pergi tuka tadi kat Sg Wang .. jauh kan ? tapi untung . xpe la :) and gwe pun bawak quite a lot :p huhuhuh .. sampai kene suruh comet teman ok :)
hari nie je 3 customer datang .. Jualan je nearly 1k per nite :) Alhamdulillah .. sangat seronok bile macam nie :)
Harap2 sentiasa macam nie la kan ~Amin~
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
SOW3 Graduation Dinner

So on Sunday .. Shell Academy and Pioneer Prudential buat satu dinner for all of us .. it was fun .. the food was great .. kami ?? sibuk take picca dari makan oke !! sangat banyak x abis makan .. suatu pembaziran ..
Me go with comet .. heheheh .. die la seronok .. dah la satu hari x makan coz training .. so dapat tuhs buffet lak .. ape lagi .. pusing pusing pusing dan pusing .. heheheheheh .. asyik makan jer :p tapi surprisingly .. tak banyak gax die makan .. haihs .. i wish i can eat a lots more .. *coz dlm date2 makan tahap melampau / menterkedarah .. * (paham x ehs? :p ) tapi malu2 kucing . hahahahah ..
Dinner dekat Concorde Shah ALam .. haihs .. really like the mashed potato *now i love mashed potato .. entah .. suka je nak makan mashed potato .. mesti alia terkejut .. dulu aku menyumpah2 mashed potato .. kat william pun tak mo makan :p *
Kak Zana, Kak Zue, Me, Kak Lina, Huda, Kak Is, Kak Sherry n Kak Ira

Comet, Kak Lina@Kak Zue Daughter, Me, Kak Ira, Goy, Huda, Ch'ng, Bob, Pakcik Anuar
P/s : Nampak Grand Ballroom kat sana .. wahs .. sungguh cantik dan menarik . boleh muat 55 meja .. so boleh muat 550 orang .. tapi kalau dewan Khai + Rosma tuhs .. boleh muat 110 meja .. which is 1100 orang .. wahahahahhaha .. giloz :D
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Yang Mana Satu
Yang Mana Satu .. Idaman Kalbu ? :p
hehehehe .. oke .. for like 6 month .. this is the only thing that was in my mind ..
Abah janji to get me a new car as i start working with them and i was sooo head over heels with this one ..

And i am sooo sure of what i want till i saw this last thursday on the road!!!

Ma semalam tetiba tanya .. "Adik .. selain Caldina .. keta apa that u like? "
and i was like "whoaaa * baru je cakap ngan mie pasal other option* " ..
Then i was like "Why ?? "
"Ma rasa Caldina is tooo big laa .. so any other option?"
"Mitsubishi Lancer ???? :D new oneeeee "
"Macam mana tuhs ?? "
"Macam Evo abang .. much nicer .. bukan evo .. tapi macam evo .. santekkkkkk"
"Ok .. how much ?? "
"erkkksss ... tak tauuuuu .. sat tanya fren .. "
"Nape tak suh abang jer?"
"Nanti die sabotajjjj "
"Huhs ?? "
Me n Comet looking at each other and was laughing like helll .. sempat gax kene marah ngan ma .. hahahahahahhaha
So tengah pening .. tanya bobby .. Bobby said took beemer 3 series *which soo out of topic* .. Comet ?? at first he ask me to take the Caldina as that the thing that i want from start .. but then there's another car in my mind which is Mazda 6 tapi .. pikir spare part is it easy ??
But then abang pernah cakap "why toyota caldina ?? aku tak tahu mana nak cari spare part if anything goes wrong .. " And me .. Jatuh cinta pandangan pertama to the Lancer GT 2.0 when i saw it ... :D hahahahhahahahaha
and oh yeash . to all of u .. i WONT BE SELLING MY UNGU VIOLET !! dream ON bebeh :D

This is my ungu violet .. been using her for 6 years next february :) the best car ever !!! :D so thats why i wont be selling her off :D
hehehehe .. oke .. for like 6 month .. this is the only thing that was in my mind ..
Abah janji to get me a new car as i start working with them and i was sooo head over heels with this one ..

Toyota Caldina GT4
And i am sooo sure of what i want till i saw this last thursday on the road!!!

Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT
Ma semalam tetiba tanya .. "Adik .. selain Caldina .. keta apa that u like? "
and i was like "whoaaa * baru je cakap ngan mie pasal other option* " ..
Then i was like "Why ?? "
"Ma rasa Caldina is tooo big laa .. so any other option?"
"Mitsubishi Lancer ???? :D new oneeeee "
"Macam mana tuhs ?? "
"Macam Evo abang .. much nicer .. bukan evo .. tapi macam evo .. santekkkkkk"
"Ok .. how much ?? "
"erkkksss ... tak tauuuuu .. sat tanya fren .. "
"Nape tak suh abang jer?"
"Nanti die sabotajjjj "
"Huhs ?? "
Me n Comet looking at each other and was laughing like helll .. sempat gax kene marah ngan ma .. hahahahahahhaha
So tengah pening .. tanya bobby .. Bobby said took beemer 3 series *which soo out of topic* .. Comet ?? at first he ask me to take the Caldina as that the thing that i want from start .. but then there's another car in my mind which is Mazda 6 tapi .. pikir spare part is it easy ??
But then abang pernah cakap "why toyota caldina ?? aku tak tahu mana nak cari spare part if anything goes wrong .. " And me .. Jatuh cinta pandangan pertama to the Lancer GT 2.0 when i saw it ... :D hahahahhahahahaha
and oh yeash . to all of u .. i WONT BE SELLING MY UNGU VIOLET !! dream ON bebeh :D

This is my ungu violet .. been using her for 6 years next february :) the best car ever !!! :D so thats why i wont be selling her off :D
Selamat Pengantin Baru Eiza + Zamri , Sab + Zul
Semalam Pergi Muar for Eiza wedding .. sesungguhnya kami sesat barat coz tak reti and tak paham MAP .. bile sampai .. Eiza pun cakap Map die memang ade sikit tak betul .. warghhhhhh .. stress .. hahahahahahhaa
But then .. it was a nice one .. adat2 JOhor die ikut which make me go "gaga" .. huhuhuhuh .. Tol and baling Syiling and Zapin semua ada ..
By 2.30 i cant take the packness and the hotness .. so ambil keputusan nak balik as ada another wedding to attend .. which in Sri Petaling ..
Sampai rumah mie cakap tak nak pegi Wedding his friend kat Sri Petaling .. Aku ok jer la kann .. tiba2 kul 8 he call me and said "need to go .. semua paksa pegi" ..
So dengan kelam kabut .. basuh2 muka .. pakai make up .. pakai baju .. and chow ..
Haihs .. sib baik Flow nye wedding .. kalau Seating !! memang malu :p

This is Sab and Zul .. SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU !! :D
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tagging Game *interesting*
Tagging game!
Post your name and I will do each of the following:
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll pick a color I feel suits you.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.(if possible. If not, I'll say something that only makes sense to me.)
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8. I'll tell you my favorite thing about you.
9. I'll tell you my least favorite thing about you.
10. If you play, you MUST post this on yours
Post your name and I will do each of the following:
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll pick a color I feel suits you.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.(if possible. If not, I'll say something that only makes sense to me.)
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8. I'll tell you my favorite thing about you.
9. I'll tell you my least favorite thing about you.
10. If you play, you MUST post this on yours
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Dusun Eco Resort
So i told u guys that i'll be off for 3 days aite .. well dah lebih dari 3 hari kan .. hahahahaha .. lepas the Dusun Eco .. im tooo tired to even updated my blog ..
So this what roughly happen ..
1st day ..
We assemble at the academy around 730am .. 830am kami semua gerak to Dusun Eco Resort, Bentong, Pahang ..
Reach there around 1030am .. kami tunggu the transport nak bawak naik atas je dah lama ..
Sampai je we had class ngan Wan .. our academy trainer .. more on self development and getting to know urself ..
Class end at 11pm .. and siap2 tido coz we need to woke up at 615am in the morning for morning excercise ..
2nd Day
Woke up at 615 am .. and mandi2 .. tell u .. air die macam air Ais . coz dari bukit .. or SUNGAI !! what do u expect from that kind of air at 6am in the morning ??
Siap2 .. 7am gather for morning excercise .. then after excercise we had our breakfast ..
After Breakfast .. terus naik Vietnam Bridge(jambatan gantung) *100m long 100feet high*iguess** and pegi for flying fox .. Flying fox is cool :p
Then after that .. we had a tea break and after that getting ready for the Obstacle and Kayak ..
Obstacle ade 10 .. ramai injured .. even me .. i fell from a 6 feet nye height .. nasib baik xde pape .. fall flat on my back .. but Kak Sherry nye ligamen koyak .. die cakap "akak ingat akak umur 16 .. luper dah tua .. hehehehe "
So after obstacle .. kami kene buat kayak .. which they gave us 3 Buluh, 4 tong plastik and 7 tali .. if our group ade 5 ppl .. sme kene naik kayak tuhs sampai ade kawasan tali and patah balik .. and untied all the thing and simpan balik ke tempat asal .. My team manage to do it in 23min2sec .. the fastest!!! :D
So lepas the kayak .. stop for lunch n prayers .. after that dah start buat JBA *Jangan buang Air*, Titanic, Minja Rescue, Menara and Bouncing Egg ..
For JBA we got third .. for Menara we got the highest and toughest .. for Bouncing Egg kami dapat full marks .. and for Minja Rescue kami average .. while Titanic kami dapat 2nd ..
Titanic nie .. meka buang botol dalam kolam and we need to find it .. botol tuhs half pasir half air .. so bile masuk dalam kolam .. die bergerak .. hahahaha .. memang sakit hati .. ade 30 .. kami dapat 23 .. while 1st dapat 24 ... damnnn
So lepas dah settel sme .. ready for tea break .. mandi and relex until 830 pm .. ade BBQ .. after BBq .. semua siap2 .. coz kul 930 .. nak buat night jungle trackking .. The thing that ramai takot is PACAT !! hahahah .. nasib baik kasut aku abah dah sembur Baygon ;) ngeeee ~~
So kul 930 kami assemble .. untuk pegi night jungle tracking nie .. tak semua boleh pergi .. only mane die rase cukup kuat .. so from 26 tuhs cume 20 je dapat .. kami masuk hutak pukul 1040 .. memang scary .. tak nampak apa .. coz the only yang pegang torchlight is trainer .. and kami nie ikut je .. me myself nak tergelincir je dah berkali2 .. kenny pulak kasut die licin .. so gwe duk jaga ..hahahah ..
And to make thing worst .. Hujan selebat-lebatnyaaa .. but then .. Alhamdulillah .. our team dapat buat fastest time coz kami kuar hutan safe and sound at 1230am !! trainer thought kami akan sampai bawah balik around 230am ..
So after the tracking .. En Murad who check kiteorg untuk tgk cukup kuat tak nak masuk hutan datang balik nak check kami bawak balik "ape2" tak .. my fren sorang terkena .. but tak lama .. sempat detect awal .. mmg lain die that nite .. huhuhuhuh
so lepas dah setel semua and badan dah penuh ngan tanah and lumpur .. lepak minum and makan skit and semua mandi .. after mandi melepak ngan the boys until 3am *mmg x sedar diri coz kul 615 kene bangun nieeee*
3rd day
bangun at 615 am .. kasut bawak 2 .. 2 2 dah basah .. 1 basah time kayak .. and 1 ag basah time jungle tracking .. so mmg je stress .. kaki malam tuhs sejuk.. sesejuknyeee .. so pagi tuhs mandi dah sejuk + hujan and pakai stocking and kasut .. so time excercise kaki cramp and lutut dislocated sekejap .. which i do myself utk elokkan balik .. after excercise .. pegi breakfast and siap2 for class motivation .. nasib baik that day until 12 jer .. semua dah lebam2 mata + letih n nantok .. hahahahah .. tapi boleh pulak pasang lagu Warisan - Sudirman .. nangis2 okeee !!!
after class and lunch .. konon2 nak tido .. memang x dapat jek .. bebudak laki ajak mandi kolam .. sampai kolak ade 7 boys and only me huda n kak zana je pempuan .. tapi selamber .. terjun juga .. siap main water polo pakai bola tenis .. hahahahaha
around 230 siap2 mandi and ready balik KL :)
it was fun !! seriusly .. eventho letihs .. but HELL LOTSA FUN !! hehehehe
Sunday, November 16, 2008
off for 3 days!!
hai gurls
Im gonna be away for 3 days starting today. Masuk hutan oke!! Jadi komander.hakhakhak..
Nah...masuk hutan for my s o w course. Hehehe.
Those yg nk order tudung sabar yeah.ill come back on tuesday.will reply u guys a.s.a.p.
Much thanks.
Im gonna be away for 3 days starting today. Masuk hutan oke!! Jadi komander.hakhakhak..
Nah...masuk hutan for my s o w course. Hehehe.
Those yg nk order tudung sabar yeah.ill come back on tuesday.will reply u guys a.s.a.p.
Much thanks.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Crystalite ;)
Do u guys realize that i always said we do put crystal for the tudung too .. this is what i meant ..

Colorful Crystal with Purple

Colorful Crystal with Purple
We had like 21 colour of crystal .. if u want to see all the colour .. u can check the purple tudung .. all 21 colours are there :)
Have fun and hope to hear from u guys son :)
Owhs yeahs .. im transferring all my tudung stuff to HERE coz i dont want my personal blog to be my sales blog .. hahahahaha ;)
Sorry for the inconvenience yeahs ;)
Have fun and hope to hear from u guys son :)
Owhs yeahs .. im transferring all my tudung stuff to HERE coz i dont want my personal blog to be my sales blog .. hahahahaha ;)
Sorry for the inconvenience yeahs ;)
Clearer Picture

Here's a clearer picture of the "kain corak" .. heheheh .. a few email me about this ..
FYI .. 1 pattern of kain ,, we can only make around 5 tudung .. NO 12 SOLD OUT YEAHS PPL :)
So make ur way and email me which one do u want ..
And yeahs .. i do need the 50% deposit too :) this is for a security reason yeahs :)
email me at :
Saturday, November 08, 2008
The stock are in !!

Stock kain for Tudung dah sampai .. Tudung macam mana say u ?? look here
email me at
email me at
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